Refreshing Bread



Refreshing Bread provides daily meditations from the Bible to inspire, encourage and share spiritual food with others. Refreshing Bread is a production of the Romanian Catholic Diocese in Canton, Ohio. Visit us at


  • God deserves our best (S2E23)

    10/02/2017 Duración: 06min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates upon the only extravaganza Jesus made in his life – accepting the ointment poured on him by the woman. When we do something to please God, even if it looks like a waste, it is not. God deserves our best, because God is the best. Mark 14:3-9 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Be prepared (S2E22)

    09/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea encourages us to be attentive moment in and moment out, because we know not when the end is coming. Being prepared through confession, prayer and good relationships enforces us to constantly consider the two directions of our lives: developing our relationship with God and our relationship with other human beings. Mark 13:31-27; 14:1-2 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • How might Heaven look like? (S2E21)

    08/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea invites us to stop and think for a moment how might Heaven look like. Mark 13:24-31 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • If today was the end... (S2E20)

    08/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates on the end of times. The real question is not whether it is coming or not. The appropriate question is if it comes today, am I ready? Mark 13:14-23 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Loving one's enemy (S2E19)

    07/02/2017 Duración: 04min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Radu Titonea meditates on how those who believe in the gospel and try to live accordingly to their beliefs are being rejected and persecuted by the society or even by their own families. Society’s focus on individualism seems to be in contrast with Jesus' teaching of loving one's enemy. Mark 13:9-13 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • On persistent prayer S2E18

    04/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca meditates on the need for persistent prayer in our lives both during the good times but especially during the difficult times. As we pray we begin to realize that ultimately what we want is what we need, and what we need is to bring our thinking, dreams and ambitions totally in line with God’s way of seeing things. Luke 18:2-8 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • The Internal Temple (S2E17)

    03/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca reminds us of our ephemeral nature. One day the great buildings and structures of our lives will fall. The very things we built our trust upon to give us identity, meaning and security will eventually collapse. Life changes, loved ones die, relationships break up, bodies get sick. Nevertheless, God’s dwelling in our heart cannot be destroyed… Mark 13:1-8 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Stretching our faith S2E16

    02/02/2017 Duración: 07min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca meditates on the story of Jesus' presentation in the temple, with a special focus on Mary and Joseph. Their experience, always stretching their beliefs and faith is a powerful source of inspiration for us all. Luke 2:22-40 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • The Major Commandments (S2E15)

    01/02/2017 Duración: 06min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca invites us to think about the two major commandments Jesus gives to the Scribe: love your God and love your neighbor. One cannot exist without the other. The question is how do we apply it in our daily living? Mark 12:28-37 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • The exercise of trust (S2E14)

    31/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca challenges us to consider the difficult times when just like the Sadducees we are tempted to ask Jesus trick questions and doubt his presence and influence in our lives. In this situation, remembering the times of consolation, when Jesus' was a felt presence is a powerful exercise to remind ourselves of his eternal commitment to our well-being. Mark 12:18-27 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • We are the light (S2E13)

    31/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Adrian Rosca meditates about humans being the light of the world. We need to share our light with everyone we encounter. How do we share our light? God invitation is for us to shine generously through our day to day acts. Matthew 5:14-19 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Witnessing God's love (S2E12)

    28/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin meditates on the shorter form of the Beatitudes. It is the process of emptying ourselves of our selves – of being so poor that we are spiritually bankrupt. That is just the beginning of our journey. One that forces us to starve, hunger, morn and weep and rely upon the righteousness of the Lord. All these spiritual experiences’ sole purpose is witnessing to Christ and therefore, to allow His message of love to be made visible through us. Luke 6, 17-23 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • One Flock, One Shepherd (S2E11)

    27/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin meditates upon God’s ultimate goal: to have one flock with one shepherd. In our own spiritual life how are we using our thoughts, our works and our desires to embrace the vision of uniting this flock? John 10, 9-16 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • The riddle of our hearts (S2E10)

    26/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin reflects on the scribes who are challenging Jesus’ authority, by asking him riddles of their minds. Jesus deflects that challenge and wants to expose the riddle of their heart instead. What is in their hearts – the power of God, the faith in our creator, the light of the Holy Spirit, or is it just darkness and desires that have to do with this world? What is in our own hearts? Mark 11, 27-33 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Having faith in God (S2E9)

    25/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    In today's episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Calin brings up the topic of faith. How do we have faith in God? Both the simple and complex answer is prayer. A prayer of faith, a prayer of expectations, a prayer of charity. These three prayers are three ways to dialogue with God. Mark 11, 22-26 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Bearing fruit (S2E8)

    24/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean invites us to think upon our calling to bear fruit. In this sense we see the contrast in Jesus’ attitude towards the fruitless fig tree or the prayerless people in the temple. On our trip to become divine prayer and fruit bearing are essential. Mark 11, 11-23 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Ask and it shall be given (S2E7)

    23/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean invites us to consider the fact that God is with us and in due time grants our deep desires. “Ask and it shall be given to you” is portrayed by the blind man receiving his sight. What do we do after we receive healing and blessings in our own lives? Or do we recognize God’s manifestation at all in our moment by moment living? Mark 10, 46-52 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Greatness in smallness (S2E6)

    21/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean invites us to think that just as the grain of mustard seed becomes a tall-standing tree through proper and regular care, the same way the smallest things we do (acts of love, care and kindness) can bring great spiritual fruits if done regularly. Luke 13:19-29 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Thy Will be Done

    20/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean invites us to think at Judas’ story and the way in which Satan uses him as a tool to overcome God’s plan. Nevertheless, God’s plan and will is fulfilled through Jesus. In what ways can we relate this story in our lives? In what way is God’s plan better than our plans? Luke: 21:37-38; 22:1-8 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

  • Daily redemption (S2E4)

    19/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    In today’s episode of Refreshing Bread, Fr. Ovidiu Marginean invites us to think about redemption, which is at hand. Once we become aware of all the graces God gives us on a daily basis, our spiritual life will bloom. Luke 21:28-33 Music: Lost Frontier by Kevin MacLeod (

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