Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor



The Practical Magic podcast is a weekly dive into helping us live an embodied life full of creative expression with Kate Taylor, creativity and empowerment coach. Practical Magic is Kate's blended melting pot of goodness to align mind, body and soul. Each week on the podcast will be a voyage of discovery through the mind-body connection to uncover the buried treasure we have within each of us. Kate will be joined on the Practical Magic sofa every fortnight by special guests from the worlds of creativity, wellness, modern spirituality, and those who live for unlocking the power of the bodys wisdom. Find out more about Kate at, and get in touch


  • Crafting Your Creative Career Your Own Way with Joanna Forest

    12/02/2020 Duración: 46min

    Meet Joanna Forest, the UK’s number official number one selling classical soprano. Joanna she to fame in 2017 when she became the first independent artist to shoot straight to Number 1 in the Official Classical Album Charts with her debut album ‘Stars are Rising’.  Whilst at Stage School Joanna was one of the youngest women to be diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of just 21.  On the show today, Joanna talks about the impact this had on her life, and her career, and how it has helped shaped her musical journey. We also talk about Joanna has forged her career as an independent artist who has won much critical acclaim, including breaking records for going straight to number 1 with her debut album, her second alum ‘Rising Stars’ shooting straight to the top of the classical charts last year, creating her own show in the West End, her first public performance singing with Britain’s Got Talent star Paul Potts, and the song she sang ‘By My Side’ recorded to celebrate 60 years of Cruse making no. 1 in the Class

  • Stepping out of the shadows

    05/02/2020 Duración: 10min

    Just how much do you find yourself in the shadows? Today on the show I'm sharing why it's time to step out of the shadows of your life and into the light of what a BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL version looks like feels like, sounds like and feels like. For you, and only you, because when you do so it creates so much more for you and the world around you. This does require you to step into the expansiveness of this and just what is available to you, because most of us are operating at 25% of our energetic potential keeping 75% hidden from the world, and that’s just freaking sad. 25% is the doing OK. It’s operating at a level that is just about keep your head above water. And don’t get me wrong, there is no judgement that. We’re all doing the best we can can with what we have, and the tools that we have available to us right now. But 75%. 75% if you is hiding in the shadows, and that means hiding through holding yourself back because fear of shouting louder, and you’re not giving yourself space to listen to expense of tr

  • Just what is this transformation shizzle all about anyway?

    22/01/2020 Duración: 10min

    A #BigBoldBeautiful life requires a step up and into a transformative experience to get you out of stuck behaviours, of old holding patterns, and repetitive ways of acting which mean you go round in circles chasing your tail. On the show today, I'm talking about the idea of transformation and radical change. Transformation is radical change. And whilst the idea of radical change can be daunting, it can also be incredible exciting; an evolution, and evolving through transformative ways of living. Transformation to living a BIG life, where you no longer hold yourself back, or play small. Transformation to a BOLD life, one where you show up for ALL of it Transformation to BEAUTIFUL Life, one of your creation, purpose and passion. Transformation to make a POSITIVE IMPACT on the world. Most people will wait for transformation to come to them Most people will operate at 25% of what is available to them. Transformation requires you to step up, and step into what’s possible It requires you to go deep. It requires

  • What have you deleted from 2019?

    08/01/2020 Duración: 12min

    Happy 2020, I am so looking forward to sharing more Practical Magic goodness with you over the airwaves this year. January is all about creating your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL year ahead, but before we go rushing full steam into it like excited puppies, we are going to take some space for a little pause to review and reflect on the year that's been. As humans we tend to bunch information up, and give a generalised view of one year to the next, because if we tried to process 365 days all at the same time, we would fall over. Often we use a 'catch-all' term for a year that's been, whether it was 'good', or 'bad', 'great' or an 'annus horribilis'.  On the show today, I'm talking about what you may have deleted, distorted or generalised from you year in 2019 and why it's important to get into some of the detail, so that you get more of what you want, and less of what you don't want for 2020. There's still time to sign up for the FREE 5 day mini course to activate your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL 2020.  

  • Why Celebration is so Important: Celebrate 2019 in style

    27/12/2019 Duración: 04min

    How often do you take the time to celebrate outside of birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, New Year, or any other key points in the year? When I work with clients, one of the fundamental parts of our work is to celebrate every time they take action. As we are just a few days away from New Years, and the dawn of a new decade, I'm sharing why celebration isn't just for new years, and why celebrating is so important for wellbeing, productivity, confidence, resilience and motivation. So, here's to celebrating the highlights and show reel of 2019, to kick off 2020 is BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL style. Join me for creating more moments to celebrate in 2020 and beyond with my FREE mini course to Activate a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL year ahead. ** SIGN UP NOW **

  • What are you calling in for 2020?

