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Live as a Disciple - FIT to be a Disciple



You did it! We made it! This is Week 6, the final week of Messiah’s fall message and small group series: FIT to be a Disciple. This is the week we put it all together: we’ve trained our bodies, minds and spirits; we’ve teamed up with our families and neighbors—now we study and learn from Jesus how to live as disciples long after this series concludes: how to live as disciples each day of our everyday lives. We’ll talk about vocation and how it doesn’t just refer to religious sisters and priests. We'll share the 3 keys to discipleship, and how they relate to being a Messiah partner. And finally, we’ll hear the 3 top misconceptions about a life of discipleship and the gift God has given us to make it through. Thanks for joining on this journey. We need Jesus and we need each other!