


This podcast is for boss ass bitches who are looking for an alternative to hustle, burnout, hiding parts of who they are, and playing by rules created by men for men. Some fabulous guests and I will teach you each week about your super power as a woman (pussy - both physical + energetic) and how to use it to create more pleasure and profit in business and a life that’s legit better IRL than on IG. The truth is, pussy always creates more profit. Wanna learn how? Subscribe and tune in weekly! Real, raw, hilarious and helpful. If you aren’t saying ‘hell yes!’ or ‘wait...WTF?!’ on the reg, I’m not doing my job.


  • are you focusing on the right phase in your social media?

    04/10/2022 Duración: 52min

    I’ve used social media to grow my business to $3.5 million (so ya, I fucking love social media). BUT I know it doesn’t always feel like this amazing, powerful tool when you don’t know how to use it, when your posts aren’t getting engagement, or when you’re not making sales.  That’s why this week, I’m diving into the three phases of social media and everything you need to know about them so you can start making social media work for you and take your biz to the next level. I dive into: The THREE phases of social media (and the one you want to spend majority of your time in) How to do your own social media audit to figure out what needs to be tweaked  Why my #1 focus is NOT on growth in my 7-figure biz A breakdown of the growth phase - borrowing other audiences, bigger is not always better, and more! The phase that makes it easier to launch & sell your shit and why I want you to nail down a strategy for it Some advice if failure to convert has taken you out of the game before And more   Social Media Seduc

  • boss bitch affirmations

    27/09/2022 Duración: 12min

    I’m a bitch who…gives you new affirmation recordings!! Today, I’m back with more juicy boss bitch affirmations to help you deal with the hard stuff in your life & biz. Soak this shit in & come back to it as many times as you want - I trust that each time you will hear exactly what you need.   Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamotherfuckingwells/

  • my #1 hack to getting results

    20/09/2022 Duración: 54min

    How comfortable are you with doing things messy? I know how weird this can feel at first (to just DO the thing and let the mess & imperfection be part of it), but to have what you want - you have to do uncomfortable things.  This week, I’m sharing my #1 hack to getting results, all the details on how I play with mess & imperfection to stay in the game, and the practical ways you can leave room for more mess in your life & biz so you can start seeing more juicy results. I dive into: My #1 hack to getting results (this is THE thing every boss bitch needs!) Why I like to set sprints once I have a juicy goal - and how to do this in your own life or biz How to NOT make it mean anything, BUT still show the fuck up for the thing A quick run through all the sprints I’ve taken to get the man, the million & the waistline Giving yourself grace vs. buying into your own bullshit Examples of how I’ve fucked up in my own biz (and cleaned up the mess) And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook grou

  • a peek into my next goal (and how it can help you crush yours)

    13/09/2022 Duración: 49min

    Whether it’s the man, the million, or the waistline - I’ve discovered a juicy combination of mindset, energetics, pleasure & practical steps that helps me reach my biggest goals.  It’s been a process of studying what works - and showing up for it over and over again. But it won’t look exactly the same for all of us. And that’s why I’m breaking my next goal down into parts for you on this week’s episode - because crushing your next goal doesn’t have to be complicated, you just need to find a strategy that works best for YOU and your biz.   Ready for the tools that got me the man and the milly (and will get me the waistline too)? Join me for all the juicy nuggets.  I dive into: My process for getting the man, the million & the waistline (and how to apply these tools to any juicy goal you have for your life or biz) Why I choose to go all-in on ONE thing at a time The steps to collapsing time around your next big goal How to know if you’re in the “getting ready to get ready” phase (and how to move on to

  • how my client turned her launch around and made 40k+

    05/09/2022 Duración: 32min

    My client’s launch just wasn’t going anywhere.  She was doing all the things - working her mindset, staying visible & creating touch points, even closing a couple sales - but ultimately she wasn’t getting the traction she wanted.  So how the fuck did we end up closing out her launch with over 40k in sales?!  Today, I’m sharing how one of my clients turned her launch around - and how these simple shifts can make a huge difference for you if you’re feeling stuck in a launch that isn’t going the way you want it to.  I dive into: How we took my client’s launch from a few sales & no traction - to 40k+ in sales! Some of the MOST IMPORTANT things to consider around the topic of your launch (especially if it’s new to your audience) One of the BIGGEST factors in this turnaround - and why this will be a game-changer for your launch What you need to be willing to say so you can sell more during your launch How to have slowed down, spacious launches (I promise, they’re possible) And more The Pleasure & Pr

