Curious With Calvin Wayman



The world's first podcast where you can win a car! (Giveaways every episode.) Brought to you by the author of Fish Out of Water, entrepreneur, and all-around curious dude, Calvin Wayman. In this show, you get to join authentic, unscripted, and unedited conversations with some of your favorite people around business, tech, tools, people, and pop culture to satisfy all that makes you curious.


  • Ep53-How To Shorten The Gap To Success With Mark Lack

    16/05/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Something I’ve learned over the years is this: principles are principles. Age is just a number. When you put principles to work through action, great things come from it.   That’s what today’s show is about.   This dude has been interviewing rockstar after rockstar,   He’s in a successful businessman,   He’s made millions of dollars,   AND…   He just turned 28 (PS., happy belated birthday bro).   This is Mark Lack. How did he do it? What are some of the principles? We talk about it on today’s show.   If you’re looking to “shorten the gap” to your success, then this is for you. Let’s dive in!   #StayCuriousMyFriends

  • Ep52-Sharing Stories With Dave Woodward

    14/05/2018 Duración: 37min

    We often see amazing people up front, but rarely see those behind the scenes that are a massive piece in “making it happen.”   For every @Tai Lopez, there’s a @Maya Burkenroad.   For every @John Lee Dumas, there’s a @Kate Erickson.   And for the fast talking dude we all love who sold $3M+ in sales at @Grant Cardone’s event (aka @Russell Brunson), there’s the righthand man @Dave Woodward.   Now of course there are often MANY many team members where there’s an empire, and this is taking nothing from the amazing people we see up front, but they would be the first to tell you how appreciative they are for their people who help make it all happen.   Dave is one of those people.   He and I met about 3 years ago now, and to me he feels like an older brother. Every time we get a chance to connect it’s good vibes and good times.   He was kind enough to invite me onto Funnelhacker Radio for episode 50, and this is me aiming to get him close as possible as to that number on my podcast so I could to return the favor. Her

  • Ep51-How An Introvert Can Become More Confident From Stage And On Social Media

    11/05/2018 Duración: 15min

    Here’s something many people don’t know.   A few years ago, I held a company record for the WORST performance a sales agent ever had.   I was so afraid of putting myself out there on social media, that I didn’t even have a profile picture of myself.   I wanted to write a blog, but for fear that someone would know it was me, I had an alias for the author (“Cobbes Warfly” baby), and God forbid someone would actually read it, I even kept the articles PRIVATE!   Truth be told, I was a natural born introvert through and through.   So the question is, how have I since jumped into entrepreneurship, put myself out there on social media every single day, delivered talks in front of thousands of people, and even start this podcast?   That’s what today’s show is all about. If you’ve ever felt introverted with a dream, I hope you can use this episode to help you become more confident—whether it’s from stage, on social media, or in life.   #StayCurious :)

  • Ep50-Shooting The Sh*t With Billy Gene

    09/05/2018 Duración: 40min

    The BIG 50!   Can’t believe we are already 50 episodes into the podcast.   It was fun spending it with my brother from another mother, Billy Gene of Marketing.   (Speaking of “mothers,” Billy has me share what it’s like to have four moms.)   If you’re on Facebook at all, you’ve likely seen Billy’s creative ads. I love his style because he brings more humor and entertainment to the world of entrepreneurship.   It’s a fun conversation. I hope you enjoy! :)   #StayCuriousMyFriends  

  • Ep49-You Are The Universe With Nichole Sylvester

    07/05/2018 Duración: 41min

    What if you could invite abundance into your life simply by asking a question?   Better yet, instead of thinking there’s something you have to earn, what if you already have access to it? Right NOW?   Nichole Sylvester is a dear friend of mine, and a spiritual leader.   Her new book “Oh Shift!” comes out on May 17th. Catch the awesome conversation on today’s episode.   #StayCuriousMyFriends  

  • Ep48-How To Know It's Time To Leave Your Day Job With Calvin Wayman

    04/05/2018 Duración: 09min

    This is a question I get often, and I address it on this episode of Fan Question Friday.   Chances are if you follow my content, you’re someone who feels called to step up into the world.   You’re either entrepreneurial, or know you’re meant to impact lives in some way.   But how do you know when is the “right time” to actually take the leap to go after it?   I hope this episode can answer that question for you.   #StayCuriousMyFriends

