Friendly Anarchism



Quaker anarchist speaks and listens with community about mysticism, radical praxis, theology, empowerment, anti-fascism, and the arts from a leftist Religious Society of Friends perspective. Released fortnightly


  • S1E27 Conflict Resolution, Dance, And True Prosperity with S 1.8.18

    15/01/2018 Duración: 01h12min

    anarchy ...(4)...... jesus CW: Discussion about abuse and body issues Beautiful conversation with my friend Sophia about conflict resolution, accountability, exile as social sanction, how everyone makes mistakes, talking to each other, outsourcing conflict to authority, in-person dialogues, the problems with written communications, positive conflict, call out culture & public shaming, building trust, the beauty of dance, misogyny and abuse in the dance world, western appropriation of dance, our dissociative relationship with our bodies, re-engaging with dance in classrooms and activism, true prosperity versus the prosperity gospel, discomfort with faith, anti-queer nature of faith communities, queer dating and finding religion, that Jesus was rad, the individuality of the spiritual journey, leading by example, and leading with love.

  • S1E26 Asexuality, Decolonizing Judaism, and Dual Power with Daniel 12.31.17

    01/01/2018 Duración: 01h09min

    anarchy .(2)........ jesus CW: Discussion about sex Spoke with long time activist and friend Daniel about 3 distinct subjects. The first 30 minutes is about being asexual, the importance of having ace (asexual) community and spaces, the A in LGBTQIA doesn't mean "ally", a lack of sexuality is a sexual orientation, breaking out of invisibility, formative adolescent years, oppression olympics, sex in popular culture, "sex-repulsed" identity and the asexuality spectrum, AVEN (Asexuality Visibility and Education Network), overt sexuality in radical spaces and respecting comfort zones, and not being seen as a "real" queer. At 30 minutes in we started talking about his new project Decolonizing Judaism, being atheist but culturally Jewish, separating Jewish identity from the state of Israel as well as protestant colonization, conflating being anti-occupation with antisemitism, Hillel Center campus Zionism, the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement, Israeli trauma, the dangerous nature of fear, Palestinian

  • S1E25 The Direct Action Study Bible: Joint Episode with the Magnificast 12.20.17

    22/12/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    anarchy .....(6).... jesus Spoke with Dean and Matt from the Magnificast and had a great conversation covering a wide range of lefty and Christian topics. It was great to find another leftist Christian podcast! Go check them out! You can also follow them on twitter @TheMagnificast and on Facebook . I also have a twitter @FriendlyAPod

  • S1E24 Anarchist Jesus, Rebuilding Radical Christianity, and Hope with Hye Sung 12.15.17

    17/12/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    anarchy ....(5)..... jesus Spoke with queer radical Christian blogger Hye Sung Francis about making Quakerism militant again, empire as false authority, nonviolence as a lack of empathy, antifa Jesus, escalation and diversity of tactics, prophecy, being heartbroken as a people, radical generosity and solidarity, revolutionary End Times, being at peace in a scary world, taking up a cross, speaking in tongues, joyous worship, the need for religion, Jesus the anti-king destroyer of hierarchy, how difficult white boys are, prison abolition, and pistachio ice cream. Notes: -Did I say Paul? I meant Peter. I sound pretty scattered, I'm tired y'all. -I made assumptions about some other people's gender identity/sexual orientation/privilege that I should not have, and I apologize. Referenced: Hye Sung's blog: Psalm 46 (climate change) The Magnificast, another radical Christian podcast "If I can't dance, I don't

  • S1E23 Quaker Bible Study, Standing Rock, and Thoughts & Prayers with Adam Wiese 11.14.17

    20/11/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    anarchy .......(8).. jesus Spoke with Adam Weise, an anarchist from Bismarck North Dakota Friends Meeting about Friendly bible study, early morning worship, why anarchism, lost histories and educational redaction, introducing anarchism to people, community projects, Standing Rock court support, state repression and corruption, racism against the indigenous community, double standards in respecting spiritual practice, worldwide solidarity, the power of prayer, complacency, different kinds of prayer, non-hierarchical organizing & cooperative living, being and acting humble, “leadership through service”, and how small acts of service aren’t small.

