Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

What are you calling in for 2020?



Two months ago I was spending my birthday at a beautiful spa creating my intentions for my year ahead. As part of that I called in the kind of energy; the people, the vibrancy, the kind of clients and work I wanted to be doing in 2020, and the environments I wanted to be creating these in, including the one I was in that day. Fast forward two months and I was there again working with a VIP client in that space that I had created all those vibes. It was like a magic manifestation of everything that I desired. In the show today I'm taking about the power of creating magnetic energy on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and creative energy, and what you're calling in for 2020. This also includes the people, the money, the clients, the opportunities and so much more. So, let's call it in for a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL year.  Join me to call it all on with my free mini course starting 6th Jan 2020 to kickstart an incredible year ahead. Sign up here and let's make 5 days within 2020 really count.