  • Ep47-How To Be A Better Creator And Get Paid Doing What You Love With Peter Hollens

    02/05/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    If you’ve watched any amazing covers on YouTube, you’ve likely seen this guy.   He and I met at a conference recently that he performed, and this conversation we just had was a blast!   We go deep on everything to do with creators, particularly YouTube creators.   It’s a world I’ve become increasingly curious about, and Peter was the perfect person to have in on the conversation.   Give it a listen. #StayCuriousMyFriends  

  • Ep46-How To Light Yourself Up By Following Your Passion With Owen Video

    30/04/2018 Duración: 58min

    To say my friend Owen loves video would be an understatement.   In fact, he loves it so much that’s what he changed his last name to—literally.   Here’s a super sick conversation with my man Owen Video, on how to make yourself feel alive by following your passion.   It’s a super fun conversation. I hope it lights up your Monday.   Stay curious, my friends :)  

  • Ep45-Insider info - Something's Happening With My YouTube Show

    27/04/2018 Duración: 20min

    Yo yo! Happy Friday peeps!   I decided to do something fun on this Fan Question Friday (and I’ll probably do this more and more).   I wanted to give you, my podcast listeners, INSIDER INFO—stuff that I’m working on or things that are going to be announced BEFORE IT’S ANNOUNCED.   That’s right.   Before anyone knows about it on Facebook, or Instagram, or in many cases even before I talk with people about it in PERSON, I’m going to share it with you my podcast audience FIRST.   In this episode, I share something that literally the only other person I’ve shared this with is my wife.   The announcement will be coming out in a few weeks, but you’re catching it here first on Curious With Calvin Wayman.   Also, my man David Martinez asked a super great question on this episode: “What is one small step you’d recommend for someone looking to get out of debt?”   I answer that question and more on this episode. Enjoy the show!!   #StayCuriousMyFriends  

  • Ep44-The power Of Starting Something Stupid With Richie Norton

    25/04/2018 Duración: 01h17min

    Richie Norton is a special soul.   He’s one of those people that when you see him you just know, “life is good.”   On this episode, he and I jam on a variety of topics.   He’s becoming a great friend and we just have an amazingly great time.  

  • Ep43-How To Deliver Your First TED Talk With Erin Loman Jeck

    23/04/2018 Duración: 01h03min

    There’s a dream I’ve had for a while, and this episode puts me one MAJOR step closer.   What’s that dream? Delivering a TEDx Talk.   For years, I’ve been mesmerized by TED Talks.   Whether it was seeing Simon Sinek talk about Starting with Why,   Or Amy Cuddy on “power poses,”   Or Daniel Pink talking about what really motivates us,   These talks have cut deep and had a massive influence in my life.   So I want to do the same and give back through delivering my own “idea worth spreading.”   On today’s show, I connect with someone who is the CEO of a speaker agency, a TEDx speaking coach, and a dear friend.   Introducing the one and only Erin Loman Jeck. Let’s dive in!  

  • Ep42-How To Goal-Set Like A Millionaire

    20/04/2018 Duración: 47min

    This is hands down my favorite Fan Question Friday episode EVER.   The things I share episode people have invested $3,000 for a single afternoon to share this with them.   You are going to freaking love it.   If you’ve ever wondered the habits of super successful people, this is it. Feel free to rip it off and make it your own. (I just ask that you pay it forward with someone before you)   Enjoy!   PS., I make a major announcement at the end—not even my social media audience knows about yet. ;)   I hope this episode makes your world even better. #StayCurious  

  • Episode 41 - Get Real With Carlos Gil

    18/04/2018 Duración: 01h08min

    This episode is absolute FIRE!   If you’re looking for straight talk,   Let this be your daily motivation.   My buddy Carlos Gil and I jump on and just chop it up.   Everything from the fakeness that can be on social media, to the frustrations of the corporate world, to what entrepreneurship really looks like.   It’s real and raw. Just exactly how the show is supposed to be. It’s time to get real with Carlos Gil.   Enjoy the show!

