The Old Church Bell

In a little house in Marbach, on the banks of the Necker river, lived a poor family. The day that their son was born, the church’s bell was rung to celebrate the newborn’s...

The Story Of A Mother

A child is gravely ill and his mother has already spent three nights at his bedside. Then, a strange man knocks on the door and she bids him enter to shelter from the cold. But,...

The Ice Maiden

Rudy lived close to the little town of Grindelwald in Switzerland. He lived with his uncle as his parents were both dead. Indeed, Rudy himself had almost died at the same time as...

What One Can Invent

Once upon a time, a young man dreamed of becoming a writer and making a living from his pen. But there was a problem. The writers of the previous centuries had already exhausted...

The Racers

One day, a competition was organised: the fastest would be awarded first price. The jury gave first prize to the hare and second prize was awarded to the snail. Long debates...

The Sweethearts

A top and a ball lived in the same toy drawer and the top wanted to marry the ball, but the ball felt differently.

As Velas

A vela de castiçal, feita de sebo, não é tão refinada quanto a vela, feita de cera. Não há dúvidas de que a vela terá a honra de iluminar o salão de baile esta noite....

João Bobo

A filha do rei decidiu se casar com o homem que conseguisse expressar melhor suas palavras. Dois irmãos, preparados e cheios de esperança, partiram para pedir sua mão quando,...

É A Pura Verdade!

Uma noite, em um galinheiro, algo terrível aconteceu. A história se espalhou de uma ponta a outra da cidade, de galinha a coruja, de coruja a pombo e de coruja a morcego. Mas,...

O Elfo

Na roseira no meio do jardim morava um pequeno elfo. Ele era tão pequeno que era impossível vê-lo a olho nu. Atrás de cada pétala de rosa se esconde um espaço e o elfo...

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