Struck Inside Out



Hosted by Writer and Blogger, Danielle Bertoli, Struck Inside Out offers honest, powerful stories on life, love, relationships, and spirituality. Each episode brings you positive insight, tips on being your best and happiest self, and advice on cultivating gratitude for all of lifes moments. If you're looking for inspiration in any area of your life, Struck Inside Out will help shift your mindset to optimism and enthusiasm rather than fear and doubt. Danielle believes if you consciously choose your thoughts, you happily create your life.


  • From Fear to Freedom: Navigating Your Spiritual Journey with Jessica Joines

    30/05/2024 Duración: 48min

    Welcome to Struck Inside Out’s first podcast interview! In this episode, I speak with the insightful Jessica Joines, a former Global CMO turned bestselling author, spiritual coach, and international speaker. Join us as Jessica shares her inspiring story of awakening to her true power and potential, catalyzed by a life-changing solo soul journey across Southeast Asia in 2011. Our conversation delves deep into the essence of awakening your true purpose, as Jessica reveals her insights on living a life alongside fear and learning to love it. Through her experiences and teachings, she guides us on how to follow our heart's guidance, escaping the rat race mentality that often tricks us into equating productivity with self-worth. Through speaking, coaching, and her community platform, Jessica empowers women to transcend fear and limitation, mastering their spiritual journey and transforming their lives. With a unique ability to distill complex spiritual principles into practical, step-by-step plans of action, J

  • The Power of Now: Finding Joy in the Present Moment

    24/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    In this episode, Danielle dives into the often overlooked beauty and significance of the everyday moments in our lives. Join us as we explore how our perception of time, labeled days, and anticipation of the future can sometimes rob us of the richness and joy present in each passing day. Through insightful commentary and personal anecdotes, Danielle challenges the notion of living for the future and encourages listeners to embrace the present moment with gratitude and mindfulness. From reimagining Mondays as opportunities for fresh starts to reframing the mid-week slump, we offer practical strategies for cultivating a deeper appreciation for the ordinary. Discover the power of romanticizing life, where each moment becomes a treasure to be savored rather than rushed through. We discuss the importance of taking ownership of our internal landscape, choosing positivity over fear, and finding beauty in the simplest of moments. This episode will help you recognize and cherish the blessings of every single day. It&#

  • How to Positively Reframe Unexpected Changes

    10/04/2024 Duración: 26min

    Have you ever struggled with sudden and unexpected changes? Do you typically approach change and the unknown with optimism or dread? What do you tell yourself and others about your ability to handle change? In this episode, Danielle shares her recent experience of unexpectedly having to move out of her treasured apartment. With honesty and resilience, she discusses the initial shock, ups and downs, and ultimately, her approach to turning the situation into a positive opportunity for growth. Through candid storytelling and practical advice, Danielle offers listeners valuable insights into dealing with unexpected life changes and finding empowerment in challenging circumstances. Whether you're facing your own unexpected twists or simply seeking inspiration to embrace change, this episode provides a supportive space to navigate life's unpredictable challenges with grace and resilience. Key Takeaways: -Strategies for coping with unexpected changes -Techniques for reframing challenges as opportunities for

  • Shifting Your Gaze: Embracing Positivity in a World of Fear

    14/03/2024 Duración: 22min

    In a world often overshadowed by fear and worry, it's refreshing to redirect our focus towards the positive aspects of our lives. Danielle delves into the power of choosing where we set our gaze, emphasizing the importance of seeing things through the lens of love rather than fear. By exploring personal experiences and thought patterns, listeners are encouraged to recognize the abundance of beauty and opportunity surrounding them, fostering a mindset of gratitude and resilience. Key Takeaways: -Conscious Choice: Acknowledging the option to view situations through the lens of love rather than fear empowers individuals to make conscious decisions about their perspectives. -Challenging Thought Patterns: By questioning and investigating recurring negative thought patterns, individuals can uncover their roots and explore alternative, more positive interpretations. -Resilience Building: Embracing change and adversity as opportunities for growth strengthens resilience, confidence, and self-trust. -Gratitude P

  • Navigating Off Days With Inner Peace

    07/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    Ever wake up feeling off, with a pit in your stomach? In this episode, we explore how to deal with those days when everything feels wrong. Learn why fighting against discomfort often makes it worse, and why it's okay not to feel okay sometimes. Discover how societal pressures to always be positive can hold us back from true growth. Danielle offers simple tips for sitting with uncomfortable emotions and treating ourselves with kindness. Recognize how to embrace discomfort and find peace within yourself. Join us for a down-to-earth discussion on handling rough days and finding contentment in the midst of struggle. What you'll learn from this episode: -Embracing discomfort: Learn the importance of acknowledging and accepting uncomfortable emotions rather than resisting them. -Self-compassion: Understand the power of offering yourself love and kindness during challenging moments. -Finding inner peace: Discover strategies for finding contentment amidst off days and difficult emotions. -Growth through disc

