


This podcast is for boss ass bitches who are looking for an alternative to hustle, burnout, hiding parts of who they are, and playing by rules created by men for men. Some fabulous guests and I will teach you each week about your super power as a woman (pussy - both physical + energetic) and how to use it to create more pleasure and profit in business and a life that’s legit better IRL than on IG. The truth is, pussy always creates more profit. Wanna learn how? Subscribe and tune in weekly! Real, raw, hilarious and helpful. If you aren’t saying ‘hell yes!’ or ‘wait...WTF?!’ on the reg, I’m not doing my job.


  • what’s working for high ticket sales rn

    18/07/2023 Duración: 51min

    The delicious, deep high-ticket offer that you love, but think no one will buy at that price - it’s going to sell.  Whether you’re working on selling out your private coaching, a high-end mastermind, or something else - there’s plenty of evidence that premium rates are still selling! In today’s episode, I’m giving you my secrets to high ticket sales, the strategies that are working really well in our industry right now, and the things my clients and I are NOT doing to make the sale.  Ready to get your next client’s attention, keep it & convert? Join me for this one!! I dive into: What’s working for high-ticket sales in our industry right now The KEYS to converting high-ticket sales - and being able to do it over & over again! What a “post-it note post” is and why you need more of them Why you need to expect more objections than ever What my clients and I DIDN’T do to make our big sales And more   Join us in P-School! https://www.juliacwells.com/pschool-2023 Come join me in my FREE private Facebook g

  • how I get back into abundance when I feel crunchy

    11/07/2023 Duración: 34min

    What do you do when you start to feel contracted around money? If you don’t have a bunch of practices or tools ready to go for situations like this (or if the ones you have just aren’t working!) - this one’s for you.  This week, I’m sharing the actual practices I use to get back into abundance when I’m feeling crunchy around money and how you can use them to shift back into abundance too. I promise, if you start using these 6 practices to cultivate abundance in your biz, the money shit is going to feel SO much better - and it won’t matter how many clients you have or how much money is coming in. (Even though practicing this kind of pussified inner abundance will inevitably bring in MORE, of all of it!) I dive into: How to get back into abundance when your money situation feels crunchy Do you have to feel abundant to make and keep more money? My 6 favorite tips/practices for cultivating more abundance How you might be outsourcing abundance in your biz - and how to stop! And more   Join us in P-School! https:

  • get big results using my 4D method

    04/07/2023 Duración: 45min

    Every time I’ve gotten a BIG result in my business, I’ve done the same FOUR things.  I call it The 4D Method.  This juicy process is the reason my business is still so fucking simple, even at multiple 7-figures. (And when it’s not feeling simple, it’s most likely because I’m not following the 4 steps.) In today’s episode, I share this powerful practice with you and how you can use the 4D’s to manifest whatever you want in your life and biz - and actually enjoy the experience of doing it.  I dive into: The 4D Method to getting what you want in your life & biz (without all the shitty pressure) Which of the 4 D’s was the BIGGEST game changer in my biz - and how to practice it in yours! Why it’s so hard to fake it ‘till you make it - and why I still want you to And more   Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

  • is something wrong with me?

    20/06/2023 Duración: 30min

    This might blow your mind, but nothing is fucking wrong with you!! If you’re freaking out because your mindset isn’t working, your launch failed, you don’t have enough clients, or you thought you’d finally be past all this self-sabotaging shit by now - welcome to the club! Shit will always go sideways, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play this boss bitch CEO game.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing how to build a strategy for managing yourself, the everchanging goal posts in online business, and freaking the fuck out in your biz so you can keep showing up & actually pull this shit off! I dive into: Freaking out in your biz, is there something wrong? 3 steps to diffusing a freakout - normalize, neutralize & act! Why you need to build a strategy for managing yourself What is actually happening when you give too much attention to the freakout And more   Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.c

