Lilac & Rose

Hey there! My name is Natalie. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) with additional certification in pelvic health therapy. I am also a Certified FertilityCare Practitioner...

Lila, a Cinderela de Bali

A história da Cinderela já foi contada de mil maneiras pelos quatro cantos do mundo, mas a escritora Cristina Villaça resolveu recontá-la ainda de outro jeito, um que...

Horizontal With Lila

horizontal is the podcast about intimacy (sex, love, and relationships of all kinds) that's entirely recorded while lying down.Many episodes are recorded at Hacienda Villa, a...

A Flor Lilás E Outros Contos

O livro contém dez contos escritos ao longo de 2017, sendo comum à maioria a referência espacial, com as cenas se desenrolando em Recife, Taquaritinga do Norte, Catimbau ou Rio...

Sandra, A Bromélia Lilás

Basta apenas amar, para ser feliz? Basta apenas querer ficar junto da pessoa amada? Sandra, a Bromélia Lilás relata o que o ser humano é capaz de fazer na luta pela conquista...

Sri Krishna Lila

Never before has the complete life of Krishna been told in a way that is so engaging and understandable, yet so faithful to the ancient epics of India. Spiritual seekers of all...


Empoderamiento: Recuperación del poder que cedimos a otras personas y situaciones de nuestra vida, el poder de cambiar qué pensamos, como nos sentimos, qué hacemos...


This is Roses, it's a brief story of the different memories I have of Roses and how they've become my favorite flowers.

Rose 2 Rose Podcast

ROSE 2 ROSE: Covering everything Bachelor (including Bachelorette/Bachelor Canada!) and reality TV.REEL 2 REEL: Building up and ripping apart actors, movie by movie. Check all...

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