Biztalk With Bill Roy

The Wichita Business Journal is the leading source of business news in the Wichita area. Every Friday well bring you an in depth interview with local business leaders that you...

Roy Bright Ministries Podcast

Bishop Bright teaches the Word of God in a real and relevant way. This podcast will absolutely change your life.

Rob Roy by SCOTT, Sir Walter

Rob Roy is a historical novel by Walter Scott. It is narrated by Frank Osbaldistone, the son of an English merchant who travels first to the North of England, and subsequently to...

Sagemont Church, Houston, Tx - Roy Guel

Sermones semanales del reverendo Roy Guel, pastor español de la Iglesia Sagemont en Houston, Texas.

Jacques Rancière E A Revolução Silenciosa Da Literatura

Partindo do estatuto da literatura e da escrita na obra de Jacques Rancière, este livro discorre sobre a "revolução silenciosa", expressão cunhada pelo filósofo para...

Linguagem E Epifania Na Psicanálise De Jacques Lacan

A epifania pode ser compreendida como uma experiência imediata com o Sagrado. Tais experiências se revelam enigmáticas e sua presença aparece de forma perene na história das...

Confessions By Jean-jacques Rousseau

Considered to mark the emergence of a new literary form, the unvarnished autobiography, Confessions by Jean-Jacques Rousseau was first published in 1782, four years after his...

Jacques Offenbach, Cancan & Co. | rbbKultur

Er hat es nicht nur geschafft, ein neues Musikgenre zu erfinden, sondern ist auch der unübertroffene Meister der Operette geblieben. Viele seiner Melodien sind Dauerbrenner,...

Van der Jacques - KEXXX FM

???????? KEXXX FM : - ?? ???? ??????? ?????-??????????, ??? ?????? - ? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????? ??? ?????????, ??????...

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