


This podcast is for boss ass bitches who are looking for an alternative to hustle, burnout, hiding parts of who they are, and playing by rules created by men for men. Some fabulous guests and I will teach you each week about your super power as a woman (pussy - both physical + energetic) and how to use it to create more pleasure and profit in business and a life that’s legit better IRL than on IG. The truth is, pussy always creates more profit. Wanna learn how? Subscribe and tune in weekly! Real, raw, hilarious and helpful. If you aren’t saying ‘hell yes!’ or ‘wait...WTF?!’ on the reg, I’m not doing my job.


  • my biggest marketing secret I’ve never shared

    21/02/2023 Duración: 36min

    There’s something I’ve gotten really, really good at in my business and that I still use when creating & promoting my programs (and I’ve never really shared it here before)!  It’s the art of getting the information you need to sell MORE.  This week, I break down my biggest marketing secret, how I’ve used it to sell with ease in my own biz, and how you can use it in yours to start selling more of your programs/offerings & continue to see better and better results each time.  Want to learn how to flip the market research game on its head? I dive into: My BIGGEST marketing tool - the art of getting the information you need to sell MORE A different way to look at market research that will help you get results Example of how I used this process to sell my current mastermind What to do if your launch doesn’t work again (hint: don’t throw it ALL away!!) The 3 questions you need to ask yourself if you want to sell out your next program And more   Join us in my Pussy Based Sales course: https://www.juliacwel

  • 5 beliefs I gave up to become a sales slut

    14/02/2023 Duración: 35min

    Hi hi my little sales slut. Ready to shift some of the unhelpful sales beliefs that are keeping you stuck?  In today’s episode, I’m diving into the 5 beliefs I gave up to become a sales slut and how you can move into a lot more action in your biz around sales to actually start booking more calls & seeing more results!! These are seriously some of the most potent tools & practices you can use to make more sales in your business - you don’t wanna miss this one.  I dive into: The 5 beliefs that were keeping me stuck in my sales process - and how to shift them to become a successful sales slut! My favorite practices & tools for moving through fears & blocks around selling Why it’s never a fucking price thing (and what you need to shift here) Making the game-changing shift in my sales mindset from “what did I do wrong?” to “what else can I do?” And more   Learn more about my Pussy Based Sales course: https://www.juliacwells.com/pbs-2023 Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF:

  • should you sell multiple offers at once?

    07/02/2023 Duración: 51min

    I have another juicy sales topic for you this week, pleasure people!! Selling a bunch of offers at once has become a pretty big trend. It might even have you wondering - can I pull it off in my biz? Or maybe you’re in the middle of selling too many things at once and wondering - why TF can’t I pull this off like everyone else?! So, should you sell multiple offers at once? In today’s episode, I’m diving into this trend and if you should avoid it. I’m sharing how to actually implement this strategy well and some of the toxic patterns & traits that show up here (because it can definitely be done wrong). Truth is, you can do whatever the fuck you want, but you have to do it intentionally and come at it with a pussified strategy. And I’m here to help with exactly that! Let’s dive in.  I dive into: Selling multiple offers at once - good or bad? How to know if you’re prepared to sell multiple offers in YOUR biz The BIGGEST reason I started with the strategy of launching one thing at a time How to evaluate your

  • 3 things my clients did this month to improve sales (and how you can apply them in your own biz)

    31/01/2023 Duración: 29min

    My clients have been absolutely crushing it this month!! And I’m bringing their wins to the podcast so you can dive into some of the powerful mindset & energetic shifts they’re making so you can start seeing a significant impact in your sales too! In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 3 BIGGEST things my clients did this month to improve their sales & how you can apply them in your own biz to figure out wtf is holding you back from a juicy & turned-on sales process that gets results.  I dive into: The 3 things my clients are doing that are improving their sales (and how to apply them in your own biz!) An exercise to help if you’ve been “shoulding” all over your current biz situation What to do if you feel like you’ve invested too much in your biz with little or no return My favorite practices to help you get on the other side of an unhelpful dynamic in your biz Objection handling & how it can help you increase your sales & conversion numbers And more   Learn more about my “Seductive Sales

