Desperate Mothers



The Mothers of Desperation discuss their web projects, puppets, vampires, comic book conventions, movies, and other Pop Culture happenings.


  • 039 - Chemical Chewiness, Mushroom Poop, and Secret Sauce

    05/08/2015 Duración: 01h08min

    Chips Ahoy with Oreo Creme filling, chocolate chip party, really chocolate chip anything is good. Chocolate chips in hamburger would be delicious, espiecially with diced jalepenos. The difference between sweet and things that are not sweet. CJ tries to convince the Motherws to try chocolate chip jalepeno burgers. A final judgment is in. Chemical chewiness. What they did with all the old leftover VHS tapes will shock you! Tetris is the molecular game of life. Lay's Do Us A Flavor chip contest. Alien space balls. Okay so is not okay to say. Lay's chip contestants might be shoe-ins. Bitterness over chip flavor choices. Don't believe the hype on the bag. Truffle lies. Opening the bags! Mushroom poop. Jelly Belly food wizards. Warning: a lot of chip chewing is audible in the podcast. Comparing the flavors all at once. You can buy truffle oil at Walmart. The great mouth mashup. Thunderdome in CJ's mouth. It's the Potato Chip Thunderdome and your mouth is the arena! Last year's flavors. Wa

  • 038 - Drink This, Batman's Dilemma, Cookies with Twists

    28/07/2015 Duración: 58min

    Matt joins us, Jason refuses to eat challenge foods, Drink This! juicing burgers, eating the pulp, search for the burger in a can, juicing the McLandSeaAir burger, things that taste good together, blind burger challenges, spoiler alert, Ant Man spoilers, Antman better than Aquaman, new version a lot like Namor, riding unicorns and rainbow contrails, Aquaman's underwater day-glo rave, Mandarin's betrayal, nerdrage on Ironman 3, magic in the Marvel cinematic universe, Infinity technology, Tron 3 shutdown quickly, the Legacy made money, the guys realize they remembered it too fondly, Michael Douglas' cgi team is awesome, Marvel has a mouse to feed, Fantastic Four movie looking worse with every new trailer, Adam's Deadpool fascination projected onto Ryan Reynolds, the best thing about the Green Lantern movie was at the end introducing Sinestro, Darkest Night spoilers, big summer crossovers only exist to drain the wallets of completionists, speculating over the new Justice League movie,

  • 037 - Radioactive Cannibals, Accidental Intelligence, and Snickers Probes

    26/07/2015 Duración: 01h10min

    Comic book club: The Manhattan Projects. Spoiler alert! Topics include horror comics, alterntate views of historical figures, psychosis and gore fests, and radioactive cannibals. Harry's orgy in the Oval Office. Humans are the cockroaches of the universe.  We are the Borg, other singularities. The creation of accidental intelligences, like fleeting fire, the robopacolypse. The Mothers split on their comic book recommendation. Jason's morbid curiousity, small pox blankets and space aliens. Superbugs in cows may save us. Twitter is the new internet, CNN uses Twitter as story sources. The alien overloards will install the queen of the internet as ruler of the world. Mandatory voting via smartphone voting apps. The winner will be endorsed with a happy meal. Lay's Do Us a Flavor chip contest reveals that CJ is bitter his flavors were overlooked. The half life of chips is a long time. Next week the comic book club reads Wytches volume 1 by Scott Snyder and Jock. Shedding CJ update, his we

  • 036 - Dishonorverse, Potato Chip Promises, and Hitler's Insecurities

    22/07/2015 Duración: 01h14min

    Tales of Honor graphic novel reviewed, extensively, and The Mothers insert a few interesting comments and comparison to other stories that worked, start of discussion about multimedia entries into the Honorverse in order to build excitement over the brand, Star Trek TNG architects seeding planets with humanoids.   Manhattan Projects Volume 1 Science Bad will be the subject of next week's Comic Club, why Jack like alternate world war two stories, Hitler's insecurities: small penis Syndrome, the origin of the Jeep Willys name. Lay's Do Us a Flavor discussion, CJ's flavors "Smart Bomb," "Cole Slaw," and "Peanut Better" were not chosen for the finalists, the shoe-ins are Greek town Gyro, West Coast Truffle Fries, Southern Biscuits and Gravy, New York Rueben, The ability to order custom potato chips on demand, Bacon Jalapeno Cheddar would be available at will, chips belong in a sandwich, nobod

