Kage Summit

Kage Summit is what happens when random people each week get together to talk about anime. Brought to you by blerdsonline.com

Mondo Kanye

Mondo Kanye is a podcast feed about the forgotten, dismissed, and obscure side of pop culture. Whether discussing music, movies, TV, pro wrestling, or anything really, Mondo Kanye...

Kaya Solo

Vse o mojem dvajstnikem ivljenju, kar ni za v video. No, se mi ne ljubi dat v video. Pa tudi malce bolj sproeno, z raznimi gosti, o marsikateri zgodbi.

Jendela Kayu

Jendela: alat untuk melihat keluar, kayu: bahan alami dari alam. "Jendela Kayu" alat untuk melihat kehidupanmu di luar sana dengan pikiran yang alami tanpa bercampur dengan...


A Creative. A Voice. Let me share it with you.

Xealots: Defying The Gravity Of Normality

Life is the opposite of what you think it is. We rely heavily on strength assessments to determine clarity of direction. However, it’s often not in the how we find life but in...

Fat Girl Walking

Dear person holding Fat Girl WalkingFirst of all, thanks for picking up this copy of my first book. I hope you buy it—and not just because each purchase gets me one step...

The Clothes Make The Girl (look Fat)?: Adventures And Agonies In Fashion

A sartorial follow-up to her hilarious memoir in stories, Fat Girl Walking, internet personality Brittany Gibbons once again deep dives into the world of the plus size woman, this...

Relógio De Estrelas: A Mariposa Das Sombras

Imogen adora aventuras. Mas sua irmã mais nova, Marie, sempre encontra um jeito de estragar tudo. Um dia, durante uma brincadeira, elas seguem uma mariposa que as leva até uma...

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