  • from in-person to 6-figures online: a client story with Kimberley Dashiell

    24/01/2023 Duración: 54min

    I have such a juicy one for you this week my pussy posse!! My trainer/coach/client/body whisperer, Kimberley Dashiell, is here to talk all things body, business & beliefs as we dive deep into the strategy, pleasure & mindset it took to transition her successful in-person fitness biz into a 6-figure online business.  We discuss building an incredible revenue stream for her biz (that is 100% scalable!) during the pandemic, how to market on social media when you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing, and why simple sales is the key to seeing results. If you feel like you haven’t mastered sales, that it’s time to make a transition in your biz, or if you just want to hear about a boss bitch who is rocking online fitness - this one’s for you.  We dive into: How Kimberley made the transition from a 40-year in-person biz to making 6-figures online What sales things she is NOT doing (and why you don’t have to do them either!) Learning to do social media marketing HER way Why she loves to get on the phone

  • my $312,000 mastermind launch breakdown

    17/01/2023 Duración: 47min

    Ready for a BTS breakdown of my recent mastermind launch?! I decided on some exciting changes for this round of the Pleasure & Profit Mastermind. We shifted to - a longer container a revenue share model and segmented pods!  And because of my repeatable AND flexible launch process, we were able to make these shifts & sell out the program with 312k in sales - and a launch that felt simple & pleasurable! So, what did we do to make it happen? In today’s episode, I’m sharing what we did to make this launch successful, some takeaways around your own launch process, and how to apply this all to your own biz so you can get better and better results and sell the shit out of your next program. I dive into: The changes we made in the 6th round of my mastermind (and how we pulled it off!) Selling out your mastermind/program without a sales call Making the BIG shift to a revenue share model Some tips around your launch operations (and why we decided on small, intimate pods this round) Why I went so heavy on d

  • is the coaching industry one big scam?

    10/01/2023 Duración: 19min

    Okay, so here’s the thing - I truly believe in the power of coaching, mentorship, community, sisterhood, and all the juicy goodness in this industry.  But are there people using it to do malicious things? Yep. Maybe even well-intentioned things, but getting caught up in their own bullshit? Definitely. So, is the coaching industry just one big scam then?? Join me this week for a tiny little rant & the answer to that important question.    Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamotherfuckingwells/

  • my raw 2022 review

    04/01/2023 Duración: 33min

    I haven’t felt super celebratory around 2022. Maybe because it wasn’t a year for explosive growth in my biz (like the previous 3 before it), or maybe because I coasted on mindset and strategy as I explored growth edges outside of my business. Whatever the reason, I’m working on claiming it because technically it was my proudest year yet (and I get into why in today’s episode)!  Come process 2022 with me as I share the realness of my coaching biz and show you the inner workings as someone who is still COMPLETELY sold on pleasure, mindset & strategy. I’m sharing how the less shiny pieces of running a biz can actually help you build a sustainable one that not only gives you those big, flashy cash months but sets you up for the long run.  I dive into: A real, raw look at my year (and how I’m actively reframing it) Why 2022 wasn’t my year to push business - and what happened as a result Some mistakes I made this year around mindset My 2023 plans for the Visible AF community How my ban from IG is going to play

  • the one money practice I want everyone to do

    28/12/2022 Duración: 31min

    It’s pretty clear that a lot of the money mindset stuff we hear is focused on making money and spending money, making more money and spending more money -  But I’m not really interested in simply helping you make & spend your money. I want to prepare you for the magical world of having money - and holding it.  This is what is really going to help you experience excess, overflow, and abundance without falling into the sneaky trap of making a ton and then ending up with none or far too little. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the one money practice I want you to do and how doing this every single day helped me quantum leap in my business and continue to hold my money and sustainably build up my biz without blowing it all.  Ready to experience the safety of having excess and overflow in your life & biz? Let’s get into it.  I dive into: The ONE money practice I want you to do & why it’s so important How to play with the energetics & dynamics of money in a way that allows you to hold more of it Ene

  • this 3-phase mindset approach changed everything for me

    20/12/2022 Duración: 23min

    It’s okay if you’re doing your mindset and still not seeing the results you want. It’s okay to take action even when you aren’t totally locked in & decided on the belief that you WILL have the thing.  BUT when your mindset locks in and you take action from that place? That’s when the magic, the quantum leaps, and the big shifts happen.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing a super helpful quickie on the 3-phase mindset approach that changed everything for me and how you can make some simple shifts to create a rinse-and-repeat process and level of being in your life & biz that builds and sustains big results.  What is a thought that’s really not serving you in your biz? And what would it look like to shift it?! Join me for today’s juicy take on the 3 mindset phases to shift limiting beliefs into action & tangible results.  I dive into: How to use the 3 phases of mindset to see quantum leaps in your biz Why you should take action from THIS place if you want to see big (and lasting) results The getting r

