Sunday Evening Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • Take A Break


    Our society is a restless one--we conflate rest with weakness. We tell ourselves that we should keep hustling, that we don't need a break. But without margin in our lives, we burn out quickly. We all need rest, both physical and spiritual. What does it mean to have spiritual rest in Jesus?   Psalm 62

  • Eliminating Stress


    Our society is inundated by stress. Often, we conflate busyness with significance. How do we break out of this negative cycle? In this sermon, we pose three self-evaluating questions that can help us determine if our schedules are filled with things that are significant and worth pursuing, or things that are insignificant and stealing our joy.   Luke 10:38-42

  • An “Even If” Faith


    What does it look like to have a faith in God that weathers all storms? In this sermon, we learn about how we can respond to God in faith regardless of what life brings. We can trust that God is good and faithful to those who love Him. Because of God's character, our response should be to hold onto faith in all circumstances.   Habakkuk 3:1-19

  • Holding On To Hope


    Everyone faces challenges that leave us uncertain and feeling unstable. What can we hold on to during these turbulent times? In this sermon, we find learn three assurances we can grab onto in difficult situation: God will judge, God will be glorified, and God will be worshipped. When the idols of our lives are pulled away, and only Jesus is left, we'll find the firmest ground upon which to face our difficulties. No matter what you're going through, God is still on the throne.   Habakkuk 2:6-20

  • Waiting for the World to Change


    When life is hard and we don’t know what to do, how should we find our way? In this passage, Habakkuk reminds us of three keys to following God in confusing times. We learn that when we can’t make sense of God’s ways, we should rest in God’s character and remain faithful. Habakkuk 1:12-2:5

  • Where Does Death Come From?


    Thinking about the inevitability of death should cause us to think about our life: how are we prioritizing our lives in light of this? Death is not just the physical consequences of sin, it also affects three critical relationships: with others, with creation, and with God. The one opportunity to conquer spiritual death and fix these broken relationships is through faith in Jesus.   Romans 5:12-17

  • Grieving Loss


    Grief is an inevitable part of our lives; it’s the evidence of how significant a loss is to us. When loss comes, how should we process our grief? What does the Bible say about grieving? In this final sermon in our series, Pastor McCarthy provides us with several key steps we can implement when we grieve.

  • How Did Jesus Defeat Death?


    How we think about death affects how we live our daily lives. For the Christian, the death and resurrection of Jesus is the central message of our faith, the foundation upon which all else rests. But how do we know that Jesus really defeated death, and what does that mean for us on a daily basis? In this sermon, we learn that Jesus defeated death in three ways: by dying, by living, and by transforming. The application for us is that this good news should make us unstoppable in our mission for the gospel.   1 Corinthians 15

  • What Happens After You Die?


    What happens after we die? Scripture encourages us to take seriously the question of death and the afterlife. In this passage, we learn that our eternal destiny is determined by our life's choices, actions, and belief during this short life. There are no second chances; when our life ends we will either be with God or separated from God. The good news is that we can know with certainty where we are going; do you have confidence of your final destination through a relationship with Jesus?   Luke 16:19-31

  • Temple of God


    The temple was the place where God’s glory was evident to all.  Since we are now called the temple of God, is God’s glory clearly seen in our lives? This metaphor is a powerful reminder that God himself dwells in us, and that we are called to spread his glory throughout the whole earth. There are three characteristics of the church as the temple of God: it’s built on a solid foundation, it’s striving after holiness, and it’s displaying God’s glory. The things that come into our lives will test our foundation. If our foundation is weak, sin damages both us individually and the church collectively.   1 Corinthians 3:10-17

  • Slaves of Righteousness


    Everyone worships something; it's simply a matter of who or what you worship. You can either worship God, or you can worship the things of this world. In that sense, we're all either slaves to sin or slave to righteousness. For this who call themselves Christians, our lives should look different because of Who we serve. In this message, we're challenged to consider this question: who or what am I serving with my life?   Romans 6:15-23

  • Ambassadors of Christ


    What does it mean to be an ambassador of Christ? An ambassador is one who represents one country while living in another; they are authorized to speak on their king's behalf to others far from home. In Christ, believers are called to be ambassadors. In that role we are: entrusted with the message of the gospel; sent with God's authority and empowered to represent Him; representing another kingdom; and proclaiming our King's message of reconciliation. As ambassadors representing Jesus to the world, we should remember that people are watching how we use the authority and the message we've been given.   2 Corinthians 5:18-21

  • Royal Priesthood


    Certain things are true of us just because we are a follower of Jesus Christ. It changes not only our eternal destiny but also who we are in this world right now. Scripture calls believers to be a Royal Priesthood; but what does that mean? In this sermon, we learn about our ministry as priests and its impact on our daily lives. To be a royal priest means to intercede before God on behalf of others, to be witness about the life of Christ, and to worship Him through our lives.   1 Peter 2:4-9 and Exodus 19:5-6

  • New Creation


    How do we know that we are a new creation in Christ? In this sermon, we explore the incredible gift of a new beginning in Christ. As new creations, our lives should exhibit three new qualities. First, we have a new love for God and others. This is reflected in the outward overflow of love from our lives towards others, love that's characterized by abundant sacrifice and patience. Second, we have a new status, being dead to sin but alive to Christ. This means that our desires are slowly changing, and sin's hold on our life is weakening (Rom 6:6-11). Finally, we have a new motivation to no longer live for ourselves but for Christ. Life at its fullest is found when Christ is at the center of it.   2 Corinthians 5:14-17

  • Children of God


    Who am I? We all wrestle with this existential question. How we answer this question significantly impacts how we live our lives. So, where are you finding your identity today? When you find your identity in Christ, as a child of God, everything else pales in comparison. In this sermon, we learn three privileges to being a child of God: an unwavering security, an unthinkable inheritance, and an unchanging love.   1 John 3:1

  • Phoebe


    Our God is hospitable, and He calls us to reflect that nature to others. God knits people together through hospitality. He calls us to move outward to enter into other people's lives where we can display His love. Phoebe's life exemplified godly hospitality and warmth, and in this passage Paul commends her for her generosity towards others. In this sermon, we learn of the impact our hospitality makes for the Kingdom of God.   Romans 16:1-2

  • Mordecai


    Can personal faith be separated from public life? Mordecai's story is one where the dividing line between personal and public faith became non-existent. In this sermon, we are reminded that all of life is for God, and that His plans will be completed. We have an invitation to be a part of God's plan; it's up to us how we respond.   Book of Esther

  • Mephibosheth


    Mephibosheth's life isn't a heroic one on the surface. He was a son of Saul, and when David ascended the throne, Mephibosheth's relationship with the new king was potentially dangerous. His story reflects a broader eternal reality. The king that Mephibosheth once ran from, he comes to love and serve. Ultimately, the story points to a future King of Kings, Jesus, who will reign forever with great mercy and compassion.   This sermon includes a dramatic first-person narrative of the story from Mephibosheth's point of view.   2 Samuel 9

  • Hosea


    What are your favorite love stories? In this sermon, we watch a very unconventional love story unfold. Hosea's story is a transcendent tale of love, one that reflects elements of human love, but most importantly one that illustrates God's unconditional love for mankind. Through this story, we learn some incredible lessons about God's character and salvation story. Passages in Hosea

  • Gideon


    Gideon's time was very similar to our own today: everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Gideon's life provides insights into navigating a godless culture and our own insecurities. Through Gideon's story, we learn that even though we may fail, God's prerogative is to save us and redeem us.   Judges 6-7

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