
Em Albuquerque, o autor nos leva a um vilarejo quase sempre frio, assolado pelo vento constante e algum calor nos meses de verão. Um lugar insólito, antigo entreposto de pesca...

Juliana Lavell

Welcome to Juliana Lavell, where amazing things happen.

Juliana Ribeiro

Psicanalista e escritora | Ajudando a restaurar e curar emocionalmente pessoas | Pastora da I.E.Q. | Whatsapp: (31) 3292-7076

Valéria Albuquerque

Olá, ouça os meus áudios diários! #Desafio8Semanas

Juliana Zainal Aznam

Welcome to the Juliana Zainal Aznam podcast, where amazing things happen.

Albuquerque Reformed Church

Christ Centered Preaching by Pastor John Hunt from Albuquerque Reformed Church - OPC

Albuquerque Business Podcast

This is the Albuquerque Business Podcast with your host Jason Rigby. Each week we interview leading local business leaders to inspire the vision and the spirit that is in every...

Hope Church Albuquerque Westside Sermons

We are a congregation of Hope Church located in Albuquerques Westside, dedicated to serving our neighbors and coming together as people interested in an honest conversation about...

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