  • Episode 40 - The King Of Internet Marketing With Vince Reed

    16/04/2018 Duración: 35min

    Have you ever thought of using the internet to explode your business?   What if you could use the power of Google, Social Media, and everything online to create an endless stream of leads and customers?   That’s what my friend Vince Reed and I talk about in this episode. Enjoy the show!  

  • Episode 39 - Crazy Way To Get Out Of Debt By Spending Money

    13/04/2018 Duración: 12min

    [CRAZY WAY TO GET OUT OF DEBT BY SPENDING MONEY]   We all have financial struggles at times. We’re not all where we’d like to be.   There’s that next level we want to hit, and it can be frustrating trying to figure out how to get there.   I know, because I felt the same way.   But two years ago something amazing happened. My wife and I were invited on the Dave Ramsey Show to do something that has been one of my favorite moments of my life—yelling “We’re Debt Free!”   The road was rocky, life is far from perfect even now, but through intensity we made it happen.   How?   What if I told you that the key to gaining control of your finances wasn’t actually in saving your money, but in spending it?   Crazy, right?   Well, this radical idea is that’s exactly what I did to pay off $53,000 in debt in less than 3 years.   I share about it this episode. If you’re curious about getting a stronger financial footing, this episode is for you.   #StayCuriousMyFriends.  

  • Ep38-Making Bank With Josh Felber

    11/04/2018 Duración: 35min

    I LOVE connecting with people further down the path than I am. What better way to shorten the way to success? That becomes a big theme during today’s conversation. If you’re looking to Make Bank,Catch the conversation I have with my friend Josh Felber, host of the “Making Bank Podcast.”

  • Ep37-The Secrets To Growing Your Instagram Account With Jeremy McGilvrey

    09/04/2018 Duración: 37min

    [THE SECRETS TO GROWING YOUR INSTAGRAM!]   The title says it all.   If you’re looking for one of the most untapped opportunities to growing a massive audience, it’s Instagram.   This guy literally wrote the book on hacking Instagram, and is responsible for people growing their pages literally into the millions.   Today, Jeremy McGilvrey and I go deep in the Instagram game, and he gives me tips on how I can grow my profile to 10,000 (which I’m already implementing, btw!)   If Instagram is something you’re curious about, this episode is a GOLD MINE.   Enjoy the show :)

  • Ep36-What you need to start a vlog in 2018

    06/04/2018 Duración: 10min

    [BRAND NEW EPISODE OF FAN QUESTION FRIDAY!]   In this short (under 10 minutes) episode I answer a question that people reach out to me for all the time.   Calvin, what I need to start a vlog on YouTube?   What do you use to create all your Millionaire Case Study episodes?   It’s all here in this episode, and the answers may be more surprising than you think.   Enjoy the quick show!  

  • Ep35-Real Conversations Are The Best Conversations With Matt Maddix

    04/04/2018 Duración: 45min

    Life, religion, and ayahuasca?   When you’re talking with friends, nothing is off limits.   In this episode, Matt Maddix and I go deep on a variety of topics that others might normally consider “not appropriate for podcasting.”   But what I’ve come to realize is that unscripted, unedited, raw, and real conversations are the best conversations.   That’s what we deliver in this episode. Enjoy the show :)  

  • Ep34-How to become a millionaire, even at 16 years old with Caleb Maddix

    02/04/2018 Duración: 41min

    [WHAT IF YOU COULD BE A MILLIONAIRE BY AGE 16?]   Some people ask me what made me write my first book.   In all started because of this next guest.   A couple years ago, I came across this guy named “Caleb Maddix.”   It turns out, he was doing things that I wanted to do.   He was being interviewed by people I admired like Grant Cardone.   He was speaking on stage with people I look up to like Gary Vaynerchuk, or Tony Robbins.   He had a 6-figure+ business.   And he was an author.   But the craziest fact of all? Get this:   He was only FOURTEEN. YEARS. OLD.   Yes, you read that right. Not 40. 14.   It was that day I realized I no longer had any excuse, and “Fish Out of Water” was born.   Today, Caleb is 16. We’ve had the privilege of sharing the same stage at a couple different events and he’s become a good friend.   He’s proof that age is just a number. As long as you provide value to others you will min.   In today’s show we talk about other success principles he’s used to officially become a millionaire bef

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