  • 4 tips for handling hard client moments

    13/12/2022 Duración: 40min

    I love my clients & my clients love me.  But that doesn’t mean there aren’t tricky dynamics or hard moments. The truth is, the more clients you have, the more this will happen in your world.  That means I've practiced this A LOT. I’m practically the MF queen of handling hard client moments - and I want to share all the juicy BTS & practical shit that I’ve learned! In today’s episode, I’m sharing my 4 biggest tips to help you have the hard conversations, show up after fucking up, and create & honor your boundaries so you can get past this really common fear around hard client shit.  If some of your biz fears sound a little like this -  What if I fuck it up? What if they leave me? What if I disappoint someone? What if they screw me over? What if they cross a boundary? This one’s for you.  I dive into: My 4 TOP TIPS for handling hard client moments in your biz One of the BIGGEST hidden blocks around selling (and what to do about it) Why I want you to make THIS important shift - and why it will make

  • ughh nothing’s working! help!

    06/12/2022 Duración: 46min

    You’ve probably heard me say it before…It’s all working!! But what are you supposed to do when that really doesn’t feel true at all? Like the times when your launch fails or when people are loving your free shit but no one is buying, and all you’re thinking is - NOTHING IS WORKING!! If you’re not getting the results you want (or when you do, you don’t know how to repeat it), if you feel like you’re constantly throwing spaghetti at the wall, or if you feel like your past sales are a fluke… this is the perfect episode for you.  This week I’m diving into how to actually apply the “it’s all working” concept in your biz and how working my 3-step process will solve your biggest problems and change the game so you can see faster and more consistent results with a lot more ease.  I dive into: My 3-step process to help you actually dive into “it’s all working” and see big results!  The FIRST thing I want you to do when you start thinking “nothing is fucking working” Easy/lazy data research that you can do TODAY to he

  • see more sales with these 4 tips

    29/11/2022 Duración: 48min

    Whether you’re feeling burnout & overwhelm, or you’re not seeing enough conversion and actual sales in your biz - you are not alone. I’ve been through it, I’ve seen my clients through it, and I can tell you that the shit you’re struggling with happens at every single level.  But if you get really good at the core conceptual basics of running a business (with some juicy mindset & pleasure, of course!) you can turn anything around.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 4 tips that helped me make 3.75 million in my biz and can help you reach your juicy goals too. These are the super actionable, practical things you can do RIGHT NOW to see more sales and finish out this year with the best possible results in your business.  I dive into: My 4 TIPS to help you crush the rest of this year (you WILL make more sales) Why you need to focus on THIS in your marketing content to see better conversion What to dial up in your biz so you can get people to happily hand you their money! How to study your process to fix

  • the bravest thing I’ve ever done in my business

    22/11/2022 Duración: 48min

    I’m ready to double down with my clients & I’m taking a huge risk in my business to do it.  This week, join me and my coach Lacey as we dive into the revenue share model, what it really looks like inside of our 2 very different businesses, and why it’s the bravest thing I’ve ever done in my biz. We’re sharing everything you need to know about the static pricing model vs. the revenue share model so you can decide if you’re ready to pay someone to hold the big picture with you and to keep growing your biz without having to double or triple your investment every time.  We dive into: Answering some of the BIGGEST questions around the revenue share model - and why I’m moving forward with it in my biz How the revenue share model looks inside of Lacey’s biz (1:1 practice) and mine (more of a full product suite kinda girl over here!) What you might need to think about if paying a coach 10% isn’t doable in your biz (what happened to your profit?!) How the revenue share model can help you stay profitable and regul

  • my 4-year business rut & the one belief that changed everything

    08/11/2022 Duración: 44min

    Are your failures (or fear of them) holding you back from stepping into your CEO role? Many of us don’t get into business so we can wear the CEO hat. Oftentimes, being the boss is a byproduct - it’s what we need to do to make the impact we want to make. And because of all the scary shit that comes up around our roles as business owners, it can feel really hard to enjoy the process of being the boss and creating & running our businesses (I have definitely been there). But the truth is if you want to run a successful, pussified business that changes the world, you have to learn how to move out of that frozen stage of fear & failure and into your role as CEO. And I want to share the one belief that will help you do it. In today’s episode, I’m sharing the one belief that helped me reframe the journey of running my business (after 4 years of feeling like I was failing!!) and how it can help you do the same. If business just fucking sucks right now, you’re not feeling empowered, or you’re struggling to come

