Modern Combat & Survival - The Patriot's Guide To Tactical Firearms - Urban Survival - And Close Quarters Combat Training

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 184:03:21
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Bullets, beans and band-aids baby! From defending against a home invasion to escaping and evading social chaos after a collapse, Modern Combat And Survival Magazine's podcast connects you with the most advanced firearms, urban survival tips, and close quarters combat tactics from the world's top experts. Subscribe to our survival magazine for free at


  • MCS 203: 5 Simple D.I.Y. Handgun Hacks

    17/07/2018 Duración: 16min

    Ok, now THIS is going to be fun... Over the years, I've rubbed elbows and shared "secrets" with some biggest-names in the firearms world about various "handgun mods" we've all tried. Some were "weird" (yet effective)... some were a bit too far-fetched (even for me!)... but most were simply badass! This week, I want to share with you 5 of the best "handgun hacks" I've stumbled across in my travels and training... AND I want to hear YOUR best tips as well! (In fact, I'll even reward a handful of you who come up with the coolest tips and leave them on our podcast page! Details are inside this week's podcast...) Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How a kid's skateboard can help you overcome one of the "harsh realities" of a gunfight that most handgun holders never even realize is a factor in your survival! A simple tip from a Delta Force operator that will cut your target acquisition time in HALF! (I made this change the very first day it was given to me... and it instantly revolutionized my

  • MCS 202: Everyday Carry Gear For Concealed Carry

    10/07/2018 Duración: 35min

    This week I have a challenge for you... If you carry a concealed handgun for personal protection (or even if you don't, but still want to be "prepared"), then I'm going to let you in on a little secret... ... actually TEN little secrets about "everyday carry gear" (EDC) that I promise will not only surprise you with a few of my additions - but will force you to take a completely different look at how you view a violent attack. My Mission: Transform you from the "Average Joe/Jane" gun-owner into the ultimate prepared "Sheepdog" that you, your loved ones - and even our society - so desperately needs right now! (Oh, and I have a special surprise announcement in this episode that you're not going to want to miss!) Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Why even the "experts" you read about in magazines could be horribly ill-prepared for the reality of a violent attack... even if they're armed to the teeth! My PERSONAL "EDC Plan"! Steal it with my permission... and walk out your front door with mo

  • MCS 201: Bug-Out Convoy Tactics

    03/07/2018 Duración: 31min

    Most people (even experienced "preppers") don't realize this... When it comes to a mass evacuation, your best odds for survival come from bugging out as a "team" - in separate vehicles. That's true whether it's you and a "mutual assistance group" (aka. "survival team")... or even if it's just you and your family. But leaving together and STAYING together are two different things, aren't they? Especially when you're locked up in bumper-to-bumper traffic... surrounded by angry, desperate citizens who will block your every move. In this week's podcast episode, tactical trainer Russ Adler, brings us some real-world lessons from the hot-zone as he shares his best tips for getting your "bug-out convoy" to safety during the mass chaos! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: "2 is 1 and 1 is none"... and how that famous survival mantra applies to your family's evacuation plan! Prepping for the road: Little-known secrets for planning your route, gear, and your family's "survival mind-set"! How to ge

  • MCS 200: Disabled Bug-Out Tactics

    26/06/2018 Duración: 22min

    Even under the best circumstances, a mass evacuation during a disaster is a real challenge, wouldn't you agree? But what if you're alone... caring for a young child... confined to a wheelchair... and your vehicle breaks down?! That was one woman's concern - and she wouldn't rest until she had a plan! In fact, Cathy (not her real name) called me during one of my New World Patriot Alliance 1-on-1 coaching calls and we took care of things lickety-split! In this week's podcast episode, you get to be a virtual "fly on the wall" and hear Cathy's question... and a quick rundown of my reply! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The single best advantage a 50-something, wheelchair-bound grandma caring for a 3-y.o. has over 98% of the US population when a crisis hits (and what YOU should do with her inspiration)! What to do when you're a "lone wolf"... and disaster strikes! "Survival team" - Do you REALLY need one? Questions to ask BEFORE destruction is on the horizon... so you can prepare your fa

  • MCS 199: 10 Military Bug-Out Location Secrets

    19/06/2018 Duración: 39min

    I know you've heard me say this before... When it comes to surviving during the aftermath of a natural disaster, collapse, or other extended crisis, your goal (as a prepared patriot who "gets it") should be to... ..."BE tactical, but not LOOK tactical!" At no time is this more critical than when you're forced to evacuate your home because it's no longer the safest place to be. Without the security of your home's walls, you're in even more danger of being targeted by desperate, unprepared citizens who will cling to any resource they can find that can help them survive and take care of their own families. But YOU shouldn't have to be that resource, right? That's why, for this week's podcast episode, I want to share with you 10 quick lessons I learned in the military for staying "covert" in your temporary surroundings while making your way to safety when bugging out. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: An "old school" military skill that modern technology has nearly destroyed... and can be your