  • steal my juiciest reframes I use to get clients

    13/06/2023 Duración: 26min

    I felt drawn to an old Wait…WTF episode this week, so I’m trying a little experiment!  Today I’m sharing an episode from the early days of the pod on how to get more clients - because it’s obvious that clients are what we all want and need, but how the fuck do we get them?! Join me for this repurposed episode (I’m trusting you need to hear it this week!) as I share some of the necessary reframes you need to get more clients in your biz.  DM me your thoughts on my little experiment & the lessons you get from this oldie, but goodie!! I dive into: My favorite reframes to help you get more clients! Building your confidence to see real results Why you need to OWN your offer Decide, Decide, Decide & Sell, Sell, Sell! How to sell at ANY price point Identifying your made-up rules around sales Selling from a place of pleasure And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwel

  • what I do when my mindset work isn’t working

    06/06/2023 Duración: 29min

    So…the mindset shit just isn’t working. Been there!! And I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell my clients when they come to me with this problem (and I’ve had to tell myself in the past) -  Don’t simply throw away all of your juicy mindset practices because they aren't working for you in this moment or season of your life or biz.  Because there is an actual solution to the mindset problem - and it’s NOT ditching mindset altogether! This week I’m walking you through all the nuggets you need to make sure mindset work actually works for you! I’m diving into how to treat mindset work as a dynamic practice that, just like strategy, needs to be tweaked and evolved over time. Ready to tap into the real magic of mindset so you can finally FEEL the results? I dive into: Viewing mindset work as a practice in your life that needs to be evaluated & tweaked so you can actually FEEL the results A breakdown of the practical ways I walk clients through blocks in their mindset strategies Why I highly suggest you cr

  • how being messy allows me to make more money

    30/05/2023 Duración: 37min

    Does this sound like you? If I have a big business, I can’t have the flexibility I have now. I can’t change my mind. I can’t procrastinate. I can’t fuck things up. I’ll need to get things perfect.  Well, think twice my little seductress!! Because what’s true for you at 5k months will still be true for you at 20k months - and beyond! So it’s KEY to learn how to operate your business around those cute little flaws you’re so worried about.  Ready to hear about some of the messy shit I STILL do in my business as a 7-figure business owner - and how being this messy allows me to make more money? I’m airing all my dirty laundry in this one, join me to learn how to operate around your “shortcomings” and develop the self-trust you need to run your shit like a boss bitch CEO. I dive into: The 7 messiest things I still do in my biz & the CEO skills I use to deal with them Building the self-trust and practical systems you need to build your biz & still be YOU How to manage your procrastination at ANY level of bu

  • the 4 things I do to create more of what I want

    23/05/2023 Duración: 26min

    Let’s be honest, the conversation around manifestation can be a little fluffy.  But whether it’s love, money, friends, adventure, or freedom - there are tangible things you can do (right now) to help you create more of what you want.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 4 things I do to create more of what I want in my life & biz, and how you can use them to shift the vibe around calling in more of your desires too! Ready to drop into an abundant, dreamy, “having more” vibe that will change the game when it comes to actually getting what you want? I dive into: The 4 things I do to manifest my desires (and why you should do them too!) What to do in the gestation period/dealing with the discomfort of not having “the thing” Following the sequence of Be, Do, Have Where to put your focus so you can release the grip on what you want (and actually get it) And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instag

  • how Faith pussified her cancer journey

    16/05/2023 Duración: 48min

    Wait, WTF… you can pussify a cancer journey? Faith Laux, somatic sex & relationship coach (and certified pleasure queen!), is here to share how she pussified her cancer journey and all the juicy nuggets of wisdom she’s learned along the way. We dig into how pleasure plays a role in her healing & integration, romanticizing chemo (yes, you read that right), and how she is rebuilding her business after this powerful initiation.  We dive into: Faith’s cancer journey, what she wished she did more of & one of the biggest gifts of the experience How Faith is showing up in her biz after taking a break (and what’s so juicy about it) Her response to asking herself: why did my body create this cancer? Romanticizing chemo and reaching for pleasure during the cancer journey Sexual healing work and a look at how Faith & her husband differ in the bedroom And more   Connect with Faith: Website: https://www.faithlaux.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faithlaux/   Come join me in my FREE private Faceb