    20/12/2019 Duración: 08min

    Two months ago I was spending my birthday at a beautiful spa creating my intentions for my year ahead. As part of that I called in the kind of energy; the people, the vibrancy, the kind of clients and work I wanted to be doing in 2020, and the environments I wanted to be creating these in, including the one I was in that day. Fast forward two months and I was there again working with a VIP client in that space that I had created all those vibes. It was like a magic manifestation of everything that I desired. In the show today I'm taking about the power of creating magnetic energy on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and creative energy, and what you're calling in for 2020. This also includes the people, the money, the clients, the opportunities and so much more. So, let's call it in for a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL year.  Join me to call it all on with my free mini course starting 6th Jan 2020 to kickstart an incredible year ahead. Sign up here and let's make 5 days within 2020 really count.

  • Are you Living a Little Life?

    06/12/2019 Duración: 20min

    On the show today, I'm talking about how the language we use creates our reality. From the verbal language we use, to the non-verbal, the 'language' we use to speak to ourselves, about ourselves, makes a difference to our levels of ability, confidence and sense of self. And ultimately; creates our reality. As a Master NLP Practitioner, I'm fascinated by the way linguistics and language creates both positive and negative effects on us. I noticed it recently when a friend was telling me about her flourishing new business, and described it as her 'little' business. I hear it a lot, and it's predominantly language that women use; the 'little's, the 'just's; we don't own our contribution to something incredible. On the show I share: The narratives we are fed as kids as how they shape our adult world How apologetic vs. unapologetic language affects us - did you know that women are 4 x more likely to use apologetic language! How the language we use can change the way we take ownership of blame, and add unnecessary

  • The Other Side of Resistance

    29/11/2019 Duración: 09min

    What resistance are you feeling right now about a situation, which could be the thing you've been looking for, which will help you change up in your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Life? On the show today, I'm talking about the idea of resistance, and how it can actually be the thing which unlocks the key to knowledge and wisdom. And how, on the other side of this resistance is freedom and growth. Grab a pen and a journal as we explore resistance through the lens of the energy centres of our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.  Let's learn from it, and bust it through!

  • The 3 Stories Keeping You Stuck

    20/11/2019 Duración: 08min

    On the show today, I'm sharing with you the three stories you're telling yourself which are keeping you stuck. In this mini series of episodes which are airing as we hit the end of the year, and knee slide into a new decade, I'm diving into more delicious detail as to how we can get towards a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Life. Or, namely the thing that stops us from getting there. In this episode we explore the narratives of: The 'I don't haves' and how what we are telling ourselves about the things we think we don't have is holding us back, is not the actual truth, and how this lack mentality is at play.   The 'When I's' that are keeping you stuck in the fallacy of waiting until everything is perfect before you can start living your life in the way you want to be living.    The 'I'm worried thats', oh yes, this old chestnut. How we are pre-disposed to head towards catastrophising and sending ourselves off a big cliff of doom of what could go wrong before we've even made a start.   This one is for you, once you have

  • How can you tell when you're overcomplicating things?

    13/11/2019 Duración: 09min

    Often ideas towards living a BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL come from a lightbulb moment, or divinely guided inspiration towards how we can meet someone else’s needs. The idea can seem so beautifully simple, yet obvious. Why hasn’t someone else thought if it before? Surely they must have done? No, wow, OK, let’s make it happen. So, you make a start, and then quickly start getting over-excited about all the possibilities of what you could do. You start adding idea to idea to idea to idea. And then before too long, that beautifully simple idea begins to get completely overwhelming. Today on the show, I'm talking about why we overcomplicate things on the show today, and why it might be the perfectionist at play, and your ego trying to keep you in a comfort zone. I’m going to be sharing ways in which you can take your BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Life  idea to the next level without drawing yourself in overwhelm in my FREE Masterclass happening on Thursday 28 November Sign up to find out about how to get a seat at the table.