  • MCS 198: The Perfect Gun Training Plan

    12/06/2018 Duración: 33min

    Has this ever happened to you... You FINALLY get some time to hit the local gun range... you grab your trusty smokewagon and a bucket-o-bullets... put your name on the list for a lane... and then wonder... ..."Gosh! What should I train on today?" I know it's happened to me in the past. Probably you too, right? Well, in this week's podcast episode, my buddy (and "gun-training mad scientist"), Ox, is going to share his best advice for how to design the best firearms training plan to meet your personal self-protection goals! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: What Navy SEAL's, top law enforcement, and military operatives have to say about what percentage of your time should be spent on what type of training! How to make ALL your gun training more realistic by using *these* simple, safe "stress-amplifiers"! 2 free "dry-fire drills" you can use right away to prepare for a real gunfight! The poor man's "force-on-force" training": Simple ways to train for a real gunfight... against REAL human

  • MCS 197: Build Your Own Ghost Guns

    05/06/2018 Duración: 29min

    "Ghost guns"! One of the biggest trends in the firearms world today is the concept of actually building your own AR-15 and other firearms that are invisible to the government. But is building an untraceable firearm REALLY "legal"? And is it really as easy as the websites make it sound? Bottom line... is it even worth it to build your own firearms? Well, in this week's podcast episode, you'll discover the "no b.s. truth" about why (and how!) to build your own rifles and handguns, without complicated diagrams - and even if you're not exactly "handy" by nature! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: "Trump's in office! Why would I need an unregistered firearm?!" (And other myths you should ignore!) The little legal loophole that allows you to build the ultimate "invisible guns" with full consent of the U.S. government! Your "ghost arsenal": Exactly what guns you can build RIGHT NOW with little to no skills! (You'll be shocked at your choices!) Skills & tools you'll need to build your firs

  • MCS 196: Top 5 Self-Defense Myths - BUSTED!

    29/05/2018 Duración: 38min

    It's the same with ALL "tactical arts"... Sometimes it's not a matter of what you DON'T know that's a danger... but rather it's the skills you DO know that could actually end up decreasing your chances of survival. And when it comes to how to defend yourself against a real "street fight" attack, this is especially true. Not all combatives systems (or martial arts) are the same and it's critical you know what works... and what DOESN'T work in a real fight. That's why, for this week's podcast episode, I asked my buddy, Damian Ross, to share with us his "Top 5" biggest self-defense mistakes he sees... AND how to fix these mistakes right away so you don't end up a victim. He had some GREAT tips I know you're gonna love! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Self-Defense Myth #1: Why the "multi-year" martial arts plan FAILS students! (And why you mustn't follow this same path!)  Self-Defense Myth #2: Are you "training to wait"? I hope you're not falling for this common dojo mistake! Self-Defens

  • MCS 195: Close-Combat Knife Fighting

    22/05/2018 Duración: 33min

    It's a strange FBI statistic about "deadly crime"... 10% of victims shot with a firearm die from their wounds. But a whopping 30% of victims STABBED with a knife end up dying! Now that's not to say that a knife is a better weapon for personal protection. I mean, a bullet at least has the chance for a "one-shot stop", while a knife is a long, slow (very messy) process of stab after stab while you wait for your attacker to bleed out. However, the stats DO reveal that having a knife on you - at least as a back-up - can be enough to save your life when attacked. So in this week's podcast episode, I asked "close-quarters knife-fighting" expert, Scott Babb, to share his unique take on how to used an edged weapon against a violent attacker. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Hollywood vs. "the street":  What most people get wrong, wrong, WRONG about how to defend yourself with a blade!  Prison knife-fights! What Scott discovered after watching hours of life-or-death attacks in America's most bru

  • MCS 194: Choosing The Best Fighting Knife

    15/05/2018 Duración: 29min

    There's no arguing the point... ... a gun is the "ultimate equalizer" when it comes to personal protection weapons, right? But nearly every gun-owner I've ever talked to wouldn't be caught dead without ALSO having some kind of knife on them as well. I mean, you never know when a knife may be your last-ditch survival tool should you pull the trigger and get nothing but a *click*. But do you know how to choose the best knife for fighting? Well you will after this week's episode where I talk with famed knife designer and knife-fighting guru, Bram Frank, about tips you can use right away to make sure you're packing the right blade! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Fixed-blade knives: Pros and cons of selecting a non-opening knife for personal protection!  Choosing the best "fixed blade" for personal carry! How to know if a "combat folder" knife is your best option for self-defense! What "survival features" are the most critical in a combat folder knife... and what to avoid! Bram is one

