Desperate Mothers

038 - Drink This, Batman's Dilemma, Cookies with Twists



Matt joins us, Jason refuses to eat challenge foods, Drink This! juicing burgers, eating the pulp, search for the burger in a can, juicing the McLandSeaAir burger, things that taste good together, blind burger challenges, spoiler alert, Ant Man spoilers, Antman better than Aquaman, new version a lot like Namor, riding unicorns and rainbow contrails, Aquaman's underwater day-glo rave, Mandarin's betrayal, nerdrage on Ironman 3, magic in the Marvel cinematic universe, Infinity technology, Tron 3 shutdown quickly, the Legacy made money, the guys realize they remembered it too fondly, Michael Douglas' cgi team is awesome, Marvel has a mouse to feed, Fantastic Four movie looking worse with every new trailer, Adam's Deadpool fascination projected onto Ryan Reynolds, the best thing about the Green Lantern movie was at the end introducing Sinestro, Darkest Night spoilers, big summer crossovers only exist to drain the wallets of completionists, speculating over the new Justice League movie,