The Kate Valentine Ufo Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 209:40:28
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Collection of Broadcasts of The Kate Valentine UFO Show featuring guests from the top of the UFO ET field.


  • Kate Valentine Final Show Friday November 22 2013

    22/11/2013 Duración: 49min

    Kate Valentine Final Show Join Kate for her fare well show Friday November 22nd, 2013 at 1pm on WVNJ am 1160. As announced at the end of last week's show, Kate will be doing a recap of three years of shows and giving her conclusions based on her interviewing of over one hundred authors, investigators, experiencers, witnesses, members of the military and many more. Kate has asked that you put your ideas into her last WVNJ show by adding your comments and observations to the Comments page.

  • Examination of Paranormal and UFO Hot Spots Dr Peter McCue

    15/11/2013 Duración: 50min

    Author Dr P. A. McCue joins Kate Valentine to discuss his book Examination of Paranormal and UFO Hot Spots. Friday November 15 2013 Examination of Paranormal and UFO Hot Spots Dr Peter McCue Peter worked for many years as a clinical psychologist. He lives in Scotland. His qualifications include a Ph.D., from the University of Glasgow, awarded for a thesis on hypnosis. Peter’s interest in psychical research and UFO phenomena goes back decades.

  • Gerard Medvec Mid-Atlantic UFOs

    15/11/2013 Duración: 50min

    Gerard Medvec author of Mid-Atlantic UFOs High Traffic Area. Over 80 incredible true tales told by real people about UFO encounters in the Mid-Atlantic region. Listen to this Kate Valen­tine UFO Show podcast where Gerard recounts contact with aliens.

  • The Turkey UFO Case Podcast

    01/11/2013 Duración: 51min

    Kate's guest is Ryan Shane discussing the Turkey UFO case. The Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO sightings of 2007-2009 The Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO incident involves several witnesses who live in the local village, extensively analyzed video, a report by the Scientific and Technology Research Board of Turkey (which is sponsored by the government), video showing unidentified flying objects filmed at extremely close range, and was witnessed by the very own Dr. Roger Leir in person. The Turkey UFO sightings were much more than your typical light in the sky. The incidents were dramatic. For several days disc, metallic spheres, round, and oval shaped unknown craft visited the Sea of Marmara just off the coast of Kumburgaz, Turkey.

  • ANUNNAKI Marshall Klarfeld

    25/10/2013 Duración: 50min

    Mar­shall Klar­feld grad­u­ated with an engi­neer­ing degree from CALTECH in 1951, after study­ing under such lumi­nar­ies as Nobel Lau­re­ate pro­fes­sors Richard Feyn­man and Linus Paul­ing. Fas­ci­nated by what he con­sid­ered advanced sci­en­tific knowl­edge in the Bible’s story of cre­ation, Klar­feld embarked on a quest to unravel the mys­ter­ies sur­round­ing humanity’s early his­tory. His work has led him to pub­lish three books, ADAM, the Miss­ing Link, GILGAMESH 10, and The ANUNNAKI Were Here!. The lat­ter Klarfeld’s newest book, details his excit­ing new the­ory of “wash­board gold min­ing” in use by the ANUNNAKI, a the­ory which, when proven, will turn the archae­ol­ogy com­mu­nity upside-down. To date Mar­shall has made eight appear­ances on the pop­u­lar “Coast to Coast AM” radio pro­gram, and recently was inter­viewed by Shirley MacLaine.

  • Guest Stephen Bassett Bringing the Disclosure Case to the United Nations

    18/10/2013 Duración: 49min

    Fri­day Octo­ber 18th Kate’s guest Stephen Bassett After the very suc­cess­ful Cit­i­zen Hear­ing on Dis­clo­sure (CHD) held in the Spring of 2013, to which the CHD brought 40 wit­nesses from 10 coun­tries to the National Press Club in Wash­ing­ton, DC to tes­tify for 30 hours over 5 days before 6 for­mer mem­bers of the U. S. Con­gress, Stephen Bas­sett now plans to bring the cast to the United Nations and will be dis­cussing it with Kate on this show.

  • Steve Pierce witness to Travis Walton Abduction

    18/10/2013 Duración: 42min

    Kate's Guest: Steve Pierce has become well known as the main wit­ness in one of the most famous cases in ufol­ogy, the ‘Travis Walton Abduction.’ A movie of the event was filmed called ‘Fire in the Sky".

  • Cynthia Crawford joins Kate Valentine: Hybrids

    04/10/2013 Duración: 50min

    Cynthia Crawford was born a twin, but with totally different blood and tissue type than her sister and the rest of her family. Her father worked on top-secret missions for the OSS; and she remembers being taken to underground military medical facilities for testing and examinations during her childhood, also enduring numerous alien abductions, examinations and impregnations, as well as miraculous healings.

