Cnn Talk With Max Foster



CNN Talk with Max Foster tackles the major news stories and talking points of the day. A panel of regular contributors debate, discuss and argue about the major stories affecting your world. Available live on CNNI and daily at 7a ET.


  • European Elections: Who are the winners and the losers?

    27/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    The votes are in, in the biggest multi-country election in the world. More than a hundred million people from 28 European countries have chosen representatives to the European parliament. Europe's centrist parties have lost ground, and nationalists made strong gains in some countries. So what does this tells us about the mood of the voters in the EU? On our panel are Liam Halligan - Columnist at The Sunday Telegraph, Ayesha Hazarika - Political Commentator and Comedian and Iain Dale - Radio Host at LBC. The host is Bianca Nobilo. via Knit

  • UK PM Theresa May resigns: Your reaction

    24/05/2019 Duración: 51min

    "I have done my best." With those words, British Prime Minister Theresa May announced that she will resign in the coming weeks - a bombshell development from a leader who seemed determined to remain in office despite criticism from all sides. May fought hard to deliver a Brexit deal that the UK parliament could pass, but ultimately failed in that quest. Now, the question is who will succeed her, and can they do what she could not: get the country through Brexit? CNN's Bianca Nobilo anchors a special one-hour CNN Talk, with Iain Martin, Ayesha Hazarika and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Is vaping dangerous for teenagers?

    23/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    They've become a common sight on city streets everywhere: e-cigarettes. The industry has boomed in recent years, with a huge uptake in users around the world. But one of the groups taking up vaping faster than any other are teenagers. In the United States, lawmakers are trying to crack down on sales to teens, citing health concerns over nicotine addiction. So is vaping a better option than traditional cigarettes? Or have the health risks been downplayed? And are these companies targeting teens? CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta joins Max Foster, along with Jacqui Smith, Stig Abell and Iain Dale. via Knit

  • Should the UK hold a second Brexit referendum?

    22/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    Theresa May is making a last-ditch effort to find consensus around her Brexit plan. She unveiled a series of new measures, and even floated the possibility of a second referendum, in a bid to get her deal across the line. But the British press - and even Tory politicians - were quick to say it was all too little, too late. That negativity hasn't stopped May from fighting her corner. So, can the British Prime Minister get her deal over the line? Or will she be unseated by her own allies? Max Foster dissects it all with Nina Schick, Liam Halligan and Ayesha Hazarika. via Knit

  • Niki Lauda dies: How has motorsport changed?

    21/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    He was one of F1's biggest stars: Niki Lauda survived a fiery crash during a race in the 1970's to become an iconic figure in Formula 1 racing. While he was a champion who advocated on behalf of driver safety, he also helped lift the sport into the modern day. CNN's Max Foster takes a look back at the Austrian's legendary career, and a look forward at where F1 is going next, with World Sport's Amanda Davies, and panelists Linda Yueh, Bonnie Greer and Iain Martin. via Knit

  • Will Trump's Middle East plan work?

    20/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    There's been a flurry of activity over the weekend all to do with the Middle East. As part of Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century", the White House announced Sunday afternoon the first part of its Middle East peace proposal. Meanwhile, President Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric toward Iran, warning that a fight with the United States would "be the official end of Iran." "If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran," Trump said in a tweet. "Never threaten the United States again!" This follows both Iran and Saudi Arabia saying over the weekend that they don't want to go to war, but will defend themselves if needed. We ask the question: Will Trump's Middle East plan work? CNN Talk's Max Foster anchors a conversation with Ayesha Hazarika, Iain Dale and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Sports star "sacked over religious beliefs": Your reaction

    17/05/2019 Duración: 24min

    Where do we draw the line between freedom of religion and hate speech? That's the thorny ground Australian rugby authorities had to navigate in the case of Israel Folau. He's one of the sport's biggest stars, but he's been fired over homophobic social media posts. Folau, a devout Christian, says he's just exercising his freedom of religion by sharing Biblical quotes and teachings. So, where do you stand? Max Foster explores the issue with Nina Schick, Liam Halligan and Ayesha Hazarika. via Knit


