

Even under the best circumstances, a mass evacuation during a disaster is a real challenge, wouldn't you agree? But what if you're alone... caring for a young child... confined to a wheelchair... and your vehicle breaks down?! That was one woman's concern - and she wouldn't rest until she had a plan! In fact, Cathy (not her real name) called me during one of my New World Patriot Alliance 1-on-1 coaching calls and we took care of things lickety-split! In this week's podcast episode, you get to be a virtual "fly on the wall" and hear Cathy's question... and a quick rundown of my reply! Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The single best advantage a 50-something, wheelchair-bound grandma caring for a 3-y.o. has over 98% of the US population when a crisis hits (and what YOU should do with her inspiration)! What to do when you're a "lone wolf"... and disaster strikes! "Survival team" - Do you REALLY need one? Questions to ask BEFORE destruction is on the horizon... so you can prepare your fa