

Think you need to own a missile silo in the middle of a barren desert to plan the ultimate survival retreat? Think again... While you do need to have a "SHTF safe-haven" as a back-up destination for you and your family when a life-changing disaster or crisis hits, it doesn't have to be expensive nor complicated. In this week's podcast episode (the 2nd and final in our 2-part series), I'll give you 3 options (good, better & best) that will give you an immediate path toward feeling confident in your forced "bug-out" prepping. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: How far your retreat should be AWAY from civilization! (And also how close!) How to be better prepared TODAY to bug-out to safety! Taking your "retreat plan" to the next level (even on a shoe-string budget)! Choosing the best geographical location for your safe-haven! The ultimate "no bunker needed" retreat plan that ANYONE can achieve! If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have a survival retreat "at the ready"