  • Why you are deserving of a BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Life NOW

    08/11/2019 Duración: 10min

    2020 is going to be a year of living in our full potential, a year of activation and a year of possibility, and I'm inviting you along for the ride, as we up-level to live a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE. But, wait a minute, what if you want to harness to power of possibility, but you are hit with all the worries and doubts about, why me? How me? I don't know where to start? I'm just not ready yet? Well, lovely Practical Magic Podcast listener, I am here on the show today to share with you just why you are ready NOW, and why there really is no better time to start planning, living and rocking that BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life right NOW. No more waiting until the 'perfect' moment exists, or all the things are in place. Our energy is about making it happen, regardless of whether you think you're ready or not (sidenote, none of us are ready, there is no perfect time, in fact, the most perfect of time is non-other than right now!) Enjoy listening, and do sign up to be the first to hear about the BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Mas

  • What's On Your Carousel? with Sarah Weiler

    31/10/2019 Duración: 54min

    Would you describe yourself as a multi-hyphenate, multipotentialite, or in my case the proverbial 'slashie', meaning that I have so many strings to my bow, and things that I love to do in my work, that I find it difficult to encapsulate it all into one job title. Being a multipotentialite or multi-hyphenate doesn't always have to relate to our work, it can relate to all of the things that we do in work, in careers, at home, in our interests; in live overall. Having so many things on the go at the same time can lead to overwhelm if we're trying to do them all at the same time, and feeling as though we not giving all the attention to all things at all times. Enter then the concept of the Carousel, devised by my lovely client - and multipotentialite - Sarah Weiler, who honours that having variety in life and career doesn't have to mean doing all the things at the same time, and that variety can also mean focus. Not one or the other.  Sarah has spent the last 12 years teaching, facilitating and coaching all over

  • The Power of saying NO to get to more YES

    23/10/2019 Duración: 09min

    How often do you find yourself saying 'yes' to things through gritted teeth? Yes is a word in our lives that is lived with excitement, possibility and adventure, but so often we're held back, because we are saying yes to the things which aren't serving us. So on the show today, I'm flying solo to share with you the power of NO, in order to get to the big, bright, juicy, expansive YES! On the show, I'm sharing ways which will help you get OK with saying NO, and what you need to do to hold the stare when the guild kicks in, or you worry about relinquishing the controls over to someone else (yes, love, I know it's hard!) Listen in, this is a goodie. And I'm here to help if you you want to get to that big, bold, juicy, unapologetic YES. This is my super-strength as a coach. Work with me And also, the Practical Magic Spring Retreat is now SOLD OUT, so don't miss out on the incredible offering of the Magnify Your Radiance New Year Retreat taking place on the Isle of Wight from 29 Dec - 1 Jan. 2020 really is your ye

  • From Anxiety to Accomplishment with Sabrina Pace-Humphreys

    16/10/2019 Duración: 47min

    This week on the show we are talking about anxiety, or specifically, how to go from Anxiety to Accomplishment, as I talk with incredible Sabrina Pace Humphreys, who's on a mission to help a million people transform their anxiety into the drive and energy to accomplish their goals.  Having run the ‘toughest footrace on earth’ - the 250KM Marathon Des Sables - across the Sahara Desert, and through her online course ‘anxiety to accomplishment’, Sabrina teaches men and women the tried and true mindset strategies/ wisdom teachings  that got her across the finish line as the 13th GB woman. Strategies that she wholeheartedly believes can be learnt and employed by anyone in order to help them accomplish their hearts desire be it professional, personal or spiritual.    On the show as we discuss: Sabrina's story with anxiety, and how its crippling effects took over her life. How Sabrina used anxiety to help her push forward in completing the Toughest Footrace on Earth What she learnt about herself and anxiety through

  • Empowering Your Financial Freedom with Sarah King

    02/10/2019 Duración: 48min

    Money money money, it's a funny thing isn't it? Something we need to live and create a life in the way we want it, but also something we can have a less than healthy relationship with. On the show today I'm talking with Financial expert Sarah King as she shares ways in which we can have an empowering relationship with money to get us towards financial freedom. We talk about: What it means to live a fulfilled financial future, and an empowered financial life. Sarah shares her own personal money story How a lack of education around money growing up has put a lot of women behind when it comes to financial empowerment How negative language around money impacts our relationship with money Demystifying and clearing the jargon around the language of money, which has for so long been created for men Using and owning our own voice when it comes to financial freedom and wealth How to own your financial power at home and in work How to show the financial value of feminine aspects of relationship building, empathy, crea

