Those Damn Ross Kids



Those Damn Ross Kids is a conversation between brothers. We discuss the events of today, and how we would have done it differently.


  • Episode 173: A Funnel and Some Bellows

    11/08/2015 Duración: 45min

    Kris and Kole talk about education, taboo, and novelty. ALSO: It goes a little something like this. School is not learning. Ritz Carlton. Pyongyang Time. 3D printed pills. Tell me the truth. Asparagus water. Breathe your alcohol. The forbidden OSU songbook. Family Feud is smut. Kole Explains: Slenderman. Leaf blower in a theater. A clown with an axe. Men prefer novel women.

  • Episode 172: Sophisticated

    28/07/2015 Duración: 52min

    Kris and Kole talk about neediness, office supplies, and propriety. ALSO: The saddest short story. A podcast about podcasts. Rubber Band Man. Fois Gras Cannon. Sophisticated. A bake sale at a nunnery. Kole's hair. What's cheaper than Pluto? A map of swears. Different types of drunks.

  • Episode 171: They Call Me the Hammer

    14/07/2015 Duración: 37min

    Kris and Kole talk about gardening, anger, and nightmares. ALSO: Trying? Gardening advice. Anger. They call me The Hammer. The most American state. To what end nightmares? Giantess porn. Trigger case. Who is Arianna Grande? Chuck/Charles. And I Helped.

  • Episode 170: Steel Reserve Reserve

    16/06/2015 Duración: 51min

    Kris and Kole talk about superstition, mechanical heads, and brains. New mic. Mr. Stealyourgirl. Toussaud Watch. Specific directions. Blondie. PSA: Stop Buying Poor People Green Beans. You can get drunk on your front porch. A $10,000 mechanical head. Medical examiners don't have to bury the whole body. Watch out for brains. The mechanics of death. Riding the brain train. Homer and Marge will get separated.

  • Episode 169: This And Everything Else Is All That I Have

    02/06/2015 Duración: 51min

    Kris and Kole talk about international regrets, sex education, and politeness. ALSO: Setting the expectation. Annotated bibliography. Mr. Egg. Every recipe is the same. Always Bet on Black. Communist Minecraft. New York Memories, German Regrets. Rhode Island STD Siege. Equifax doesn't recognize God. Just ask nicely. Lion safari. Attacked over a towel. Facebook and narcissism.

  • Episode 168: Meat Swap

    29/04/2015 Duración: 43min

    Kris and Kole talk about pot luck heuristics, impressing bros, and Kevin Kline. ALSO: Acuity. The Good Samaritan was unemployed. The Oakley Pup Crawl. Someone brought botulism to the pot luck. The anatomy of a chicken. Bros burging bros. You're handsome, and I want to impress you. Jetsons Doorbell. The designated survivor. An indictment of Kevin Klein. Tisdale motto.

  • Episode 167: Artisanal Carnies

    31/03/2015 Duración: 40min

    Kris and Kole talk about lies, collective nouns, and the benefits of sleeping better. ALSO: The Needy Tennant. Snoop Dogg and Reaganomics. Artisanal Carnies. Belgian blackface. Scarecrow town. Better sleep, better sex. Why we shake hands. Montana street fight. Christian Grey Jr. Gator mating season starts early.

  • Episode 166: Klairidy

    24/03/2015 Duración: 52min

    Kris and Kole talk about customer service, new marketing opportunities, and restraint. ALSO: Boat School. Tabs and rabbit sounds. Sheik Tweets. Iran Contra. "Do you work here?" syndrome. Starbucks and race. Customer service. Alzheimer's drug shows startling promise. Klairidy. The Bottle Wall. Tell your doctor to wash their hands. Kole worked in television. Cooking shows and weight. Whopper cologne. Bath room meth lab.

  • Episode 165: Long Live the New Fleshlight

    17/03/2015 Duración: 43min

    Kris and Kole talk about sickness, inhalants, and food marketing fads. ALSO: The black lung. Huffing markers. Institutional synesthesia. Throat confusion. Whole Foods pooping and kale-fed chicken. Bushiness. Being sick. Male enhancement. Sex Selfie Stick. Love rag. Zorkzax Was Here. Bacon and kale are on the way out. Don't throw a pizza on that roof. The Streisand Effect. Basic.

  • Episode 164: No Fishnets, No Safety Nets

    03/02/2015 Duración: 49min

    Kris and Kole talk about the ballistic properties of pumpkin pie filling, snow days, and courtesy. ALSO: Symphonic Sanford and Son. We're not communicating in any way. Colon Bowling. Hunter S. Thompson describing a room. Canned goods to prevent school violence. No more snow days. Teachers be banging students. The most courteous robbery. Buddy's Carpet and Little Tom.