  • S1E22 Antifa - Eugene Weekly's full interview with Katherine 10.19.17

    19/10/2017 Duración: 58min

    anarchy (1)......... jesus Katherine was interviewed by Kelly Kenoyer from the Eugene Weekly for their article "Antifa". Interview was done on 10/10/17, and this podcast was released on the same day as the article on 10/19/17. Notes: -It's Jeremy Christian, not Josh Referenced: Decoding the language of extremist clothing

  • S1E21 Protest Theater, Communal Energy, And Embracing Chaos with Michael Najjar 10.7.17

    08/10/2017 Duración: 01h14min

    anarchy .(2)........ jesus Spoke with UO Theater professor Michael Najjar about Arab theater, how arts humanize, art as a threat, defund & defang, cinema vs. live performance, the power and energy in silence, serious listening, the "Pinter Pause", the importance of contemplation, "Angels in America", waking people up, Middle Eastern feminist theater, the Theater of Exile, authoritarian & collaborative arts, the joy and beauty of chaos, staying flexible, solidarity, broken windows, the L.A. riots/uprising, veneers of civility, and how empathy is a political act. Referenced: Angela Davis on violence: The Tyranny of Structurelessness:

  • S1E20 Christian Marxism, Tankies, and The Historical Jesus with Christian Chiakulas 10.1.17

    02/10/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    anarchy ......(7)... jesus Spoke with Christian Marxist writer Christian Chiakulas about the religiosity of communism, historical materialism, christian atheism, managing tankies, spiritually driven social justice, leftist semantics, the bible without dogma, growing up atheist, feminism in the early church, St. Thecla, how The Kingdom of God was a communist radical feminist liberation movement, living prefiguratively, Marx v. Bakunin on the role of the peasant class, violent vanguardism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, real world consequences to theory, leftist fascist creep, different bible translations, communist v. anarchist writing styles, and propaganda of the deed. *I regret not mentioning it in the show, but St. Thecla is the patron saint of Catalonia, and with all the stuff going on down there now, it's fun to hear her story! Referenced: A Stab In the Dark at Christian Marxism The State of Small Farm

  • S1E19 Queerphobia, Division, and Capitalism In the Quaker Church with Jane 9.23.17

    24/09/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    anarchy .......(8).. jesus Spoke with Jane, a transwoman and member of the Newberg Friends Church about the current split happening in the Northwest Yearly Meeting, double standards in Faith & Practice, trans erasure, othering, trauma caused by intolerance, the tyranny of pacifism, the religious punishment kink, the corruptive power of money in the church, Quaker capitalism, Quaker Oats & Cadbury chocolates, how neither Jesus or George Fox were passive, quiet or calm, and the differences between a Friends Meeting and a Friends Church. Notes: I was contacted by a member of the West Hills Friends Meeting, which is one of the meetings being forced out by the NWYM, and here is a statement from her: " Hi. I'm a member at West Hills Friends, one of the meeting being removed by Northwest Yearly Meeting's decisions. I am so grateful for you and Jane for having this conversation. I only got to listen to the first half this morning and am looking forward to the rest of it this afternoon. I would like to point out tha

  • Hold Please 9.16.17

    15/09/2017 Duración: 01h03min

    On vacation, see you next week!