  • Michael Murphy Chemtrails

    27/09/2013 Duración: 51min

    Michael Mur­phy chem­trails expert film­maker of Why In The World Are They Spray­ing? and What in the World Are They Spraying? Joins Kate Valentine

  • Anthony Sanchez Greys and under­ground Mil­i­tary Base, Dulce

    20/09/2013 Duración: 49min

    Guest Author and Researcher Anthony F. Sanchez talks about the under­ground Mil­i­tary Base, Dulce and his book The UFO Highway

  • Frank Feschino and Alfred Lehmberg join Kate

    13/09/2013 Duración: 50min

    Frank Feschino joined by Alfred Lehmberg debuts Frank's new book The New 2013 "Updated & Revised Edition" Braxton County Monster book. Many good questions and comments for the guests. Take a listen and you will get a taste of Shoot Them Down as well.

  • The Hid­den Hand; Alien Con­tact and the Gov­ern­ment Cover-Up

    06/09/2013 Duración: 50min

    Kate Valentine with Director James Carman The Hidden Hand James Carman lives in New York City and works as a cinematographer and a producer. He shoots features, commercials and documentaries and his work has been showcased at the MOMA and many film festivals. He recently won an EBE award for best documentary with his film, The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and The Government Cover-up. Currently he is working on a new documentary entitled, Superconscious. View the trailer for The Hidden Hand

  • Tribute to Jesse Marcel Jr. with Peter Robbins

    30/08/2013 Duración: 50min

    Friday August 30th, 2013 Listen to our Tribute Show to Jesse Marcel Jr. we are talking about Jesse's contributions to the Roswell UFO community of researchers and enthusiasts. Also we discuss 1947 and what that year means to us.

  • Area 51, Sleep paralysis and Remote Viewing

    23/08/2013 Duración: 50min

    August 23rd, 2013 Fahrusha joins Kate to dis­cuss area 51, sleep paral­y­sis and remote view­ing .

  • Aliens in the Back­yard

    09/08/2013 Duración: 50min

    August 9th, 2013 Authors Rob Mac­Gre­gor and Trish J Mac­Gre­gor are Kates guests to dis­cuss their new book Aliens in the Back­yard – UFOs, Abduc­tions, and Synchronicity.

  • Saucerville Jordan Hofer UFO Author

    02/08/2013 Duración: 49min

    Kate welcomes Jor­dan Hofer the author of Evo­lu­tion­ary Ufol­ogy, pub­lished by Schif­fer Books, and the Saucerville tril­ogy, pub­lished by Inkwa­ter Press. Jor­dan became a Research Spe­cial­ist in Anthro­pol­ogy with the Mutual UFO Net­work (MUFON) and pre­sented, for the first time, the con­cept of evo­lu­tion­ary ufol­ogy.

  • The John Ford Case with guest Richard Smith

    26/07/2013 Duración: 50min

    Kate discusses the John Ford case with Radio Host Richard Smith . Long Island UFO Network Chairman John Ford was railroaded by the Suffolk County Government of New York simply because he came too close to uncovering the infamous South Haven Park UFO crash and the illegal toxic waste dumping taking place in many parts of Suffolk County. Targeted by a level of corruption that would put anyone in a state of utter shock and disgust, John Ford has been a political prisoner at the MID-HUDSON FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIC CENTER in New Hampton, New York.

  • UFOs Above PA guest Ger­ard J. Medvec

    19/07/2013 Duración: 51min

    Kate talks with Ger­ard J. Med­vec author of UFOs Above PA with Mark Sarro. Alien abduc­tions, wild, silent space­crafts, and mag­i­cal extrater­res­trial tech­nol­ogy all come together through eye­wit­ness accounts in UFOs Above Penn­syl­va­nia.

  • Alien Humanity Project with Vincenzo Macrino

    12/07/2013 Duración: 50min

    Vin­cenzo Macrino for­mer police sergeant who has spent the last fif­teen years of his life in law enforce­ment and nuclear pro­tec­tion. He talks with Kate about his book HUMANITY: The Alien Project an ancient astronaut theory, terraforming, and the Annunaki.

  • Anto­nio Paris UFO Awareness Day 2013

    05/07/2013 Duración: 50min

    Anto­nio Paris, Direc­tor of the Aer­ial Phe­nom­e­non Inves­ti­ga­tions Team. He  dis­cusses UFO Aware­ness Day July 6th, 2013 in Straf­ford PA. Sat­ur­day, July 6, 2013 9:45 AM to 4:45 PM Tredyf­frin Pub­lic Library 582 Upper Gulph Road, Straf­ford, PA Also discussed is quality of UFO and abduction evidence.

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