  • MCS 193: Bug-Out Plan Mistakes

    08/05/2018 Duración: 34min

    It was probably your very FIRST attempt at prepping once you got serious... ... your bug-out bag! Am I right? (Close? :-) Yet despite all the "fantasy survival b.s." you find on the internet, surviving a forced evacuation requires more than just a cool looking "battle backpack" stuffed with a case of MRE's. So what IS the best way to prepare your bug-out bag and evacuation plan to prepare for a disaster, crisis, or collapse? Well, in this week's episode, you'll hear from a nearly 29-year Green Beret who has actually HAD to bug-out to save his own life... and he has a LOT to say about the biggest mistakes most people are making! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How a real-life "escape & evasion bug-out" led this career spec-ops soldier to claim that most bug-out plans people are using are 'death traps' that could get them killed in a real disaster! Bug-out threats! What dangers lie waiting for you and your family outside your front door when you realize it's "go-time"! How to avoid

  • MCS 192: Gunshot Wound Emergency Response

    01/05/2018 Duración: 28min

    Ok, so you're a dead-eye marksman down at the local gun range... ... your shot-groups are tighter than a Frenchman's Speedo bathing suit... ... and you can change out a new magazine before the spent one hits the pavement. You're probably thinking of an attack scene where some criminal is stupid enough to approach you in a dark parking lot and your trusty sidearm lays waste to his evil plans just like you've rehearsed a million times. But what if it doesn't play out in your favor? What if YOU get shot?  Or your spouse? Your kid? Other victims around you as an active shooter unloads all his psychotic frustration on innocent bystanders? Would you know how to treat a traumatic gunshot wound until First Responders can take over? You will after this week's podcast episode with Dr. David Pruett! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: "Gunshot" first aid gear you should have instant access to when you leave the house each day! Gun wounds vs. knife wounds: The difference is drastic... and you'll need

  • MCS 191: One-Handed Shooting Tactics

    24/04/2018 Duración: 36min

    After studying the analysis of over 6,000 real gunfights, it's shockingly obvious... 95% of the way most people train to stop an attacker is wrong, wrong, WRONG! Case in point... After all of our studies, in only 12 cases were we able to view high-level concealed carry defenders able to use both hands against a close-quarters ambush. Yet why do you never see anyone down at the local gun range using only ONE hand to prepare for a real attack? The reasons WHY you must master one-handed shooting (and exactly HOW!) are exactly what you'll discover in this week's podcast episode! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Concealed carry methods that DON'T work for one-handed shooting (and a simple tip to overcome them!) The weird "snuff box" grip technique for managing one-handed recoil! The very FIRST action you must take when attacked with no warning! (Hint: It's the exact opposite of what most other tactical schools teach!) Why aiming "center mass" may NOT be your best target (and a better opti

  • MCS 190: 3 Simple Survival Retreat Plans (Part 2 of 2)

    17/04/2018 Duración: 39min

    Think you need to own a missile silo in the middle of a barren desert to plan the ultimate survival retreat? Think again... While you do need to have a "SHTF safe-haven" as a back-up destination for you and your family when a life-changing disaster or crisis hits, it doesn't have to be expensive nor complicated. In this week's podcast episode (the 2nd and final in our 2-part series), I'll give you 3 options (good, better & best) that will give you an immediate path toward feeling confident in your forced "bug-out" prepping. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How far your retreat should be AWAY from civilization! (And also how close!) How to be better prepared TODAY to bug-out to safety! Taking your "retreat plan" to the next level (even on a shoe-string budget)! Choosing the best geographical location for your safe-haven! The ultimate "no bunker needed" retreat plan that ANYONE can achieve! If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have a survival retreat "at the ready"

  • MCS 189: Bug-Out Retreat Planning (Part 1 of 2)

    10/04/2018 Duración: 26min

    Where's the safest place to be during a natural disaster? Why "in your home", right? Correct... ...unless it isn't! When you're forced to evacuate for safety ("bug-out"), I see a LOT of people fall for the same old myths and misinformation being trolled out all over the internet. That's why I'm taking this 2-part podcast series to show you the RIGHT way to plan out your bug-out "survival retreat" so you're not stuck with the rest of the schmoe's scrambling around in a disaster trying to figure out what to do and where to go. For this week's episode, I need to first bust through the worst mistakes I see people making... Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Myth #1: The "Doomsday Prepper" Plan... that doesn't even work for Doomsday Preppers)! Myth #2: The "Grizzly Adams" Plan (Television producers LOVE this model... and viewers fall for it hook, line, and sinker!) Myth #3: The "Militia" Plan (Better grab your AR's and load up into the Hummer!) Myth #4: The "2nd Home" Plan ("Honey, about t

  • MCS 188 - Shoot Or Don't Shoot?