  • Better Sleep to Beat Burnout Ep. 3: Harnessing the Power of Sleep & Dreams to Live Creatively

    27/09/2019 Duración: 42min

    Karmic Alchemist Matt Taylor and I come together for the third and final episode the third of our mini series 'Better Sleep to Beat Burnout' - our three part series of podcasts based our the power of sleep and dreams with practical application and consciousness raising to live a creative life. Today on the show we are talking about harnessing the power of sleep & dreams to live creatively, and how we can bring what we learn in sleep into our awakened lives. In the episode we focus on how we can move away from a negative, autopilot robotic and reactive states to awaken your creative power. We also reveal how to leverage sleep to overcome past life issues, connect to the power of waking up to gain messages and implement practical, simple tools to transform your life to a mastered state. This series provides instantly effective tips, tools and technologies to immediately improve, deepen and maximise your sleep power in order to quickly rejuvenate, refresh and revitalise so that you can avoid or heal stressfu

  • Breaking up with Lack Mentality

    25/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    This week's show I'm flying solo to talk about lack mentality and how we can break up with it, and tell it stay the hell out of our lives... for good. The show is a rally cry, and it's one based on some rather painful untruths I had been experiencing, which came to a head last week around how I didn't feel enough, or that I wasn't able to show up for my work, and therefore nobody liked me, and everything was going to go horribly wrong, I mean boo hoo, big time. And I know I'm not alone in this. We all suffer with this idea that we're not good enough to get the job, the relationship, the clients, the life we want. Or we believe that there's just not enough resources to go around, such as time, money, capabilities, opportunities. This is lack mentality, and it sucks. So on the show today, I am sharing ways in which we can switch from the detrimental toxic relationship with lack mentality, to build an empowering, uplifting, and supportive love relationship with an abundant mindset, and abundant life. On the show

  • Giving Yourself Permission with Susie Sourwine

    18/09/2019 Duración: 37min

    How often do you give yourself permission in your life? On the Practical Magic podcast as part of the Reset & Refocus sessions today I am in conversation with the wonderful Susie Sourwine as we talk about the subject of permission, and how we can live our lives from a place of doing just that. On the show we talk about: How permission is linked to decision making around what it is that we truly want in our lives. Being conscious about what we choose to measure our lives against, and not just about what the factory settings Obligations i.e. what you think you have to do vs. choice i.e. what you want / enjoy doing How to claim your own personal sovereignty around what you want and how to claim taking action around that The key points of permission around the three points of Desire, Decide and Do Why Permission is being in the present and an essential  self care practice Permission is meeting yourself where you’re at Susie’s genius and simple tips for granting permission in our lives. Susie’s self care tip

  • Better Sleep to Beat Burnout Ep. 2: Harnessing the Power of Dreams

    13/09/2019 Duración: 49min

    Matt Taylor and I return for the second episode in our podcast mini series where we explore the practical and spiritual aspects of how we can get better sleep to beat burnout. This series provides instantly effective tips, tools and technologies to immediately improve, deepen and maximise your sleep power in order to quickly rejuvenate, refresh and revitalise so that you can avoid or heal stressful, anxious burnout. This is now the number one issue affecting the workplace leading to severe impacts on our lives. In the episode today Matt and I discussing the power of dreams; why we dream, the purpose of our dreams, how we can use dreams to make sense of what's going on in our lives, the realm of dreams, travelling and messages and how we can use them practically, properly and powerfully to create great shift in our lives and improve our energy. Join us for fun, lively and fascinating insights into the world of sleep.  

  • Living a Free Range Life with Marianne Cantwell

    11/09/2019 Duración: 49min

    Well, when you hear that someone's written a book called 'Be a Free Range Human' you just know that you've got to get them onto your show. As I'm all about helping you to live a life on your own terms, it seems that Marianne Cantwell and I are talking the same language.  This week on the Practical Magic Podcast, and as part of the Reset & Refocus conversations, I'm talking with Marianne about living a free range life, and how much has changed since she released the first edition of the book back in 2012. On the show we talk about: What is is to live a truly free range life, and how it's not just about being a digital nomad tapping away from your keyboard in Bali! Why it's important to strip back the outer layers of how we want to life our lives, to get to understand what makes us tick, and what's at the core of who we are as individual human hearts. The cultural shift Marianne has noticed since writing the first edition of Be a Free Range Human 7 years ago, and how there's no 6 week programme out there t

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