    16/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    U.S. President Donald Trump overnight signed an executive order escalating his administration's campaign against Chinese telecoms giant Huawei. It's the latest salvo in his dispute with China and again puts pressure on U.S. allies as countries race to put 5G infrastructure in place. We ask: "IS TRUMP RIGHT TO DECLARE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY OVER HUAWEI?" Our Max Foster talks to Iain Dale, Zoe Williams, Andrew MacDougall and CNN Business Tech Correspondent Samuel Burke. via Knit

  • U.S. states restricting abortion: Why now?

    15/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    The U.S. state of Alabama has passed the most restrictive abortion law in America, outlawing the procedure even in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest. But Alabama is far from alone. More than a dozen states have legislation restricting abortion either on the books or heading to a vote. Decades after the landmark Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, why has the issue come onto the national agenda again now? Max Foster explores all the angles with Bonnie Greer, Iain Dale, Liam Halligan and Ayesha Hazarika. via Knit

  • China trade war, Iran tensions: What is Trump's goal?

    14/05/2019 Duración: 26min

    U.S. President Donald Trump has a very full foreign policy agenda on his plate, but two geopolitical issues have dominated this week: Iran and China. Trump is in an all-out trade war with Beijing, with both countries slapping tariffs on the other. Meanwhile, some members of Trump's administration are ramping up tensions over Iran. John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are trying to rally allies around to the American view that Tehran poses a global threat. But Trump says he just wants Iran's leadership to call him. So, what is the U.S. President's goal in all this? Max Foster, Bonnie Greer, Andrew MacDougall and Brian Klaas try to get to the bottom of it on today's CNN Talk. via Knit

  • Iran-U.S. tensions escalate: How should Trump respond?

    13/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    It's been a weekend of rising rhetoric from the United States and Iran. Tensions have escalated, with members of the Trump administration calling Iran a growing threat after Tehran decided to back away from certain parts of the nuclear deal. This weekend, Iran's President warned that his people will not bow to pressure. For his part, U.S. President Donald Trump has urged the Iranians to "call him" to try to find common ground. So, what should Trump's next move be? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Ayesha Hazarika, Iain Dale and Liam Halligan. CNN International Correspondent Frederik Pleitgen also joins us live from Tehran. via Knit

  • China vs. U.S. trade war: Who are the winners and losers?

    10/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    It's the latest salvo in the trade war between the United States and China. The Trump administration has more than doubled tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods, hitting everything from seafood and suitcases, to nuts and food flavoring. The brazen move comes during high level trade talks aimed at a historic new deal. But with both sides now talking very tough, can that deal still be achieved? And who will come out the winner in this trade war? Isa Soares anchors a conversation with Bonnie Greer, Greg Swenson and Liam Halligan. via Knit

  • Iran vs. USA: Whose side are you on?

    09/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    It's been a week of escalating tensions between Iran and the United States, with Europe now caught squarely in the middle. The U.S. introduced a new round of sanctions against Iran, after President Hassan Rouhani said the country would step back from some aspects of the nuclear deal. Meanwhile, it's not just rhetoric that's acting up - an American aircraft carrier is heading to the region, a clear and worrying message to the regime in Tehran. CNN's Isa Soares anchors a conversation with Jacqui Smith, Iain Dale, Stig Abell and CNN's Chief International Anchor Christiane Amanpour. via Knit

  • New royal baby: Your reaction?

    07/05/2019 Duración: 24min

    After months of anticipation, the British royal family officially has a new member. Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle welcomed their first born son in a private, unconventional style compared to what we've seen from the royals in recent years. The boy's birth makes history in more ways than one, bringing greater diversity to a family at the highest echelon of British society. But will this little baby really bring change to the House of Windsor? Isa Soares anchors a conversation with Bonnie Greer, Iain Martin and Rachel Shabi. via Knit

  • Is Trump's Foreign Policy Working?