    03/04/2018 Duración: 51min

    Some people only seem to learn "the hard way"... (Like my teenage son and... well... teenage "me" as well, I guess. :-) But when it comes to your decision to shoot (or not) in a potentially violent encounter, it's always best to learn from other people's mistakes rather than make a move that could land you in jail! This week I asked my buddy and "stress-shooting" pioneer, Peyton Quinn, to share his research and advice for making that critical decision to pull the trigger when you're confronted by an aggressive individual who you feel is a true threat. And trust me... from the results of our "Shoot Or Don't Shoot Video Quiz", 79% of concealed carry gun-owners don't make the right decisions. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Vicious "self-defense myths" that too many responsibly-armed citizens fall for - that could ruin the rest of your life! When is it legal to draw - or even show - your weapon to a threat? (The answer may surprise you!) Shooting under stress! What to expect when your h

  • MCS 187: 5 New Bug-Out Survival Gear Items

    27/03/2018 Duración: 32min

    Have a bug-out bag? (Hint: Your answer should be, "Of course I do!") As with all of your survival gear, it's a constant process of adding... subtracting... and fine-turning your items to fit your own plan. This week, I'll share with you 5 new (and unusual?) survival gear items I've added so you can copy my own plan for your survival kit. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How a trip to the golf course for a charity tournament gave me an idea for this 4-piece "emergency repair" kit! Use this "elementary school" gizmo for setting traps and starting fires! Better than snares and deadfalls? Catch small game like a pro with this one little tool! How my wife's make-up arsenal showed me a nifty way to "herd the cats" in my bug-out bag! A modern version of the "old school" car antenna that makes starting fires a breeze! If you're as much of a survival gear nut" as I am, you're going to LOVE these new items to add to your bug-out bag! Plus, you can get all the links to these items AND a "c

  • MCS 186: Wilderness Survival Myth

    20/03/2018 Duración: 16min

    All it takes in one single one trip around the internet... Like any of the "tactical arts", you'll find a TON of tips, tricks based more on theory than actual experience. And top of the list? "Wilderness survival"! And this is one of those areas where - if you fall for the regurgitated b.s. floating around out there - it could do more damage than actually save your life if you were stranded in a remote area. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'm NOT the ultimate expert in the best wilderness survival advice. I don't know which plants to eat... I can't catch a bear with paracord and a spork... and starting a fire by banging two rocks together has always been an exercise in futility. Sure, I'm confident I'd survive in the most remote area with what little experience I've gathered and a rock-hard will to survive. But I'd much rather lean on the real-world training and experience of the other experts within our network. That's why my friend and survival expert, Kevin Estela, is going to be joining our New Worl

  • MCS 185: My Covert Escape & Evasion Kit

    13/03/2018 Duración: 26min

    Last week, my friend (and former CIA Agent), Jason Hanson, gave us some great tactics for escape and evasion - especially when traveling. I hung on every word! And now this week, I'm following up with my own tactics you can use right away to escape and evade kidnappers, cartel-backed foreign police, and hostage-taking terrorists. How? With the 10 sneaky items I reveal in my own personal "covert escape & evasion kit". Get ready to build your own! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: Hidden in plain sight: How to carry all of your items right in front of people without ANYONE knowing how prepared you really are! 4+ simple "hiding spots" for your escape and evasion kit! 10 tiny "survival items" that will help you escape from restraints and get to safety - even with your attackers hot on your tail! This is about as sneaky as it gets folks! And you're going to have a blast creating your own personal escape & evasion kit you'll carry everywhere! And don't forget to grab the "show notes"

  • MCS 184: CIA Escape & Evasion

    06/03/2018 Duración: 31min

    My 15 y.o. son is headed on an overseas school trip (without my protection)... ... and it's kind of freaking me out! Sure, I've taught him how to stay alert to dangers around him... become the "gray man" in any location... and how to defend himself if he needs to. But should he find himself face-to-face with civil unrest, an abduction attempt, or a terrorist attack, he's going to need (as Liam Neeson puts it,) "a special set of skills". That's why, for this week's episode, I called up my friend (and former CIA Agent) Jason Hanson to get his best "escape & evasion tips" for when traveling outside of familiar areas.  Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How to tap into the government's "intel network" to assess the threat level of any "danger zone" in the world! Constructing your own "travel escape & evasion kit"!  Urban "camouflage" tips for becoming virtually invisible in any area at any time. "Instant escape tips" when facing riots, looting, and terror attacks! Getting to (per

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