Think Beyond Pink Linda Bamber



Pink ribbons for the cause are everywhere: pink marshmallows, pink hair dryers, pink cupcakes and pink cosmetics. How do we know when something is really helping, educating or protecting our breast health? Have we been pink-washed? Linda Bamber helps you sort it all out. Join her as she talks with survivors, educators and writers for so that you can Think beyond Pink.


  • Think Beyond Pink – Breast Cancer Thrivers


    Beverly Vote, editor of Breast Cancer Wellness magazine, has turned diversity into a movement to help breast cancer survivors that spans the globe. Her mission to help women become Breast Cancer Thrivers emphasizes how to nurture women who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer during all phases of their recovery and beyond. Her book, How […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Breast Cancer Thrivers appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – 062711


    062711 The post Think Beyond Pink – 062711 appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Guided Imagery Helps Breast Surgery Recovery


    Guided imagery before a breast biopsy or breast cancer surgery provides faster recovery. Sharon O’Connor, founder of Atlantic Complementary Medical Solutions, has been creating guided imagery and hypnotherapy CD’s for nine years. Sharon, a registered nurse, says her CD’s help patients prepare for medical procedures, recuperate from surgery faster, eliminate anxiety, and reduce overall stress. […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Guided Imagery Helps Breast Surgery Recovery appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – 061311


    061311 The post Think Beyond Pink – 061311 appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – How the Hcg Diet Could Protect Your Breast Health


    The Hcg diet is close to a fad at this point – but few experts are pointing out it could be protective for your breast health. Dr. Angie Chaudoir, a naturopathic doctor who has worked with over 1000 people and helped them lose weight using homeopathic Hcg drops gives us some insight about the diet. […] The post Think Beyond Pink – How the Hcg Diet Could Protect Your Breast Health appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Estrogen Dominance Connected to Liver Problems


    The liver has around 500 functions in our body-many of them directly relating to our breast health. Dr. Vaughn Lawrence, a Kansas City naturopath, will discuss how the liver protects our health, especially our breast health. Information about detoxification of hormones and xenohormones, drugs connected with breast cancer, aspartame and it’s breast health ramifications, and […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Estrogen Dominance Connected to Liver Problems appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – The BioMat –An Amazing Medical Device for Breast Health Protection


    An FDA registered medical device called the BioMat provides an easy way to detoxify and cleanse your body. No sauna-like sweating, restrictive diets or supplements needed. The special mat, originally from Korea, uses infrared energy and amethyst crystals to improve your immune system and protect your breast health. Join us as we talk to Dr. […] The post Think Beyond Pink – The BioMat –An Amazing Medical Device for Breast Health Protection appeared first on

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