Kristin Marley's posts

Kristin Marleys recent posts to

Persönliche Krisen Meistern

MEISTER DEINE PERSÖNLICHE KRISE!Erfahre warum erfolgreiche Menschen mit ihren Krisen leichter umgehen oder augenscheinlich gar keine haben! Wie DU DEINE Krise als Chance für...

Kristina Salazar

Welcome to truths told and where real opinions matter. Whether it may be about an epic brawl between chicks or any other interesting topics can be discussed. I'm Kristina Salazar...

Kristian Macfarlane

Thoughts, people and what I’m learning about on the journey!

Kristian Black

Kristian Black is a composer, producer of electronic music and remix-maker.

Tom & Kristine

Talking about our lives after being married 3 day.

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