The Last Apprentice series follows the terrifying adventures of the Spook's apprentice, Thomas Ward. But Tom's is only one story. There are others. . . . The Spook himself was...
Anne Rivers Siddons invites you into her home and her heartIn this collection of heartfelt and involving vignettes, Anne Rivers Siddons--the beloved bestselling author of...
I'm marooned.Abandoned.Left to rot in boarding school . . . Viola doesn't want to go to boarding school, but somehow she ends up at an all-girls school in South Bend, Indiana,...
“[Twain] was, in the phrase of his friend William Dean Howells, ‘the Lincoln of our literature’... At the heart of his work lies that greatest of all American...
Get this, I'm supposed to be starting a journal about "my journey." Please. I can see it now: Dear Diary, As I'm set adrift on this crazy sea called "life" . . . I don't think so....
For readers of John O’Hurley’s It’s Okay to Miss the Bed on the First Jump and Chelsea Handler’s Are You There, Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea, Daytime...
“With eloquence, wit, passion, and irony, The American Future traces the history of an idea: that of our national destiny….A book of beautiful writing, peppered with...
In the night-still canyons of the Arizona desert, a girl is on the run. Alone but for her beloved red-tailed hawk, she flees from the dark shadows of her young life, the horror...
I Shudder is a side-splittingly funny collection of essays from Paul Rudnick, one of America’s preeminent humorists. Rudnick, who writes for The New Yorker and has written...
Will anyone take on Jake Semple?Jake Semple is notorious. Rumor has it he burned down his old school and got kicked out of every school in his home state.Only one place will take...