Love God Love One Another



Presenting the audio recordings of Messiah Lutheran Church, Yorba Linda, CA. Listen now for fresh, inspiring, and instructional messages. Discover ways to live out your mission to Love God Love One Another. Visit to connect and learn more.


  • Generosity - Gravity of Giving

    20/11/2016 Duración: 32min

    Are you saved? How do you know? Zacchaeus can tell us. He learned salvation is a gift that is given, not a process based on our life’s effort. Truth be told, we could never measure up…but God is enough. With an open mind and heart we accept that God shows up for us today. “God is in the house!” Conversion is complete and we become transformed by the love of God. We can become more like Jesus because he first loved us. A generous and grace-filled life is a sign of response to the gravity of what God has done. Teach us to give like Zacchaeus.

  • Gratitude - Gravity of Giving

    13/11/2016 Duración: 39min

    Gravity is an energy that brings everything together; it draws us, first, to common ground and, second, to each other. Gravity is a God-given gift that makes life on earth possible. In this and every way, God’s heart is a force of generosity—“ALL IN” for us. With God as our gracious benefactor, we are full beneficiaries…prepared to be a benediction (blessing) to others. The closer we come to God's heart the greater the gravitational pull to gratitude.

  • Live as a Disciple - FIT to be a Disciple

    07/11/2016 Duración: 32min

    You did it! We made it! This is Week 6, the final week of Messiah’s fall message and small group series: FIT to be a Disciple. This is the week we put it all together: we’ve trained our bodies, minds and spirits; we’ve teamed up with our families and neighbors—now we study and learn from Jesus how to live as disciples long after this series concludes: how to live as disciples each day of our everyday lives. We’ll talk about vocation and how it doesn’t just refer to religious sisters and priests. We'll share the 3 keys to discipleship, and how they relate to being a Messiah partner. And finally, we’ll hear the 3 top misconceptions about a life of discipleship and the gift God has given us to make it through. Thanks for joining on this journey. We need Jesus and we need each other!

  • Team Up With Your Neighbor - FIT to be a Disciple

    30/10/2016 Duración: 25min

    Who is my neighbor? It's the prescient question asked to Jesus 2,000 years ago by an earnest young lawyer, seeking to fulfill Jesus' command to love his neighbor as himself. Jesus responds with a well-known parable, The Good Samaritan, in which a neighbor is transformed from someone who is well known to someone who is unfamiliar and different. Thus the term neighbor replaces the term alien from the Old Testament. What about you? Who is your neighbor? Find out Jesus' challenge for you and your neighbors this week, as we Team Up with our Neighbors in Week 5 of our Fit to be a Disciple fall message series.

  • Team Up With Your Family - FIT to be a Disciple

    23/10/2016 Duración: 27min

    Everyone has a different definition of "family," and we all have different relationships with our families. But over the centuries - the most important unit to share faith and grow as disciples has been the family unit - composed of loved ones in your life. So this week, as we continue to become FIT to be disciples - we'll learn about how to Team Up with your Family. Families comfort, restore, hold us accountable, and help us grow. Hear stories of faithful yet challenged families, and learn how God worked in them to bring love, peace, and spiritual growth. Hear about Jesus' "second family," the hometown where he was rejected, and the Father he loved even upon the Cross. Most important: remember that we worship a Triune God who exists only in familial relationship: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What a witness to the importance of "teaming up" with our loved ones and families as disciples

  • Train Your Spirit - FIT to be a Disciple

    16/10/2016 Duración: 29min

    The spirit of God breathes life into our dry life. This refreshment is not earned; it is a gift, already given. As we receive this love we become abundantly empowered to flow it out in joyful response. The fruits of the spirit include: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. With the help of God’s spirit we live to love God and love one another.

  • Train Your Mind - FIT to be a Disciple

    09/10/2016 Duración: 30min

    The mind of Christ…and how we treat each other is shaped by what we feed our mind. We often think that we can allow anything in but not be affected. God actually coined the adage “garbage in, garbage out” (see Philippians 4:8-9). How we fill our minds is how we see and act in the world. Martin Luther contemplated, “I can’t prevent a bird from flying over my head, but I can stop them from building a nest in my hair.” Fit to be a disciple, is about training our mind. Beauty in, beauty out!

  • Train Your Body - FIT to be a Disciple

    02/10/2016 Duración: 27min

    FIT to be a disciple. We'll learn what FIT is all about. We'll learn the difference between being balanced and being focused. And we'll learn how to train our bodies to be disciples of Jesus - to love our bodies as the holy temple of the Holy Spirit that God created them to be.

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