  • 035 - Comic Book Club, Big Convention Hardships, and NSFMoms

    12/07/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    The Mothers read and recommend Locke & Key volume 1, Naughty doins at Hogwarts, spoiler alert, the merits of the Human Centipede movie, the Lovecraft tease, last week's six minutes of dead air may have been the most interesting portion of the podcast, dream devices, next week Honor Harrington Tales of Honor Vol 1, comic reader apps,  Apple making suckers out of grandmas everywhere, Master and Commander in space, violence okay but sex is not, Geek news this week, embargo on Nerdvana, Marvel's absence, Disney conventions and Star Wars celebrations, will the Mouse company create its own superhero convention? digital comic prices all wrong, comic prices higher than ever, albums versus graphic novels pricing menu, small press hardships at comic con, picking up sailor moon, embracing the nerdbait, Playboy models can't fake interest, attending big cons, Jack waxes on about His Majesty's Dragon, Peter Parker not an average nerd, possible videocast in the studio, ask your mom to subscribe, t

  • 034 - Jurassic petting zoo, comic books, and puppets

    07/07/2015 Duración: 01h16min

    Spoiler alert! who would go to a dinosaur petting zoo? dinosaur movies must star children to be accessible, holes everywhere, the artist is known as Prince again, the original t-rex is the hero, eff the book, dinos eating people is important, the movie was light on blood, rainbow colored blood, is the Marvel Cinematic Universe humancentric? why are the Marvel Asgardians all right with the Collector's collection? comic reading club will feature Locke & Key Volume 1, The Wrenchies is a long and meandering graphic novel but also an interesting read, another Indie book called the Doctors interested CJ, the afterlife may not be anchored in religion, where does the soul live? the Mothers talk tools used in their shop, circular saws versus table saws, concrete countertops, shop talk, mouth plate building, Luman Coad's Marionette Source Book, buying infromation, Stan Winston School's video courses, BJ Guyer's puppet courses highly recommended, puppetters are the most supportive people on th

  • 033 - Zombie Super Heroes, Naked Superheroes, and Nerdbait Love

    23/06/2015 Duración: 34min

    Fantastic Four Ultimates and superhero Zombies, Stan Winston School is awesome, Jack of all trades, the ten thousand hour rule, trying to clean the podcast, Peepshow Menagerie's Wonders of Burlesque at the Fais Dodo, some people are oldsters not hipsters, shout out to all the performers on the bill, nerdbait burlesque shows, CJ embraces the nerdbait because it means he doesn't have to pretend to be into cars or boats, nerdbait marketing, nerdrage and nerd jealousy, sometimes we can't tell the difference between Black Widow and Catwoman, missed comic con tickets, San Diego International Comic Conc exhibitor Small Press table cost at 2014 was $400 and for 2015 is $500, they Mothers talk about attending Comikaze as Small Press this year, have to change the pirate puppet's name, CJ might put his face on a giant banner - scary!, the Desperate Mothers logo on a banner, podcasting at the show, Jack may be able to attend his Field of Drafts festival this year, hundreds of listeners enjoy th

  • 032 - Remembering Christopher Lee, Vampire Movies, and Maple Syrup

    12/06/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    Christopher Lee, dead at 93, our favorite movies/roles from the master, do Sith murders steal lifeforce?, teddy bears, Harrison Ford the daredevil, other vampire movies Byzantium and Only Lovers Left Alive, Tom Cruise is an awesome actor, Mission Impossible is incorrectly named, he takes on an entire nation in the new movie, we talk about our listeners numbers, podcast starts selling merch, buy the Klaus patch at now!, also avaiable by visiting our website at , we will be visiting Comikaze this year as Small Press, money equals acceptance, Meet the Mothers and some of the puppets and cast of The Bunny Rabbit Tragedies at the show, podcast from the floor, CJ's accident prone, previous injuries, unsafe at any fitness level, send pictures of your TBRT and Desperate Merch to our email address, the podcast email doesn't even get spam, Krispy Kreme Burger Roulette game upcoming, the rules for the game and possible prizes and punishments, yo

  • 031 - Cookie fail, blowing stuff up, and considering female leads

    01/06/2015 Duración: 57min

    In this episode, The Mothers try to eat S'mores flavored Oreos, try not to spoil Mad Max Fury Road, try to identify strong female lead characters in comic books that did not start out as a sub character in a male book or begin as a member of a team.

  • 030 - Shedding CJ, Stereotypes in Humor, and Schrödinger's Black Hole

    24/05/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    The Mothers discuss facebook and instagram stalking, food porn, CJ's wls and struggle with super obesity, he was designed to run on twinkies, exercise and possibly swimming in place with a waterproof oculus rift, the new Mad Max movie, playing the fat card, low fat humor, stereotypes in humor, googlefu, DareDevil series spoilers, ninjas making bad decisions, Duolingo developing a Klingon learning aid, Klingon language is the defacto Esperanto, When aliens finally visit Earth they will speak Klingon, other digressions, Penny Dreadful spoilers, dysfunctional monsters, David Weber's Honor Harrington, On Basalisk Station available free for kindle readers, Top Cow's comic treatment written by Matt Hawkins, movies are an experience, episodic stories are a journey, read comics, watch shows, subscribe to the podcast. 

