Think Beyond Pink Linda Bamber



Pink ribbons for the cause are everywhere: pink marshmallows, pink hair dryers, pink cupcakes and pink cosmetics. How do we know when something is really helping, educating or protecting our breast health? Have we been pink-washed? Linda Bamber helps you sort it all out. Join her as she talks with survivors, educators and writers for so that you can Think beyond Pink.


  • Think Beyond Pink – Leaving the Fear of Breast Cancer Behind


    Dr. Thomas Hudson, author of Journey to Hope, shares self-care and prevention for women and the men who love them in a passionate interview. During 20 years of working as a radiologist specializing in mammography, Dr. Thomas listened to the women who were always asking “How can I help myself?” and wrote a book for […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Leaving the Fear of Breast Cancer Behind appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Travel Toward Wellness


    Nancy Parker has experienced several journeys in her lifetime, but none more important than her recovery from breast cancer. Now, her journeys have taken another path in a new business, Travel toward Wellness. Her concept of travel to enrich the lives of women touched by cancer provides many avenues for different tastes and time schedules. […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Travel Toward Wellness appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Dow Corning Breast Implant Travesty Continues, part II


    Kathy-Keithly Johnston joins us again for more information about women and the struggles they have had with breast implant failure. Kathy, the founder of Toxic Discovery, a non-profit group with over 30,000 members helps guide women through the correct paperwork necessary to file to prove implant failure. Kathy educates and empowers women with not only […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Dow Corning Breast Implant Travesty Continues, part II appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Dow Corning Breast Implant Travesty Continues


    Kathy-Keithly Johnston is Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and Director of Client Services, with more than 28 years of combined experience in the fields of chemical injury, medical device failure, product liability and toxic torts. But sometimes those big intros mean little until you know the person behind the scenes. After years of illnesses related to […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Dow Corning Breast Implant Travesty Continues appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – 010912


    Diana Ross shares some amazing ideas with us about the role of yoga in breast health or after a bout with breast cancer. A cancer survivor, Diana lives what she shares…her classes and website all give terrific input to relaxation, de-stressing and getting those emotions in balance with yoga. You will be learning ideas from […] The post Think Beyond Pink – 010912 appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Help “Raise A Stink” with Breast Cancer Action


    Karuna Jaggar, the executive director of Breast Cancer Action shares how you can make corporate pinkwashers accountable. Their current campaign targets Susan G. Komen’s current fundraiser– the Promise Me perfume. Something is definitely smelly- this product has many toxins that are harming our health, according to independent testing by BCA. Learn how to Raise a […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Help “Raise A Stink” with Breast Cancer Action appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Food Beats Tamoxifen as A Cancer Protector


    Susun Weed, author of Breast Cancer? Breast Health! – The Wise Woman Way, joins us for a second fascinating show highlighting foods ability to protects us from cancers. Every time a cell replicates there is a chance that it will mutate—in fact our body takes care of about 250, 000 DNA mutations daily that can […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Food Beats Tamoxifen as A Cancer Protector appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Bill Henderson –Natural Ideas for Overcoming Breast Cancer


    Bill Henderson has hosted his own radio program, How to Live Cancer-Free, for seven years. Bill shares his expertise on natural ideas for breast cancer on this very special show. After coaching 1500 women diagnosed with breast cancer; he has some definite ideas about the three most important changes that women need to make that […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Bill Henderson –Natural Ideas for Overcoming Breast Cancer appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – The BioMeridian – East Meets West Health Technology


    Sherry Woodward, shares information with us about the BioMeridian, a non-invasive health screening tool. This FDA registered system is an important tool to add to your arsenal for preventive health information. The computerized system, with an East meets West attitude, is a terrific way to learn about your breast health and other areas of your […] The post Think Beyond Pink – The BioMeridian – East Meets West Health Technology appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Hormone Harmony