  • how to deal with jealousy and comparison

    01/11/2022 Duración: 28min

    Someone else has the thing(s) that you want - The simplified, pussified business or The juicy AF relationship/marriage/family life or The obvious confidence, purpose, or joy. We ALL dance with these feelings of jealousy and comparison at some point in our lives & businesses - especially if we’re playing the pleasure game (because we’re surrounding ourselves with all these amazing boss bitches)!! Today, I’m sharing my favorite ways to move through jealousy and comparison & some of my juiciest affirmations for you to play with when you’re feeling activated. If jealousy and comparison are holding you back from seeing your vision through or making an impact (even just a little!) - this one’s for you.  I dive into: Jealousy & comparison - and how they could be holding you back My TOP TIPS for moving through feelings of jealousy & comparison so you can actually get the things you want Some juicy AF affirmations to use when you’re feeling activated by jealousy or comparison energy (you can keep comi

  • relationships, business, and compromise

    25/10/2022 Duración: 50min

    Are you making too many compromises?  Whether in business or love, most of us are making compromises that don’t actually serve us, our relationships, or our businesses. Today, the doctor is in - and she’s here to share all her juicy wisdom on honoring the truth of who you really are to build a juicy, satisfying & sustainable relationship and biz.  Dr. Alexandra Stockwell aka The Intimacy Doctor is a physician and intimate marriage expert who made the transition from medicine to coaching. She has some delicious things to share about the intersection of love & business, being uncompromising in your intimacy, and her favorite tips for building a long-lasting marriage. We’re diving into all the juicy nuggets you need to be a boss bitch in your relationship and biz - you don’t want to miss this one.  We dive into: What Alexandra means by “being uncompromising” in your relationship & intimacy The KEY to being a boss bitch AND sustaining a long-term relationship A real-life example of a woman who was co

  • my “basic” approach for juicy video content that converts

    18/10/2022 Duración: 34min

    It’s the era of video - TikTok, IG and FB reels, Youtube shorts… And guess what? I don’t think it’s going anywhere.  So, whether you’re building a personal brand or selling a product or service - video content is probably something you’re thinking about. But what is the right approach for YOU to incorporate more video into your branding & biz?  In today’s episode, I’m breaking down the 5-step approach you can use to build more video into your brand so you can start making videos that gain you a juicy audience that actually converts! Ready to start captivating & seducing your audience with what you create?  I dive into: B.A.S.I.C. - 5 steps to making your video content even hotter Why you should show your audience more than just this ONE thing My favorite tips for making video content that is consumable & bingeable Why I want you to study the content you consume (and what to do with what you learn) How to use videos to give people “access” to you - and why this will help you convert! And more J

  • the 90/10 social media rule

    11/10/2022 Duración: 27min

    Have a love/hate relationship with social media?  I’ve definitely been there. And it took some work, but now I feel so much love for social media - and guess what? It loves me back!  So, what does it take to turn social media into a tool for business growth & self-expression that feels really good?! In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 90/10 social media rule and how to apply it to your life & biz so you can get to the heart of what the social media game is really about.  Ready for a relationship with social media that feels really juicy and simple?! I promise it doesn’t have to be so fucking complicated. Let’s get into it.  I dive into: The 90/10 social media rule - and why you should be following it Managing the bad shit that comes up with building a brand & business online What visibility really means and how this intersects with the social media game Some of the common things that are dictating how you show up online (and what you can work through to show up in your full expression!) And more

  • are you focusing on the right phase in your social media?

    04/10/2022 Duración: 52min

    I’ve used social media to grow my business to $3.5 million (so ya, I fucking love social media). BUT I know it doesn’t always feel like this amazing, powerful tool when you don’t know how to use it, when your posts aren’t getting engagement, or when you’re not making sales.  That’s why this week, I’m diving into the three phases of social media and everything you need to know about them so you can start making social media work for you and take your biz to the next level. I dive into: The THREE phases of social media (and the one you want to spend majority of your time in) How to do your own social media audit to figure out what needs to be tweaked  Why my #1 focus is NOT on growth in my 7-figure biz A breakdown of the growth phase - borrowing other audiences, bigger is not always better, and more! The phase that makes it easier to launch & sell your shit and why I want you to nail down a strategy for it Some advice if failure to convert has taken you out of the game before And more   Social Media Seduc

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