Carol Duncan - Novopod

A selection of interviews and features from my radio career.

Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates is one of America's most prolific and respected authors. She has distinguished herself in the academic world as teacher and critic, while earning a fortune...

Dr. Carol Francis

***Make Life Happen***Effectively tackle the issues and opportunities of your life by listening to professionals, authors, success stories and psychologists on a broad range of...

Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates is one of America's most prolific and respected authors. She has distinguished herself in the academic world as teacher and critic, while earning a fortune...

Shaw Inspires Radio

Social entrepreneur Larry Shaw will talk about current topics and top priorities in communities. This show is to inspire its listeners to become socially conscious, then socially...

Podcasts Philip Shaw

If you are interested in Agriculture, Business, Farming, or Journalism subscribe to Philip Shaw's weekly Podcast. Philip Shaw's work is published across Canada and the United...

Pigmalião - Bernard Shaw

George Bernard Shaw, nascido na Irlanda em 1856, foi um dramaturgo, romancista, contista, ensaísta e jornalista irlandês. Autor de comédias satíricas de espírito irreverente...

O Diário De Anne Frank

O diário de Anne Frank expande oferece uma visão completa e precisa da terrível odisseia vivida durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial pela família Frank.Um testemunho único sobre...

A História De Anne Frank

Anne Frank era uma jovem judia que viveu durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando pessoas como ela foram perseguidas pelo simples fato de seguirem a religião judaica. Para tentar...

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