  • S1E18 Protest Art, Climate Catastrophe, and Planting Seeds Of Change with Plaedo 9.5.17

    10/09/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    anarchy .(2)........ jesus Spoke with performance artist Plaedo about living in a climate change era, art as solace/art as weapon, CDs, societal collapse, denial, joyous rebellion, anarchist disaster relief, how art helps us remember the good things, symbolism, street theater, zipper songs, dance, leftist elitism, planting seed of change, small liberations, and listening to our inner voice. Notes: - The fires were really bad around Eugene at that time, and it was incredibly smoky for days. We were right in the worst of it when this was recorded. Multnomah falls did end up being saved though, although many other areas of the Columbia Gorge were totally devastated -I want to be clear that Ready To Die by Notorious BIG is one of the best albums of all time, like, not-get-my-CD-changer-fixed good -I believe Naomi Klein's prediction about a 50% chance of societal collapse if we didn't stop taking fossil fuels out of the ground by 2017 is from her book "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate" from

  • S1E17 Allyship, FTP, And Give People Money with Aneka 9.3.17

    04/09/2017 Duración: 54min

    anarchy (1)......... jesus CW: Suicide & police brutality Spoke with Aneka from the SoJust Collective about centering POC, the founding fathers, police brutality, educating allies, being tired, passing the mic, no plaforming/active platforming, confronting your racist family, the allyship industrial complex, rewarding white mediocrity, the Red Cross, Rechts Gegen Rechts, difficulties with fundraising, and seriously, ruin Christmas. You can donate to Aneka for their time by sending money to their venmo @pettymcbetty . If you counted more instances of bad allyship than I did, use your number, and if you counted fewer, use mine (14). Notes: - The controversy was in fact about Deady Hall at the University of Oregon, named after Judge Matthew Deady, co-author of the Oregon State Constitution and one of the most influential supporters of Oregon’s Exclusion Laws. A good guest viewpoint written on the subject here: -For the uninitiated, "FTP" s

  • S1E16 Women Warriors, Taking Space, and Fitness 8.26.17

    26/08/2017 Duración: 57min

    anarchy (1)......... jesus CW: Bodyshame, violence Notes 11/20: -I usually interview activists, but this week I spoke to my co-worker who was not politically active. Listening to it now a few years later, there's definitely some problematic things in here, but I decided it still has value to sort of show us struggling to learn. This is an example of an off-the-cuff conversation and if you have conversations like this I hope you do a better job! - Don't use the term "war paint" to describe makeup, it's racist. -Also, internalized beauty standards are racist and ableist. A couple articles about that: Spoke this week about makeup shaming, tear gas, Power Brows, the YPJ, WWII female Russian snipers, Lady Death, dealing with bangs, male do

  • S1E15 Libertarian Municipalism, Anti-Statism, And Radicalization with DemSocs 8.19.17

    20/08/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    anarchy (1)......... jesus Spoke to a couple DemSocs (Democratic Socialists) about libertarian socialism, libertarian municipalism, multi-tendency/big tent organizing, "transformative reforms", anti-statism, mutual aid, digital community, the awkwardness of radicalization, democratic confederalism, the 1996 Telecommunications Act & pirate radio, how radicalizing motherhood is, homogenization of culture, activate+educate+organize, capitalist dehumanization, fascists, wage theft, and organizing as self-care. You can follow me on twitter at @FriendlyAPod :) Notes: -The origination of the word "libertarian" actually came from philosopher Joseph Déjacque, not Proudhon -It's usually referred to as "agitate, educate, organize", not "activate, educate, organize" -Bernie Sanders announced his campaign in April 2015, not June Referenced: ROAR Magazine: The New Municipal Movements The Politics of Social Ecology & Libertarian Municipalism by Janet Biehl with Mu

  • S1E14 Science Fiction, Crowdfunding, and Media Repression with Joan Haran 8.12.17

    13/08/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    anarchy (1)......... jesus Holding in the light the family of hero Heather Heyer as well as all of the brave people who went out in Charlottesville to oppose fascism knowing how dangerous those people are. Please donate to their medical funds, more info here: Anarchist media starter pack: It's Going Down, Submedia, Idavox "All social activism, all organizing, is science fiction." Spoke to Imaginactivism scholar Joan Haran about sci-fi, writers including Octavia Butler, Starhawk, Marge Piercy, and Ursula K LeGuin, Octavia's Brood, independent publishing & the power of crowdfunding, the G20 in Hamburg, authoritarian sci-fi, the power of stories, the enlightenment, utopias & dystopias, imagining new forms of governance & social technologies, indigenous & afro futurism, the Handmaid's Tale, the war on drugs, and media repression. Referenced: Ava Duvernay adapting Octavia Butler for the screen:

  • S1E13 Abuse, White Fragility, and Walking Humbly with Warren Light 8.5.17

    05/08/2017 Duración: 01h12s

    anarchy ......(7).... jesus CW: Abuse Spoke to Warren Light from the Wesley Center about sexual violence, concentrating on the risk of perpetration instead of the risk of victimization, white fragility, Micah 6:8, allyship, walking humbly with your God, the discipline of humility & revolutionary values, Bruce Lee, anarchist cooperative praxis, false scarcity of pain, and how boring a white ethnostate would be. Update: The Rose City Antifa fundraiser counted 47 instances of fascist creep, which amounted to $678 donated to the NNAF. Thanks for your support! Full report here: Referenced: The UO Wesley Center: Micah 6:8 (NRSV): "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" "The Trauma Toolkit" by Susan Pease Banitt

  • S1E12 Unionizing Care Work, Intersectional Feminism, & Zombies with Jhansie Turner 7.29.17

    29/07/2017 Duración: 58min

    anarchy .(2)........ jesus ---------- Notes Nov. 2020: -I apologize for the use of some ableist constructs and language around brain damage. -I steered us away from it, but I wanted to mention here explicitly that narratives equating humanity to parasites etc is ecofascist, the problem isn't with population but with resource distribution and capitalism ---------- CW: Racist violence Spoke with a wonderful woman, Jhansie Turner, about working as a care provider, exploitation of workers, power imbalances, racism, anger, managing men's egos, 1st world problems, the zombie apocalypse, American non-culture, trauma, media representation, being an immigrant, being adopted, different bodies, anarchist optimism, and faith energies. Referenced: Power Causes Brain Damage - The Atlanic: Rich people less empathetic than the poor:

  • S1E11 Doxxing, Propaganda, and Liberals With Daryle Lamont Jenkins 7.22.17

    22/07/2017 Duración: 01h16min

    anarchy (1)......... jesus "That's the best thing about anarchists & antifa is that we show up when you least expect expect it." Very excited to have spoken this week with Daryle Lamont Jenkins from One People's Project! We spoke about antifa, propaganda, media relations, doxing/citizen journalism, Trump and the rise of white nationalism, separatist movements, community outreach, Occupy, the difficulty with liberals, the NRA, and more! *Note: DLJ misidentified the anti-abortion activist, he was Neil Horsley, not the 80s actor Lee Horsley. Also, Steve Scalise is a Congressman, not a Senator. Referenced: One People's Project: Idavox: Tucker Carlson interview: Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin article: Steve Scalise is a bastard:

  • S1E10 Community Antifascism, Free Speech, and Loving Your Neighbor with Greg Williams 7.15.17

    15/07/2017 Duración: 59min

    anarchy ...(4)...... jesus Greg Williams is a Christian anarchist organizer and author I was very pleased to be able to speak with! We spoke about above ground community antifascist mass mobilization, how hate speech shuts down free speech, cops, solidarity, loving your neighbor, and more :) Referenced: "Free Speech and Love of Enemies: Anti-Fascism Theologically Understood" by Greg Williams So, I actually confused two articles. This one from Crimethinc: and this one from It's Going Down: "Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology" by David Graeber

  • S1E9 Gender Nihilism, Transmisogyny, and Liberation with Nors & Nathan 7.9.17

    10/07/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    anarchy .(2)........ jesus "Being anarchist means to love yourself for yourself." Note: This was outside and I don't know how to edit, so unless you are a big fan of wind and trains I would be mindful about using headphones. We talked about nihilism, being non-binary, TERFs, toxic masculinity, the Women's March, transmisogyny, bisexuality, semantics, charity v. solidarity, false spiritual scarcity, liberatory art, and morality. Referenced: Gender nihilism: an anti-manifesto "Radical simply means 'grasping things at the root.'" -Angela Davis This Saxophone Kills Fascists

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