    Dr. Alicia Stanton gives simplistic advice that we all need to follow to balance our hormones. Her book, Hormone Harmony: How to Balance Insulin, Cortisol, Thyroid, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone to Live Your Best Life should be on your shelf. Hormone dis-harmony is the real cause behind the spare tire look (not very popular and […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Hormone Harmony appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Thermography Provides Time for Early Intervention Strategies


    Dr. Peter Leando, the founder of Meditherm, Inc. has worked in the thermography industry for over 20 years. He shares with us the evolution of thermography and how it provides opportunities for early intervention. Women are looking for choices for protecting their breast health, so they will appreciate his candid information about what to look […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Thermography Provides Time for Early Intervention Strategies appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Breast Health Exposed


    Jan Janzen, author of Breast Health Exposed: 21 Secrets Most Doctors Will Never Tell You About Your Breasts says “It is really so unnecessary that every day, every 12 minutes, a woman dies of breast cancer. Lack of education, fear, and greed are creating a travesty that future generations will surely look upon in horror.’’ […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Breast Health Exposed appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Nutritional Support for the Cancer Battle-Part I


    Let’s face it. The statistics are horrible. One in three people will battle cancer in their lifetime. We need to be aware of nutritional support for ourselves or our loved one before a problem is diagnosed. You don’t want to miss Dr. Joseph Runyon as he shares years of expertise in the natural health field. […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Nutritional Support for the Cancer Battle-Part I appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Dream Breast System II


    Derek Shelton, has created a 12 week breast improvement system, so we’re giving him two weeks to tell us about his concept! Join us as we continue a second program that helps us to learn about our culture and mind set as it relates to our breast size. There are many studies that back up […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Dream Breast System II appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Dream Breast System


    The name says it all, Dream Breast System. Derek Shelton, the creator of a 12 week guided imagery program shares information about his system that provides an alternative choice for women who want to improve their breast size without surgery. Obviously the first question is always… does it work? Many studies in the 1970’s and […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Dream Breast System appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – The BioMat –An Amazing Medical Device for Breast Health Protection


    An FDA registered medical device called the BioMat provides an easy way to detoxify and cleanse your body. No sauna-like sweating, restrictive diets or supplements needed. The special mat, originally from Korea, uses infrared energy, amethyst crystals and negative ions to improve your immune system and protect your breast health. Join Dr. Mark Wallace as […] The post Think Beyond Pink – The BioMat –An Amazing Medical Device for Breast Health Protection appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Breast Implants and Russian Roulette


    Over 300,000 women a year are getting breast implants. Kelly Allen was one of them. She had a headache the very first day after her breast augmentation. It has only spiraled downhill. Four years later she was disabled and couldn’t work. After eight years she finally posted her problems on Facebook and found financial assistance […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Breast Implants and Russian Roulette appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Quantum-Touch


    Quantum Touch, created by guest Richard Gordon over 36 years ago, is an amazing type of energy work that anyone can learn. Dr. Oz recently stated that “energy medicine will be the new frontier of medicine during the next decade. The only reason it hasn’t been used earlier is because we lacked ways to quantify […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Quantum-Touch appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Kicking the Can


    The Breast Cancer Fund’s new campaign kicked off with a bang– alerting women to the problems with the chemical BPA (BisPhenol A) that lines tin cans. Guest Connie Engle, Ph.D and Project Coordinator for the Breast Cancer Fund, co-authored an article that highlights ways to avoid this estrogenic chemical that is connected to breast cancer. […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Kicking the Can appeared first on

  • Think Beyond Pink – Creating Breast Health


    Daya Fisch provides hands-on information about massage techniques and lymph node exercises that can protect our breast health. Lumps, bumps and calcifications have been known to decrease with specific exercises for the breast and underarm lymph nodes. Ladies, 80-90% of lumps are benign, but our medical system treats every lump as though it is cancer. […] The post Think Beyond Pink – Creating Breast Health appeared first on

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