  • I challenged my clients to make 18k this month - here’s what happened

    30/08/2022 Duración: 26min

    What are the big things that take you out in your business? Whether it’s overwhelm that leads to inconsistency, or just fear of actually having the thing that you want - figuring out these patterns and how to get better at managing them can change the whole fucking game.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing what happened when I challenged my clients to make 18k this month and how this kind of sprint can actually help you move through some of your biggest patterns to create an opening for juicy life and biz results.  I dive into: Why I challenged my clients to this “containered sprint” (and what happened!) How to recognize the most unhelpful patterns in your biz - and shift them Building the mindset you need to reach your juiciest goals And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamotherfuckingwells/

  • why we won’t shut up about liberation work

    23/08/2022 Duración: 59min

    That hella authentic girl living her best life, free to run her business with bold & unapologetic energy - she’s done some deep work to make it possible.   And that’s why we won’t shut up about liberation! Because liberation work is the work, pleasure people. It will help you show up as your full fucking self in your life & business so you can really dig into your magic and make the juicy impact you want to make.  So, are you ready for your liberation journey? Don’t miss this crossover episode with Weeze (two years in the making!) because we are so fucking excited to talk all things liberation, and introduce what we’ve created for you. We dive into: Liberation work personally v. professionally (and how that’s looked for us) 2 questions to ask yourself around socialized & conditioned expectations so you can get what you REALLY want Introducing our juicy offering, two years in the making!! What Weeze and I wish we knew first starting out - and how this can help you in your life & biz And more

  • how I run a 7-figure biz selling one thing each month

    16/08/2022 Duración: 51min

    Feel like you’re stuck in a loop of panic selling? Or maybe you haven’t nailed down a strategy that actually works and you have multiple products in your suite that aren’t selling?  I have some juicy shit to share that’s worked for me in my biz and can help you think a little differently about how you want to sell in yours.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing how it’s possible to build a 7-figure business by selling ONE thing a month, why I shifted to this model (after years of not making any money), and some of the BIGGEST things you need to consider when choosing the model you use to scale your biz.  I dive into: Selling multiple products/offers v. selling ONE thing at a time The MOST IMPORTANT things to consider when choosing a model to scale your biz Monthly recurring revenue v. pay-in-fulls - is one better than the other? Why you might need to stop selling (and deal with THIS instead) Creating a rinse and repeat model that works for EVERY single thing you sell Hiring team before you’re “ready” (and how to

  • the part of growth nobody talks about

    09/08/2022 Duración: 38min

    Your biz is growing! But here’s the thing about growth - It brings up A LOT of shit. So, learning how to hold all the complicated stuff that comes with scaling is super important.  (But don’t worry, that’s what we do here!) In today’s episode, Grief & Sensuality Coach, Sara Chizek, joins me for a conversation about the part of growth nobody really talks about - grief. We get into the different ways grief could be showing up for you, the tools you can use to prepare for & process the inevitable grief that comes with scaling, and how to turn your grief into power and fuel for your biz. We dive into: Grief as a companion to growth - some simple ways to prepare for and process it How grief could be showing up for you in your coaching biz (and what to do about it) One of the BEST accelerants to moving grief through the body Tools to help you get started if you’re not ready to dive head first into your grief Overcoming launch grief (yes, it’s a thing!) And more Connect with Sara:  IG: https://www.instag

  • I’m pissed, so let’s talk about it

    02/08/2022 Duración: 27min

    Making some money in your biz, but have nothing to show for it? You’re burnt out, taking no time off, feeling weighed down by debt… There is a better fucking way!  In today’s episode, I want to talk about why the coaching industry has me so pissed off and the practical ways for you to get out of the industry trap of making more money just to spend more of it. Ready for a real ass conversation around wealth, money stabilization, and how to get your money working for you?  Let’s talk about passive income and how to actually have and grow a strong, healthy, pleasurable, AND sustainable coaching biz. I dive into: Why I’m pissed at our industry (and what needs to change!) How to build a sustainable coaching biz 6 months, 5 years, 10 years out! Saving/investing/donating - why you need to start soon & small Making more to spend more (and how to get out of this fucking trap!) Passive income in the coaching industry And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/g

  • is it time to protect your biz?