  • Episode 163: Follow the Beans

    28/01/2015 Duración: 45min

    Kris and Kole talk about weather disasters, legumes, and skin confusion. ALSO: Snowpocalypse. Christopher Lloyd. Woodburned notes to self. Bean nomenclature. Judgemental Maps. Doomsday clock. Weed spray for lady junk. Online school. Skin confusion. Get your hack game on point.

  • Episode 162: H.M. Really's

    20/01/2015 Duración: 44min

    Kris and Kole talk about limitations, restauranteurism, and mythical metals. ALSO: Pornographic beverages. Was that Odd Job? Limitations. Who sang The Gambler? Dew Better. Shot for breakfast. Kole spends minutes trying to think of Clint Eastwood's name. H.M. Really's. Sniper, no sniping. What's a Rutger? Orichalcum. Ransack a grave. The trouble with play dates.

  • Episode 161: Boom, You're Speed Buggy

    13/01/2015 Duración: 37min

    Kris and Kole talk about branding, missed connections, and simulacrum. ALSO: Marine Corps. Chicken Commercial. Brands. Pedestrian of the day. Bono's accident and the speed buggy soul vessel. Missed Connections. Headlights. Flush a snake. Spudato. Hypercolor sorrow.

  • Episode 160: Horse Boat, Sunset

    24/12/2014 Duración: 48min

    Kris and Kole talk about wine, appliances, and agriculture. ALSO: These genes and the wine kick. Gary Busey's cocaine dog. Christmas Vacation goof supercut. Who is Sam Elliott. A jetski-less life. Art Crime. Mayonaise and Schrodinger's Ice Cream. A rice revelation. Deer and Beer Fridge. The family at the end of the street.

  • Episode 159: Just Drink the Water

    16/12/2014 Duración: 51min

    Kris and Kole talk about old men, a staggering lack of compassion, and missing brains. ALSO: A tiny little pill. Old Men Who Are Dead as Fuck, Part 43. Old Candies. GGG and tricking us into a Guy-hole. Guy paints Kim Kardashian with his penis. Wakie. A story about HIV. Trashtalk. 100 Missing Brains. The Beatles didn't exist. Who lasts the longest.

  • Episode 158: Way Too Much

    26/11/2014 Duración: 45min

    Kris and Kole talk about giving up, flames, and cleanliness. ALSO: I was going to be lonely anyway. Wolf in White Van. How much do I give up. Giving up way too much. We're all fire retardant now. Susan G. Komen for the Frack. Lumbersexual. Cleanliness is nest to Godliness. Big time clean head. Naptime in the bathroom.

  • Episode 157: Oncologist Cop

    19/11/2014 Duración: 48min

    Kris and Kole talk about numbers, cloaking, and crushing uncertainty. ALSO: For my own amusement. Leading your shots. Favorites and Ball Chasing. Inside Baseball on Numbers. People you know. Ladies in podcasts. Vacation Breasts. United States of Cloakopolis. A shocking admission.

  • Episode 156: A Hit Off the Soy Box

    11/11/2014 Duración: 52min

    Kris and Kole talk about disruption, fantasies, and dwarves. ALSO: Easy to get mad. Not related to a department store. I'm mad at the government. Porn title quiz. 3D printed food. Soylent God. 20% of people want to piss on you. The texture of our fantasies. Click, you're dead. Drone porn. Dwarf names. Humming bird beaks. Dove scrutinty.

  • Episode 155: Claw Law

    05/11/2014 Duración: 43min

    Kris and Kole talk about names, sick days, and underground business meetings. ALSO: Anxiously awaiting a pen shipment. Museum gift store suppliers. An inappropriate gift basket. Claw law. Chinese name advice and the longest name. Hurricane names. Worst sick day excuses. Man cuts off his own dick and throws it in the trash. Mr. Incredible punches Bat Girl, Waldo and Freddy Krueger come to the rescue. No Birdman for us. Gun picture expulsion.

  • Episode 154: Tyvek Futures

    28/10/2014 Duración: 49min

    Kris and Kole talk about travel, outbreaks, and skulls. ALSO: Macho Man telephone greeting. Lost my bookmarks in the moby. All over weather. Portland adventure. A truly public restroom. Airline story. A serious discussion about Ebola. No German has ever killed a Mormon. Hungry Hungry Hogs. Cambodian skulls. Honey Boo Boo knowledge. Horror movie personality test.

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