Curious With Calvin Wayman

Ep52-Sharing Stories With Dave Woodward



We often see amazing people up front, but rarely see those behind the scenes that are a massive piece in “making it happen.”   For every @Tai Lopez, there’s a @Maya Burkenroad.   For every @John Lee Dumas, there’s a @Kate Erickson.   And for the fast talking dude we all love who sold $3M+ in sales at @Grant Cardone’s event (aka @Russell Brunson), there’s the righthand man @Dave Woodward.   Now of course there are often MANY many team members where there’s an empire, and this is taking nothing from the amazing people we see up front, but they would be the first to tell you how appreciative they are for their people who help make it all happen.   Dave is one of those people.   He and I met about 3 years ago now, and to me he feels like an older brother. Every time we get a chance to connect it’s good vibes and good times.   He was kind enough to invite me onto Funnelhacker Radio for episode 50, and this is me aiming to get him close as possible as to that number on my podcast so I could to return the favor. Her