    27/07/2022 Duración: 45min

    A lot of coaches put off getting contracts or trademarks until something bad happens, DON’T be that person! I know it's not always the most fun or the sexiest topic, but it definitely is one of the most important.   In today’s episode, I’m joined by legal goddess Sarah Waldbuesser of Destination Legal and we're going to talk about how to protect your Pussy Based Business® BEFORE something bad happens.   Whether you’re trying to sell your first package or have already been in business a while, we will help you get clear on what you need without overcomplicating it.    We dive into:   The BEST questions to ask yourself to determine if it’s the right time to trademark your intellectual property Different types of contracts to look into for your business and website  Sarah’s ‘gut-punch’ check that you can do right now The power behind trademarks and how they can benefit business  How sharing log-ins or contracts with friends can end up costing you money  A huge red flag in the industry (and what you should look

  • a vulnerable P-School launch BTS

    19/07/2022 Duración: 44min

    The same strategy, mindset & pleasure tools I teach my clients - I use in my own biz.  And I’ve used them over and over again to launch my own programs and build a biz that deeply serves my juicy AF clients and makes me fuck tons of money (I brag!) BUT this time around, things just weren’t going the way I wanted during my P-School launch (uh oh!) - and I had to make some changes. So, what was the problem? And how did I shift things? Today, I’m sharing all the juicy, vulnerable shit from my recent launch, what went wrong, and what I did to turn it around. Because none of us are immune to the messier bits of launching, and I want to show you how that really looks inside my biz so you can pick up some nuggets for when shit just isn’t going right in yours.  I dive into: The real BTS of my recent P-School launch (what went wrong & how I fixed it) How I processed smaller numbers in this launch compared to my others Why I push THESE edges when I’m launching (and what they help me do) How to know if you’re d

  • for when your launch isn't going as planned

    12/07/2022 Duración: 52min

    You want a successful launch filled with pleasure & ease (yes, please)! But in the early days of your biz, or when your launch isn’t going as planned - your brain will convince you it’s impossible. Especially if you have no evidence that it is actually possible for you. I’m here to share the juicy truth that there is a magic to launching. And it will keep you in the game feeling satisfied and confident that your humans are coming and that your shit is going to sell.  So, what’s the magic? Detach, trust, and show. the. fuck. up.  In today’s episode, I’m going BTS of my recent p-school launch to show you the real deal process of what it looks like to have a successful, pussified launch - while dealing with all the real-life shit & human moments that will ALWAYS come up.  I dive into: A real BTS look at my recent launch & how I moved through all the shit that came up Some of the BIGGEST lessons I’ve learned as I continue to scale my biz How I shifted from ‘entitled brat’ to gratitude during this lau

  • Strategy v. Energetics - which one will take you further?

    05/07/2022 Duración: 33min

    I want you to stop thinking that you have to be someone other than YOU to get to that next level in your biz.  You have everything you need to make that first 10k month, or to reach that juicy multiple 6-figures. You just have to learn where to focus your time and energy.  Because knowing what your business needs to move forward in a way that feels really good - that’s pussy based business. And that’s what we’re interested in here, right?! In today’s episode, I’m breaking down strategy v. energetics - and how to assess which will take your biz farther. Ready to assess what your business really needs (strategy, mindset, or energetics?) and how to do that shit really fucking well so you can incubate & execute the next level of your biz? I dive into: Strategy v. energetics - which one will take you further? The secret weapon that will serve you more than anything else in your biz One of the most important things my 6-figure & 7-figure clients have in common Pussy based business basics - what they are an

