Manfred by BYRON, George Gordon, Lord

Manfred is a dramatic poem in three acts by Lord Byron, and possibly a self confessional work. A noble, Manfred, is haunted by the memory of some unspeakable crime. In seeking for...

Law Student Podcast from Thomson Reuters

The Law Student Podcast from Thomson Reuters is a monthly podcast for students of law. Each month our Sweet & Maxwell and Westlaw UK authors and editors will give you outlines,...

Bernhards Und Manfreds Depperte Welt Der Schwerelosigkeit

Zwei Künstler in einer tristen Welt, plaudern darüber, wie sie Ihre Umgebung wahrnehmen oder wie sie sie wahrnehmen wollen.

Reflexões Sobre Grupos E Organizações: No Divã Com Manfred Kets De Vries

- Como empresas atingem o alto desempenho trabalhando o lado humano.- Guru em gestão e psicanálise, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries examina os conceitos de saúde organizacional,...

Manfred Yon {and His Half-hearted Bunch Of Podcasts}

Most would be happy with a single weekly podcast. Manfred Yon has several, released infrequently, when he can get it together. They are:How'd Ya Get That Gig: Talking to comedians...

Thomson Reuters: Down The Hall With Practical Law

Treatises, case law, Google. what do they have in common? When you need answers, none of these will get you started faster than walking down the hall to chat with an expert. Down...

Sharpen Your Edge - The Thomson Reuters Innovation Podcast Series

Discussions revolving around innovation with various experts from Thomson Reuters.

Blutige Karriereleiter - Kurzkrimi Aus Der Eifel (ungekürzt)

Eifel-Kurz-Krimi mit herrlich schwarzem Humor. Was ist da nur schiefgelaufen? Petrus kann es nicht fassen, als der Ex-Bundestagsabgeordnete Hans-Werner Rodenstrauch-Scholtes nach...

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