  • how to make bank with a small audience

    09/05/2023 Duración: 33min

    Have a relatively small audience? (Me too!)  The truth is, you can stop obsessing over the growth stage of your marketing strategy and just start making the money you want to make NOW, with the audience you already have! In today’s episode, I’m diving into the 3 things you can do to successfully leverage the followers/people you already have (no matter how small that list is!) so you can build consistent & sustainable income without the stress of audience growth.  I dive into: The THREE important steps to leveraging your current audience & making more money Why having a small audience is a GOOD thing My fave tip to help you nurture your followers How to actually find your hottest leads in your current pool of people And more   Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

  • these 2 questions will save you when it comes to team

    03/05/2023 Duración: 19min

    Are you struggling to manage & maintain a solid team in your biz that you can rely on? Is your team making a lot of mistakes? Maybe it just feels like something isn’t working. I know it can be really frustrating when things aren’t going well in this area of your business (and costly too)! In today’s episode, I’m sharing the TWO questions that are going to change the game when it comes to managing an excellent team in your biz and the ONE thing you need to do FIRST to make sure these questions do their job.  I dive into: How to turn it around if you’re team is dropping the ball The 2 questions that will change the game with your team Why you need to do this ONE thing FIRST if you want the questions to work And more Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/  

  • how I deal with disappointment

    25/04/2023 Duración: 32min

    Disappointment is just a part of playing the game.  The goal here is not to avoid it, but to get better at managing the feeling.  This week, I’m giving you a super helpful episode to add to your launch playlist so you can come back to it whenever you feel yourself getting stuck in fear & disappointment. Join me for the lazy pleasure tools you need to address the feeling of disappointment, move through it & work the shit out of the process so you can see real results from your next launch, post, or anything else you do in your biz. I dive into:  My quick & dirty mindset tips to help you process disappointing moments in your biz Why trying to avoid disappointment could be holding you back from results The lazy pleasure practices you need to see better outcomes from your next launch, post, or offering And more   Join us in Turned On + Sold Out: https://www.juliacwells.com/toso Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Inst

  • how I hold myself in launch dips

    18/04/2023 Duración: 50min

    I don’t want you to bail during the really intense middle period of your launch. You know, that period between early bird and cart close that can literally make or break your experience of launching (and the results of the launch itself)? It’s SO important that you learn how to keep fucking going during this part of the process.  In today’s episode, I’m diving into launch dips - the strategy, pleasure & energetics I use to hold myself in this in-between energy and how you can use these same tools to get through that middle period of your launch and come out the end as someone who actually enjoys playing the game of getting sold out.  I dive into: Holding yourself through a launch dip so you don’t bail during the final push! How these strategy & mindset tools will apply to open/close vs. evergreen launches Playing the 2 different games to convert early bird buyers AND the ones buying later in the launch Building/planning a successful content strategy for the in-between period of your launch And more

  • the worthy + deserving myths: what they are and how to unsubscribe

    11/04/2023 Duración: 35min

    Worthiness & deservingness are NOT a thing. They’re made-up myths/paradigms created to keep you small.  So, if you weren’t going to buy into these myths, what’s the actual game you’re playing? In today’s episode, I dive into the worthy & deserving myths and how to unsubscribe so you can work through these common wounds that show up in business (and life) and make the important shift from, “I don’t deserve it” to “what else do I want?”. I dive into: The worthy + deserving myths, what they are & the role they might be playing in your biz Playing the game of desire + deciding instead A framework you can use to examine the deserving wound in your life or biz (and some shifts you can make right now!) And more   Find out more about “Turned On and Sold Out”: https://www.juliacwells.com/toso Get your monthly dose of pleasure with the “Lazy Pleasure Membership": https://www.juliacwells.com/lazy-pleasure Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/

  • the one lie I’ll never tell you

    04/04/2023 Duración: 24min

    Recently I got asked the question - I can make a million dollars too, right? She wasn’t seeking validation or an “of course you can!” (that isn’t how I roll anyways), but just some evidence that it was possible for her too.  And my answer was yes, AND… In today’s episode, I’m diving into getting real results in the coaching industry & why I think some people don’t end up making the money they want to make. Join me for a real AF look at what’s possible in our industry and how to build a base for your business that leads to those big, juicy outcomes that everyone raves about.  I dive into: Why you might not be making the money you want to make in the coaching industry - and what needs to change! One of my BIGGEST hacks to biz success Learning to sell out that ONE juicy offer that you have The secret to building your base 10k And more   Fuck Launching: a live FREE class on April 5th (or grab the replay): https://www.juliacwells.com/fucklaunching?utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=social&utm_term=bio&a