    06/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    Over the weekend we saw a flurry of international relations activity from Washington. U.S. President, Donald Trump and his administration again exerting its influence in several different spheres. The U.S. ratcheted up pressure on Iran as it deployed an aircraft carrier and bombers to the Arabian Gulf over Iran's "escalatory actions". North Korea tested the resolve of President Trump as it launched missiles in a strike drill. And on Saturday the President tweeted a threat to increase tariffs on China. All of this as he railed against what he sees as a "witch hunt" at home, namely the Mueller Investigation. We ask the question: Is Trump's Foreign Policy Working? Hannah Vaughan Jones speaks to our panel: Liam Halligan, Ayesha Hazarika and Andrew MacDougall. via Knit

  • Is Facebook right to ban "dangerous individuals?"

    03/05/2019 Duración: 24min

    Facebook has taken action against seven people it deemed "dangerous individuals," banning them from the social media platform for allegedly inciting hate and violence. The individuals affected include InfoWars founder and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Some say it's about time these voices were suppressed, but critics worry about whether Facebook is the right entity to decide who is deemed "dangerous" and which opinions are acceptable. CNN's Isa Soares anchors a conversation with Brian Klaas, Rachel Shabi, Liam Halligan and CNN's Samuel Burke. via Knit

  • Caster Semenya verdict: Who should be allowed to compete in women's sports?

    02/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    She's one of the most recognizable female athletes in the world. Caster Semenya is a double Olympic champion, a force in middle-distance running, and a proud icon for her home country of South Africa. She's also hyperandrogynous, meaning that she has heightened levels of testosterone. Now, a new ruling means that Semenya will need to take medication to inhibit her natural testosterone to compete. Is that fair, or a violation of her human rights? Is testosterone a valid way to determine who can and can't compete as a woman? And, in a separate but related issue, where does this leave trans athletes? CNN's Isa Soares anchors a conversation with Zoe Williams, Greg Swenson, Iain Dale and CNN World Sport Anchor Alex Thomas. via Knit

  • Venezuela: Is Trump right to back the attempt to oust Maduro?

    01/05/2019 Duración: 25min

    Military vehicles clashing with protesters on the streets. An opposition leader calling for an uprising against the government. Tear gas in the air. The fast-moving developments in Venezuela over the past 24 hours have certainly had some of the hallmarks of a coup attempt, but both Opposition Leader Juan Guaido and President Nicolas Maduro have denied that's what's happening. With both sides calling for demonstrations today, could we see tensions rise further? And is Trump right to take sides with Guaido? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan, Iain Dale and CNN's Isa Soares. via Knit

  • New al-Baghdadi video: How can we ever defeat ISIS?

    30/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    It's a chilling message from one of the world's most wanted men. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released a new video for the first time in five years. In it, he praised the men who carried out the Sri Lanka terror attacks, called for more violence against French "crusaders" in Africa, and spoke about the loss of ISIS territory in Syria. So what does this video message mean? Has ISIS really been defeated? Or are they just morphing into a different kind of terror group? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Bonnie Greer, Liam Halligan, Brian Klaas and CNN's Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward. via Knit

  • Spanish election: Why is the far right on the rise in Europe?

    29/04/2019 Duración: 25min

    Spanish voters have spoken in droves. The country's elections on Sunday saw the third-highest turnout numbers ever. And while the country's socialist party took the most seats, another major headline was the strong performance of Vox. The far right party took 24 seats, the first seats for a far right party in Spain since the rule of Franco ended in 1975. So what does this tell us about Spanish voters? And what is behind the rise of the far right across Europe in recent years? Max Foster anchors a conversation with Iain Dale, Ayesha Hazarika, Liam Halligan and CNN's Isa Soares. via Knit

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