Blonde Ambtion - Book Four - The Art Of The Bad Deal

He wants the World to think he's a winner. Because in his heart - he knows he's a loser. With very few exceptions, the business career of Donald Trump is an unbroken string of...

Trump 2024 - The Ultimate Nightmare

Trump 2024 - The ultimate nightmare. That's what some are calling the prospect of another four years of Donald Trump as President.Certainly, whichever side of the political...

Augmented Reality - Robots Rule - Book 9

Augmented Reality. It's not just the wave of the future. It's the raging current of the present. It fuels chatbots on your favorite retail shopping site, it lets you see how...

Virtual Reality - Robots Rule Book Four

Virtual Reality. What is it, really? And what can it do for us? These are the questions investigative journalist Atherton Cooper addressed over 6 months of probing with industry...

Virtual Reality - Robots Rule Book Five

Virtual Reality. It can take you to Worlds you've never imagined. It can also cause severe seizures, eye and muscle twitches and blackouts. And that's just the TIP of the VR...


It's a new kind of money. But you can't see it or touch it. Thats becasue it's invisible. It also changes in value hourly. And that value is determined not by a government, or a...

Crypto Cowboys - Rounding Up Your Money

Crypto Cowboys. The don't ride horses.They don't wear Stetsons. But they do ride the range and round up cows. Their range is the internet. And the cows the rope are "cash cows."...

Artifical Intelligence - Robots Rule Book One

Robots Rule. That seems to be the mantra of the cascading digital wave of Artifical Intelligence, doesn't it? But are robots here to hurt us? or help us? These are the questions...

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