  • how to shift results quickly

    28/03/2023 Duración: 22min

    You don’t want to wait too long for the partner, the pleasure, or the pussified business. Whether it’s something in your love, money, or biz - when you want to shift it, you want to shift it quickly. So, how do you quickly create change, quantum leap, or get a result you’ve never had before? In today’s episode, I’m breaking down my favorite ways to shift things quickly in your life or biz and how to use these tools to move through your past shit & figure out what to do in your present to create your juicy future reality. I dive into: How you can start shifting results in your life or biz NOW A breakdown of the TOP 4 things you can do to see your next big shift faster Why I am doing a 30-day sprint around money in my biz (and a look at some of the other juicy sprints I’ve done) And more   Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/juliamothereffingwells/

  • how to never run out of content

    21/03/2023 Duración: 26min

    Whether you’re a social media seductress and are killin’ it with your content OR it’s the bane of your existence and makes you want to die, the question’s still the same - How do you make content creation easier in your biz?? In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 5 things that allow me to NEVER run out of content & how you can build a content strategy like this too - consistent (but that you don’t have to show up every day for) & easy.  Join me for the perfect mix of practical and mindset shit you need to ease the content creation pressure & change the social media game in your biz.  I dive into: The 5 things you need to make content creation SO much easier in your biz Building a repeatable system that you can use daily/weekly to put out juicy content Using your life as content (and where you can go wrong with this) Exploring the beliefs you have around what is relevant to your audience The time saver of using OLD SHIT  And more   Explore more here: https://www.juliacwells.com/ Come join me in my

  • be a better CEO, coach, and client with this one practice

    14/03/2023 Duración: 22min

    You can get more out of coaching (and your clients can too!) if you focus on this ONE practice/process -  Getting comfortable with asking/giving permission and discovering what’s underneath the ask.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing my thoughts on the high-level conversations you can have around permission so you can analyze your next big biz step (and help your clients do the same) with eyes wide open & a focus on the trust and intuitive decision-making it takes to achieve super sustainable results.  I dive into: How to have dynamic & successful conversations around permission with your coach & clients Balancing the energies of analytical v. flow when making a big biz decision The questions you need to ask your client if they’re looking for permission to take a risk And more Check out my juicy offers here: https://www.juliacwells.com/offers Come join me in my FREE private Facebook group, Visible AF: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VisibleAF/ Send me a DM on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com

  • how and why we reframe our shitty thoughts

    07/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    I’m sure this happens to you too - I’m getting into my biz and a shitty thought pops up (a fear, doubt, or belief that isn’t serving me) and I actually start to investigate it as if it’s true.  The truth is, it’s NOT. And if you want my hot take - any thought that doesn’t feel good to you is NOT true! But how do you shift these unhelpful beliefs and get your brain on your side? Get to know your own thoughts & the shit that really trips you up so you can get super fucking good at finding the belief (or reframe!) that moves you back to trusting yourself.  I’ve gotten really good at this and I want to help you get there too. In today’s episode, I’m diving into the game-changing practice of reframing & how you can play with this in your biz to start trusting yourself with the hard shit. I dive into: Reframing - what it is & how to play with it to see big shifts in your mindset & results Why you shouldn’t skip the excavation step! How I write my reframes & finding the one that’s “true enough”

  • how to do shit when you don’t feel like it

    28/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    This one’s for my humans that have a hard time getting shit done. You might think once you’ve reached a certain level that everything starts to get done perfectly in your biz, and you overcome your bullshit around procrastination, laziness & lack of energy - but the truth is - you will always be deeply human. And that means there are times when you just won’t feel like doing the shit you need to do. Instead of changing who you are & how you operate - what if you just built your business around all that human messiness? In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to do shit when you don’t feel like it and the practical mindset & pleasure strategies I’ve used (and still use) at every stage of my business to make choices around what actions to take and when to take them to move my biz forward.  I dive into: My favorite mindset & pleasure tools to use when I just don’t feel like doing anything How you can celebrate imperfection & do shit messy to actually move your biz forward Taking action - e

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