  • How Cutting Back on Alcohol Can Lead to a Richer Life

    28/02/2024 Duración: 31min

    Join Danielle in this eye-opening episode as she shares her story of cutting back on alcohol and the big changes it brought. Learn how the things we do inside affect how we feel and act on the outside. Dive into how swapping out bad habits for good ones can make life brighter and better. Danielle talks about how she drastically cut back on drinking and started feeling more energetic. She shares how this energy helped her work out, write, and be a better leader at her job. By focusing on what made her feel good, she found herself living a more vibrant life. Have you ever stopped doing something that wasn't good for you, like cutting back on drinks or ditching toxic friends? In this episode, we explore how making these changes can create space for something better. We discuss how one good choice often leads to another, forming a chain reaction of positive habits. By drinking less, Danielle noticed feeling less anxious and more motivated. She found herself working out more and eating healthier, which made he

  • Fear or Intuition? Harnessing the Power of Gut Instincts

    20/02/2024 Duración: 20min

    In this episode, Danielle delves into the intricate relationship between intuition and fear, exploring the challenges many face in discerning between the two. Drawing from personal experiences and insights, she candidly discusses the struggles she encountered in trusting her intuition and the tendency to dismiss its guidance due to fear. Through heartfelt anecdotes and reflections, Danielle highlights the importance of tuning into one's inner wisdom and embracing the truth, even when it may be uncomfortable or daunting. Listeners are guided through practical strategies to distinguish between intuitive nudges and fear-based thoughts, such as deep breathing exercises, requesting specific signs or messages, and journaling for clarity. Ultimately, this episode emphasizes the power of listening to your intuition, fostering self-awareness, and navigating life with courage and authenticity. Here are five takeaway bullet points from the episode: -Intuition vs. Fear: Explore the challenge of distinguishing between

  • Three Lessons I Learned From Love and Heartbreak

    14/02/2024 Duración: 39min

    In this episode, the host Danielle Bertoli discusses the lessons she's learned from relationships, particularly focusing on early experiences and personal growth. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining individual identity, trusting instincts, and fostering healthy communication to navigate the complexities of romantic partnerships. Takeaway Bullet Points: -Don't lose sight of yourself in a relationship; maintain your own happiness and fulfillment. -Trust your instincts; if something feels off, it probably is, and it's okay to address it. -Communicate openly and constructively; avoid negative responses and focus on proactive conflict resolution for healthier relationships. -Prioritize self-awareness and individual fulfillment: It's essential not to lose yourself in a relationship. Maintain your own happiness and fulfillment, and remember that your partner should complement your life, not define it. -Trust your instincts: If something doesn't feel right in a relationship, trust your g

  • Dear Self: Unpacking the Importance of Positive Self-Talk and Letter Writing

    07/02/2024 Duración: 33min

    In this episode, we explore the profound significance of self-compassion through the practices of positive self-talk and letter writing. We dive into the transformative power of speaking kindly to ourselves and the therapeutic benefits of writing letters addressed to our own selves. Imagine this podcast as a cozy writing workshop with your host, Danielle Bertoli, an author and self-compassion advocate. Through engaging discussions and practical exercises, we'll uncover how these simple yet powerful practices can impact our well-being and personal growth. In this episode, you'll discover: -The importance of positive self-talk and its impact on mental well-being. -The therapeutic benefits of writing letters to oneself, including fostering self-compassion and setting intentions. -Practical tips and exercises to incorporate self-compassion practices into your daily routine. -Insights from Danielle Bertoli's personal experiences and expertise as an author and advocate for self-compassion. -How embraci

  • Alone But Not Lonely: Embracing the Transformative Power of Solitude

    31/01/2024 Duración: 24min

    In this episode, host Danielle Bertoli explores the transformative power of solitude and the art of being comfortable in one's own company. Whether you love your alone time or find it intimidating, Danielle shares insights on navigating solo activities and the surprising joy that comes with embracing moments of solitude. Drawing from personal experiences and reflections on her own journey, Danielle discusses the shift from fearing to relishing alone time. From overcoming a challenging breakup to living alone during the COVID-19 lockdown, she highlights the profound impact of solitude on personal growth and happiness. Join Danielle as she uncovers the beauty of solo adventures, the importance of cultivating happiness, and the incredible strength that comes from being content in your own skin. Discover the art of turning alone time into an opportunity for self-discovery and find inspiration to navigate life's challenges with grace and joy. Tune in for a journey towards embracing the magic of being alo