  • 029 Rabbit Patches, Nerd Television, and The Black Widow Reduction

    20/05/2015 Duración: 01h15min

    Chinese backers, supporting their/our economy/company, I'm afraid of Vladamir Putin, Klaus Patches, origin of the Klaus patch emblem, probing Chinese factories, hot glue tip, promotional material, lighting the set, flats, tree arrays, anthropomorphic, bunnies not wearing pants,  Licensing the Star Wars way, BSG, starbuck and Apollo, Muppet series promo, my favorite muppet is Gonzo and why - I'm Gonzo, Jack is Beaker! hamburger shakes!  Beerthirty featuring Parabola Firestone 2015, pale women and swarthy tgirls, fantasy land of unicorns, liberal taxation, ibus, don't touch your penis with scolvins on your hands, chewing glass hot, sweet stout, Jack's verdict: buy. Supergirl promo series, costume tryouts, related to... six degrees of sepration to Doogie Richards, emo, gothics, back to Supergirl, a rom com series, she wraps herswelf in Kal El's swaddeling cloth, the Black Widow reduction, HUlk wrangler, Thor should wrangle the Hulk, Lois is a popularity chaser,

  • 028 - Visceral Bean Counters, Dinosaur Usurpers, and Suicide Nets

    12/05/2015 Duración: 55min

    The Mothers discuss the Avengers, Chinese labor woes, fast food fat cats, the usurping of the Tyranosaures, Mad Max and Fantastic Four's casting of Doogie Richards. Spoilers abound so don't listen. You have been warned.

  • 027 - Avengers Spoilers, bad superhero movie rant, and the spinning set prop.

    06/05/2015 Duración: 01h07min

    Avengers spoilers inside! You have been warned. The Mothers rant about superhero movies and discuss props for the puppet show. But mostly rant. And spoilers!

  • 026 - The Mothers talk about tabletop games, comic books, series worth binging on, blockbusters and upcoming movies that are sure to break our hearts, or maybe wet our pants.

    27/04/2015 Duración: 01h07min

    The Mothers talk about tabletop games, comic books, series worth binging on, blockbusters and upcoming movies that are sure to break our hearts, or maybe wet our pants.

  • 025 Astronomically Correct Skies, Dirty Puppets, and Betting on Batman

    02/04/2015 Duración: 01h12min

    The Mothers talk about some dirty puppets, astronomically correct skies, accepting the x-rated action camera, Hollywood sends all the old people to Carrousel but saves the world, hot girls in space, Batman can see! bad life choices, Fantastic Four reboot: the trouble with cosmic clouds, jubilation over the X-Men movie,  sorting Olivias, and Wondercon 2015.

  • 024 - Food vomit games, the zombie apocalypse, and Walking Dead spoilers for comic and television show

    30/03/2015 Duración: 58min

    Cj and Jason discuss donut burger combinations, vomit danger, milkshake food challenges, shields and parkas; walking dead spoilers, would you rather be the moral compass? or the survive-at-all-costs cockroach?, they discuss the viability of an animated cadaver in warm weather, disproving the everlasting zombie apocalypse, other zombies types, and giant flies spawned from the massive amount of decaying flesh sure to take over the Earth.

  • 023 - Z movies run-a-muck, inappropriate puppet reenactments, and delayed gratification

    28/03/2015 Duración: 01h11min

    The Mothers talk about Big Alien Ass, Z movies run-a-Muck, Cinderella's 40 year wait, inappropriate puppet reenactments, putting expensive movies on the back burner, magic pills, and in another installment of Beerthirty the guys try Rogue's Sriracha Stout and a grapefruit IPA. 

  • 022 Thank you, Terry Pratchett, death squads, and hot women in bikinis

    17/03/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    CJ and Jason talk about game ideas, the passing of Terry Pratchett, Dr Who budgets, vices, Lay's chip flavor contests, Peeps mystery flavor, Brazilian death squads, upcoming food games and lie about hot women in bikinis contributing to the podcasts.

  • 021 Losing San Diego, the Wide Gray Line, and Origins

    10/03/2015 Duración: 01h13min

    Settle in for a long and rambling podcast as CJ and Jack discuss their missing out on San Diego International Comic Con tickets(again!), over-sharing time searching Google's image results, Stan Lee's superhero history class, tasting two of Sierra Nevada's beers from the brewery's IPA variety pack, and bemoaning the fact that most superhero movies shove origin stories in our faces. 

  • 020 The San Diego Disappointment, Nerd Paradox, and story fidelity

    01/03/2015 Duración: 01h27s

    CJ and Jason discuss the massively disappointing San Diego event, not getting invited to their own parties, and compare work that began in comics then crossed over into movies and television. Darkness Falls by Kerrupt.

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