  • speed up results with this 1 shift

    28/06/2022 Duración: 28min

    When it’s time to reach for a goal or desire, you need to remember one thing -  The when & the how don’t fucking matter!  And I know that detaching from the outcome can sometimes feel like giving up or slowing down, but the truth is - it will actually change the fucking game for you. In today’s episode, I’m diving deep into the 1 shift you can make in your biz to speed up your results and how it will empower you to show up for every goal as the badass CEO who can handle anything that comes her way.  I dive into: The #1 shift you can make in your biz to collapse time around your results What helps me make the MOST significant shifts in my mindset when things just aren’t fucking working Why I want you to learn THIS in your biz (and what you have to let go of to do it!) And more Join us in P-School! https://www.juliacwells.com/pschool Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamotherfucki

  • is disappointment your magic weapon?

    14/06/2022 Duración: 23min

    If disappointment can’t take down your business - nothing can.  It’s true. Because disappointment is just part of the game. And learning to deal with it? Well, that is the KEY to getting unstuck, to stop playing small - and for your business to feel so much fucking easier.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing the tools I use to navigate disappointment in my biz (this has seriously changed everything for me!) and how to do it from a super empowered place so you can start using disappointment as the weapon to create anything you fucking want.  Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamotherfuckingwells/

  • team jmfw, then and now

    07/06/2022 Duración: 40min

    You’re trying to grow your biz.  But the tasks keep piling up and you find yourself doing way too many things outside your zone of genius - sound familiar? Well, it’s probably time to hire team! But like anything else in pussified biz, there is a way to do it with ease and pleasure - Hire slow. Hire early. Hire small. In today’s episode, I’m breaking down the hiring model we use at team jmfw and how it’s changed from the early days of my biz. Ready for all the juicy nuggets you need to start hiring, leading & retaining a bomb-ass team? I dive into: A full breakdown of team jmfw - then and now The hiring model you need to start hiring team that will support your biz and scale with you What leads to over-hiring in biz (and why you need to avoid this!) How hiring early, slow & small will make the difference for your team And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamotherfuckin

  • how to create messaging that converts

    31/05/2022 Duración: 53min

    If you’re not seeing the results you want in your biz, you’re probably getting out-marketed.  This doesn’t mean what you’re offering isn’t amazing. It just means you probably aren’t as good at telling your people what to do. And to sell & scale, you need to get good at this. But don’t worry too much - because I can teach you! In today’s episode, we’re diving into your messaging - where it’s breaking down & getting overcomplicated, and some gold nuggets to help you stop spinning your wheels and create messaging that converts so you can scale and grow your biz with ease.  I dive into: How to shift your thinking around messaging to see more sales Why I want you to STOP assuming THIS about your audience (this is the fucking game-changer!) Where your messaging really begins - and how to use these early touchpoints to convert Some examples and practical tips around embodying your messaging to make more sales And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/gr

  • 5 sneaky ways we block sales

    24/05/2022 Duración: 26min

    Whether you’re struggling to get your first (or second, or third) client, or you’re in a phase of scaling your biz - there are some sneaky little pitfalls that are probably blocking you from making more sales.  Don’t worry, this shit happens to all of us. And I have found myself blocking sales in all of these ways. But after four years of struggling in my biz, I realized some really important shit around selling that changed the motherfucking game! In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 5 biggest ways I see us practically & energetically blocking new clients - and how to evaluate your biz around these so you can start making more sales right now.  I dive into: The 5 sneaky ways you could be blocking sales in your biz - and how to stop! Why you might want to punch me in the face for this one (and why you need to hear it) What’s probably happening in your biz if you’re scared to sell ONE simple change you can make to your messaging to make more sales And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group,

  • CEO affirmations

    17/05/2022 Duración: 08min

    Sometimes you just need a reminder that you know how to run your business. That you can do hard shit.  You just need to decide (over and over and over again) that you are the motherfucking CEO of your company and you know what it needs.  Today, I’m sharing some CEO boss bitch affirmations that you can listen to on repeat until the shit sinks in. Because sometimes you just need a reminder of your power - and that you got this.   Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

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