  • EPISODE TWO: The Power of Morning Rituals for Creating Happier Days

    24/01/2024 Duración: 15min

    Unlock the secrets to a successful day in our latest episode! Join us as we delve into the transformative power of morning rituals and living with intention and purpose. Discover practical strategies for setting and achieving your daily goals, breaking free from the cycle of abandoning desires, and overcoming personal blocks and fears. In this episode, we share the wisdom of crafting intentional morning rituals that set the tone for a successful day. Learn how to navigate doubts and overwhelm with personal anecdotes from Danielle's journey, transitioning from waiting for life to happen to becoming the architect of her own destiny. Tune in for a simplified approach to achieving your daily goals and receive guidance on dismantling self-created obstacles. Embrace the encouragement to view fears through a compassionate lens and take the first step toward making each day a meaningful and accomplished one. In this insightful episode, you will learn: -The importance of morning rituals in setting the tone fo

  • EPISODE ONE: How to Successfully Overcome Blocks and Achieve Your Goals

    24/01/2024 Duración: 34min

    Are you eager to set and achieve your goals successfully?  Tired of abandoning your desires and dreams year after year, struggling to overcome your own blocks and fears? In today's episode, discover how to identify your desires, fears, and obstacles, and gain insights on how to move past them. Explore the art of creating goals, sticking to them, and ultimately accomplishing them. Danielle candidly shares her personal journey of struggling with doubt and overwhelm while working towards publishing her first book. She describes her transformation from the girl who waited for life to happen to her, to the woman who took charge and made life happen for herself. Achieving your goals can be more straightforward than you might imagine. Danielle guides you in dismantling the obstacles you've created for yourself and encourages you to see your fears through a more compassionate perspective. In this episode, you will learn: -Strategies for setting and achieving goals successfully -Overcoming the pattern of

  • A Letter to My Beloved Fear

    04/05/2021 Duración: 04min

    Does fear play a major factor in your life? Have you allowed fear to consume or control you? This episode is an open letter to fear, approaching it with loving reverence and appreciating it for the gifts it brings. Sometimes, in order to understand ourselves and our anxieties, we must simply approach that which we shy away from with an open mind and heart. When you begin a dialogue with fear, you welcome the very thing you thought you couldn't handle, and by holding its hand, you reclaim your inner strength.

  • This Is What Will Guide You Home

    27/04/2021 Duración: 03min

    Embrace the solitary path and revel in the gifts of seclusion. When we choose to be alone and grow as individuals, we sometimes question ourselves and doubt the singular path. When we release control, trust and allow life to course through us, we step into higher states of being and attract divine adventure. You can never go wrong when following your inner knowing. Have faith in yourself to guide you home. Produced by: Owen Kelly Music: "Threads" by Ebb and Flod

  • Today I Choose Me

    21/04/2021 Duración: 04min

    After years of choosing others over myself and searching for external circumstances to fulfill me, I decided to finally put myself first. This episode is a short reflection on the sometimes painful journey of discovering happiness within yourself, while embracing the road to self-love and fulfillment.  Produced by Owen Kelly.  Music: "A Rising Sun" by Alan Ellis.

  • This Is Your Time Now

    12/04/2021 Duración: 03min

    Have you ever felt afraid to leave the comfortable for the unknown? Have you ever desired adventure, but didn't know how to take the first step? This episode touches on the strength it takes to leave one life behind to begin another, and the beauty that exists just beyond the unknown. How will you ever know the kind of life you can live if you never take the leap?  Produced by: Owen Kelly. Music: "Somewhere In Between" by August Wilhelmsson

  • For Sweet Dreams

    04/11/2020 Duración: 11min

    Listen to this soothing meditation before bed, to help you drift into sleep. It inspires sweet and peaceful dreams through positive affirmations and imagery. It offers time for you to reflect and cultivate the energy that you want to embody before going to sleep. It also helps you create intentions for the following day.

  • Leaning into Love

    04/11/2020 Duración: 10min

    This meditation will ground you in the reality of your own existence. It offers insight into the power of presence, intention and remembering your own divinity. Listen to this meditation before your day begins to practice breathwork, cultivate positive intentions and set the tone for the type of day you want to experience. The choice is always yours for how you’ll live your life. Your life starts with today, this moment - right now. Choose love.

  • Creating the Energy of Your Day Meditation

    14/08/2020 Duración: 10min

    Start your day by creating and embodying the energy that you want to feel and share with others. This ten minute reflection and meditation will inspire you to consciously choose what thoughts you’re thinking, what emotions you’re feeling and what type of day you want to have. You’re more powerful than you think you are. There’s always a choice in how you will experience your life. Choose love. Produced by: Owen Kelly. Music: “Lupus Dream” by Lama House.

  • Meditation for a Peaceful Sleep

    27/05/2020 Duración: 08min

    This meditation will help you drift into a peaceful and relaxing sleep. With an opening poem from Rumi followed by positive affirmations, you can enjoy a good night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, inspired and ready for a new day.

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