Sunday Evening Podcast | The Moody Church



Connecting You with God and Others


  • Are We All God’s Children?


    Are we all really God’s children? In this sermon, Pastor Eric shares three thing that are true about all children of God: we’re all debtors, we’re all adopted, and we’re all inheritors.   Romans 8:12-17

  • The Secret of True Spirituality


    What does it mean to live life to the fullest? To let our spirits soar? Our culture has embraced a philosophy promoting ways to live as freely as possible; we tend to pursue our personal pleasures above all else. But our culture has failed to define what it truly means to live. In this passage, the Apostle Paul demonstrates that life-giving spirituality is not a practice, but a person.   Romans 8:1-11

  • Listening to God


    Why should we listen to God? In this passage, God speaks to the church at Laodicea. It's a passage of scripture that implores to us listen up when God speaks directly to us. Through this church's example, we learn that God knows us, He knows what we need, and He loves us enough to discipline us.   Revelation 3:14-22

  • Remember Your First Love


    What do you really love? In part one of this series, Justin May looks at the church of Ephesus described in Revelation 2. The text forces us to ask a critical question: what would our lives and our churches look like if we had more passion for Jesus?   Revelation 2:1-7

  • Here’s Hoping


    As we wrap up our series on hope, let's ask ourselves an important question: are we are placing our hope in the right thing? If we have our hope in the right thing, there are three things that should be present in our lives: joy, boldness, and endurance.  Are these qualities proof of true hope in our lives?   Colossians 1:3–5, 1 Thessalonians 1:3

  • Our Great Hope


    Many of us are starting to think more and more about the future: what will the next phase of our lives look like? Followers of Jesus should be people who have hearts set on the future, on eternity. Scripture has much to say about the future return of Christ. In this sermon, we hear three reasons that our hope is in Christ's second coming: it changes our current perspective; it teaches us how to wait; and it reminds us of what matters most.   1 Peter 1:13

  • Cosmic Hope


    It's hard to ignore how broken the world is during these unusual times. Is there any hope? In this passage, we see three characteristics of the hope we have through the redeeming power of the gospel: our hope is beyond compare, our hope is beyond ourselves, and our hope is beyond experience. What are you putting your hope in today?   Romans 5:18-25

  • When Hope Suffers


    What does it mean as followers of Jesus to have hope? And how does that hope help us when we are suffering and in pain? Three ways to have enduring hope in difficult times: place your hope in God; know how hope grows; and to see that assurance that hope brings. Romans 5:1-5

  • Hope Has A Name


    We all hope that the pandemic will soon pass and that life will get back to normal. Yet for all our hope, none of us really knows what the next weeks and months will look like. When the Bible talks about hope, is it hope like this? Hope that just wants something to happen, even if it’s just wishful thinking? Or is biblical hope something different, something deeper, something better? As we begin our new series, we learn that hope isn't simply a concept but that it has a name, Jesus.   Mark 5:21-43

  • Four Results of the Resurrection


    On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the power of the resurrection to transform our lives and bring us redemption through faith in Jesus! In this sermon, Pastor Best reminds us of four results of the resurrection of Jesus: the resurrection grounds salvation, brings life, gives assurance, and demands surrender.   Romans 10:9-10

  • Jesus and the City


    God uses the Church in cities to stir the whole country. Historically, when Christianity flourished in cities, the message of Jesus spread everywhere. Today, cities are hotbeds of the global pandemic and many are afraid to be outside in public. Yet during this time, great hope exists for gospel proclamation.   Luke 19:41-44

  • Gospel Renewal


    In Pastor Philip's first visit to Sunday night service, he gives us a short devotional from Isaiah 6 about the joys of gospel renewal. Drawing on the imagery from the passage, he outlines the four stages we go through when we experience the true transformation of the gospel in our lives.   Isaiah 6

  • Fear Less


    We live in scary times, and it can be easy to let fear dominate our lives. But when we turn to God’s Word, we see that He is with us, and none of the events of this world catch Him by surprise. No matter how crazy life gets, we as followers of Jesus should not be controlled by fear but compelled by love.   Psalm 46:1-3

  • Praying With Power


    Prayer is the tool that will get us through that darkest valleys of our lives. But it’s important to remember how to pray, and not to keep prayer only focused on ourselves. In this passage, we see four key characteristics of prayer in the life of a believer: we need to pray constantly, we need to pray submissively, we need to pray vigilantly, and we need to pray evangelistically.   Ephesians 6:18-20

  • Weapons For Warfare


    Have you ever felt like you had the wrong tools for the challenge you faced? The right tools significantly increase our chances for success. In this sermon, we explore the six tools that God gives us to fight our spiritual battles.   Ephesians 6:14-17

  • Standing Firm


    Invisible spiritual forces are battling against our hearts to distract us from our Christian faith. In sermon, we learn three reasons why we can stand firm against spiritual attack as followers of Jesus. First, we are empowered by God and can rely on His strength to get us through the spiritual difficulties of life. Second, we are equipped by God with every tool we need to stand firm. And third, we are emboldened by God's love for us to face these battles and achieve victory.   Ephesians 6:10-13

  • Final Thoughts On Being Stressed Out


    As we wrap up our series in this sermon, which includes a live panel discussion, three concluding thoughts stick out. First, your salvation and status before God does not depend on your performance. The good news of the gospel is that our salvation is not based on what we can do but on what has been done for us through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Second, our salvation does not depend on our feelings. We are more than our emotions. You cannot trust your feelings, so you cannot base your relationship with God on feelings either. When we don't feel the love of God, does our faith dictate our feelings, or do our feelings dictate our faith? Third, for the Christian, all of life is about growing in trust with God. When we face struggles in life, we should continue to place our trust in God and not try to control things ourselves.

  • Peace and Perspective


    If you're looking for a "peace" that never seems to arrive, you may have the wrong perspective. In this sermon, we learn that our perspective of God and His presence in our lives is inextricably tied to our experience of peace. When we focus on the things of heaven and put them into practice, God's peace will be upon us regardless of the chaos around us.   Philippians 4:4-9

  • What To Do In The Pit Of Depression


    Chances are you'll experience depression or know someone who does sometime during your life. How should we respond in these moments? Is there a way to overcome our depression? In this uplifting sermon, we learn four responses that can turn our sorrow into hope: ask God why you have these feelings; remind yourself who God is and what He thinks of you; thirst for God and pursue that spiritual relationship with Him; maintain your focus on the hope we have in Christ. As we learn from the Psalmist in chapter 42, these practices turn our despair into singing to the God of our salvation.   Psalm 42

  • Encountering God In My Anxiety


    Chances are you or someone you know struggles with anxiety. This debilitating issue doesn't have to be a dead end with no escape. Handled correctly, our struggles with anxiety can draw us into deeper relationship with God. In this sermon, we learn about important tools that help us identify, evaluate, and act in a Godly way when anxiety strikes.   1 Peter 5:7

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