Micro Monday



Follow @monday on Micro.blog.


  • 119: Vincent (@vincent), developer of apps for Micro.blog


    This week, Jean talks to Vincent, a returning guest who appeared on Episode 74 in December 2019, when we talked about his Micro.blog app, Gluon. Since then, Vincent started working on the Micro.blog apps, and was instrumental in launching the official Micro.blog Android app.

  • 118: Rob (@rnv), serial careerist and cinephile


    Rob joined Micro.blog four years ago, and even attended a Micro Meetup in Minneapolis when Jean was there in 2018. In 20 minutes, we catch up, talk about how corporate social media has warped the blogging culture, and notice how even talking about Twitter raises our blood pressure. After the end of the regular episode, there is a second bonus section we recorded to discuss Until the End of the World, a 1991 film directed by Wim Wenders, that we both are passionate about. Could this be the beginning of a Micro Film Group? Email jean@micro.blog if you’d be interested in a semi-regular meetup to discuss film.

  • 117: @Denny, rural tiny house inhabitant and sustainability nerd


    This week’s guest, Denny, is known for his posts about sustainablility, featuring lessons he’s learned as a tiny house inhabitant in the Missouri woods, where he also does website design and graphic design. We talk about his experiments in sustainable living, his longtime blog, new interest in Mastodon, and cute armadillos.

  • 116: Eric (@ericmwalk), runner and ice rink builder


    This week’s guest Eric is well known for his photos from his running adventures. He also has an unusual winter hobby, so be sure to listen if you want to get some DIY backyard ice-skating rink tips.

  • 115: Aaron (@aa), leather craftsman and 100% human


    On this week’s episode, Aaron tells us a bit about the handcrafting of leather goods, how crafting helps us connect to our human nature, and why the humans of Micro.blog are so friendly. Aaron’s Premium Handcrafted Leather Goods Micro Camp: a virtual gathering of the Micro.blog community March 2022 August 2021

  • 114: Valerie (@val), teaching and learning in Kyrgyzstan


    On this week’s episode, Valerie talks about how travel got her started with blogging, and answers Jean’s many questions about living and working in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

  • 113: Fabio (@fabio), data scientist and polyamory community activist


    This week’s guest, Fabio, is a student of data science and economics, who looks for ways to build and support the polyamory community. We chat quite a bit on the hurdles of building community in the era of pandemic, how social media does and does not support communities, and how Micro.blog fits in. (There’s also a few minutes of Star Trek chat at the end.)

  • 112: Manton (@manton) on the latest new things for Micro.blog


    Manton Reece, founder of Micro.blog, comes on the podcast to talk about some of the new things that have been added to the platform just lately, such as: Location features New themes: Gateway and Alpine Font Awesome plug-in New status bubble No Robots plug-in for disabling search engine indexing Indie Microblogging book status update

  • 111: Clifford (@cliffordbeshers), mountain hamlet dweller and photographer


    Clifford joins us for a chat about his practice of posting a photo a day, mostly from his location in the Sierras, but sometimes on the road visiting other stunning locales. We get into a discussion of what is sustainable and scalable for Micro.blog, and Clifford offers up a feature idea for greater discovery options.

  • 110: Anna (@annahavron), devotee of office supplies and cats


    Anna Havron is the latest guest on Micro Monday. She talks about her love of analog office tools, how she got addicted to writing, and what brought her to Micro.blog. Analog Office annahavron.com Anna’s microblog for cats, flowers, and stuff Want to write a book? You probably already have! by Patrick Rhone, Micro Camp August 2021 presentation How to Self-Publish A Novel by Cheri, Micro Camp March 2022 presentation Ten Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier

  • 109: Sven (@sod), guy with a website who also blogs


    Back after a hiatus, Micro Monday welcomes Sven. Sven did a presentation for the last Micro Camp titled Accessible Microblogging: A Crash Course (YouTube). We talk about whether or not Sven has a blog, and how to get the hang of Micro.blog when you first join.

  • 108: Ridwan, aka @ridwan, reader, writer, future podcaster


    This week’s episode features a chat with Ridwan. He’s an engineer who likes reading and writing. He had just started a newsletter when Micro.blog announced a new newsletter subscriptions for Premium members. Ridwan has upgraded, and is now considering what he will do for a podcast, which is another of the additional features offered in the Premium plan.

  • 107: Manton, aka @manton, on new Micro.blog features


    Manton Reece returns to the Micro Monday podcast to talk about two new features that were recently announced: scheduling posts and email newsletter subscriptions. We also talk about something fun coming in 2022 at the end of the episode.

  • 106: Art, aka @artkavanagh, writer who talks about books


    This weeks guest is Art, an Irish writer with some ambivalent feelings toward technology. He publishes “Talk about books,” a newsletter on Substack. Tot by Iconfactory Andrew Marvell (1621–1678), poet

  • 105: Pete, aka @pimoore, Ontarian analogue appreciator


    This week’s guest is Pete, developer of the Tufte theme for Micro.blog, organizer (with @cheri) of the Micro.blog writers’ meetup, and a fan of pens, ink, and paper.

  • 104: Chad, aka @cm, sketchnoter and Micro Camper


    On this episode, Chad talks about how he came to Micro.blog (a Kickstarter backer!), how he became a sketchnoter, and why he likes the Racket platform for audio sharing. Check out Chad’s Micro Camp presentation (together with Chris), Getting Started With Sketchnoting and learn how to create your own sketchnote selfie.

  • 103: Jatan, aka @uncertainquark, writer and Moon evangelist


    On this week’s episode, Jatan talks about how he became interested in space exploration in school, why the Moon is much more than a big rock in the sky, and how he has made Micro.blog his internet base station.

  • 102: Laurence Warner aka Cerulean, aka @warner


    On this episode, Laurence Warner joined us for a chat shortly before his debut double album Smalltown Dreamer was released under his stage name Cerulean. We talked about using Micro.blog as a creator and performer, how Micro.blog could attract more folks from the performing arts, and the fun of meeting up with another microblogger (Jas) in person. PS. Laurence will be a presenter at Micro Camp, coming this Friday! Sign up to receive an invite to this free two-day gathering and community celebration.

  • 101: Jas, aka @jasraj, slowpreneur and digital nomad


    We’re back with Micro Monday podcasts! This week, Jas talks about how he became a “slowpreneur,” what he likes about Micro.blog, and how we can encourage more people to join our community.

  • 100: A Conversation About Micro.blog, with special guest Patrick Rhone


    A special episode to mark a milestone for the Micro Monday podcast. Manton and Jean talk with Patrick Rhone, who previously appeared on Episode 4. We take a look at how Micro.blog has evolved and where it’s going, focusing on these questions: How important are independent blogs, considering what we have seen elsewhere in social media? How has Micro.blog and the community evolved? How could Micro.blog be improved? Our pets share opinions too.

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