Advice Line With Roy Masters



Mentor, minister, philosopher, spiritual guide... Roy Masters was America's first radio counselor and is the author of more than 16 acclaimed books on health, stress, parenting, religion, and success. For nearly half a century Roy Masters has been an institution on radio, and his "Advice Line" radio program is currently broadcast nationwide on a 130 radio stations and available via the Internet. Visit for more information about Roy Masters, his radio program and featured materials for dealing with health issues and conquering pain, fear, stress and addiction.


  • OCD Help Part 2: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Self Help


    Podcast Here(Clip from episode: K4535)This podcast is brought to you by the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comCan people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder cure themselves of their behavior? In this free podcast, radio counselor Roy Masters explores the possibility of overcoming all the effects of OCD. This is Part 2 in a podcast series on "OCD Help." Part 1 can be found at has been dealing with OCD for over 10 years. Roy explains that obsessive compulsive behavior and thoughts are usually preceded by depression and guilt. OCD, in effect, is a form of psychological projection. While some people project their guilt onto other people, those suffering from OCD project guilt onto an idea that can then be obsessed over. By getting resentfully tied up with this idea or repetitive action, the obsessive compulsive mind is distracted away from the pain that guilt causes their conscience.Would you like to discover true self help, and be free of your obsessive comp

  • OCD Help Part 1: The Cause of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


    Podcast Here(Clip from episode: K4533)This podcast is brought to you by the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comDo you suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder or any other compulsive behavior? Are you looking for a way to resolve the symptoms of OCD without the use of pharmaceutical drugs? Do you know what causes your compulsive thoughts and habits to repeat in an endless loop?In this free podcast episode, Chris has been suffering with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, (also referred to as OCD) for the last ten years. He has an intense fear of getting blood or other bodily fluid on him that could lead him to being wrongly accused of rape or murder. Radio host Roy Masters shows how understanding the causes of OCD, is the key to overcoming its debilitating grip.The cause and prolonging of all OCD is resentment. Getting upset with an action or thought can often times cause your brain to repeat it. Every time the idea is introduced, a feeling of resentment is attached to it, causing an endl

  • Emotional Decision Making | How to Make Difficult Decisions


    Podcast HereDo you fear making wrong decisions? Do you have difficulty making decisions when you are too emotional? Does the fear of rejection lead you to feel helpless and paralyzed? Would you like to know how to overcome all confusion once and for all?On this free podcast episode, Sandra is having difficulty with the request of a dying fiancé. Suffering from cancer many miles away, he has asked her not to visit him. Though she wants to do the right thing, she is emotionally hurt and feels rejected. She is conflicted and confused about what to do.World-renowned radio counselor Roy Masters discusses Sandra's problem with her. While we all pride ourselves in our ability to make a decision, anxiety brought on by emotions will always hinder the decision-making process. Further more, forcing any mental process is eventually detrimental to health. “Decision making can affect your breathing [and] your digestion,” explains Roy.Learn how to not be affected by the decision making process. Listen to this podcast!(Clip

  • Gift-Giving Advice | Addicted to Giving


    Podcast HereDo you feel obligated to give gifts just because it is the Christmas Season? Do you experience more worry and pressure during the holidays than happiness and contentment? Would you rather receive a gift that was sincerely given or compelled because it is your birthday or a holiday that requires it?In this free podcast episode, radio host Roy Masters explores the difference between compulsive and healthy giving. No one would argue that the act of giving gifts is an immoral practice. Conflicts arise, however, when a person is overwhelmed by a feeling when giving or receiving. Roy explains that feeling good over getting a gift, or feeling resentful because you are being pressured to give one, represents the “dark side of giving.”Anne in California has a chronic issue of giving and “giving in” to her 40-year-old son. The subject of spoiling children, though seemingly far removed from obligated gift-giving, function off of the same principles, and have similar results. Due to her overly generous behavi

  • Stop Worrying: Part 2 | Overcoming Worry Caused By Stress


    Podcast HereDo you have a “strange super-sense of responsibility” regarding close family and friends? Does your work, family and other daily obligations flood your mind with constant worry? Is the stress and anxiety of life dragging you down and holding you back? Are you looking to truly stop worrying and start living?Though people are playfully referred to as “worry warts,” the continuous loop of thoughts and emotions that make up what we call worry is no laughing matter. The good news is that the only thing necessary to cure worry is a simple change of perspective.In this free podcast episode, radio counselor Roy Masters continues his conversation with Bill from Philadelphia about his worry and anxiety issues. Roy explains how allowing people and circumstances to pull you in emotionally, and getting “all worked up” over them, is where worry begins its negative cycle. By understanding where these common dangers lie, anyone who wishes to deflect them can do so with confidence. Stress should be considered a us

  • Stop Worrying | Breaking Free From Constant Worry and Doubt


    Podcast HereDo your thoughts and feelings control you? Are you looking for a cure for constant worrying? Do you believe a worry-free life is even possible?The Oxford Dictionary defines worry as “[to] feel or cause to feel troubled over actual or potential difficulties.” Stress and worry are feelings that plague millions worldwide, yet there are very few real solutions to this mental debility. In this free podcast episode, Bill in Philadelphia wants to know how to break free from the chains of constant worry. Feeling obligated to be the problem-solver of the family, Bill claims to have always had the sense that he was meant to be “responsible for everything.” Radio host Roy Masters discusses the causes which lead to a false sense of obligation and responsibility. By understanding how resentment over circumstances leads to worry, one can easily overcome the compulsive feeling.This is first episode in a two-part program on stopping worry. Hear “Stop Worrying: Part 2” for the conclusion to Roy and Bill’s conversa

  • Cause of Glaucoma and Hysterical Blindness: Anger and Stress


    Podcast HereDo you suffer from blindness caused by glaucoma? Have you questioned what really causes hysterical blindness? Are you, or is someone you know, visually impaired due to a psychological disorder?Leeann from California has been blind for thirteen years. While the doctors can not explain her sudden inability to see, she has always suspected that it was due to repressed anger and resentment. In this free podcast, Roy Masters explores how glaucoma and other symptoms of hysterical blindness can be emotionally caused. Though her doctor prescribed Prozac to help her deal with her emotions, she could not handle it as she began to “wake up” to what was causing all her hardship. Roy emphasizes, “the prevention is the cure.”Find out how Leann is regaining her eyesight – listen to this podcast!(Clip from episode: K3820)This podcast is brought to you by the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comQuotes regarding glaucoma and hysterical blindness from books by Roy Masters:“Hysterical deafness and bl

  • Sexual Addiction Recovery | Effects of Sexual Molestation


    Are you suffering from an intense sexual addiction or a sexually rooted compulsion? Do you need help for an internet porn addiction? Are you developing unhealthy sexual desires? Self-help treatment and recovery are simpler than you may realize. Regardless of what plagues you, the media and commercial entertainment only parade more sexual images in front of us daily. Not only that, but there are very few programs and treatment centers that provide accurate and lasting help for sexual addiction. Writer, lecturer and radio counselor Roy Masters discovered that the key to understanding addiction lies in realizing that it is a symptom to a larger emotional conflict.Thomas was molested as a young child. He is in the middle of the recovery process, but still finds himself struggling with an awkward effect of sexual child molestation: an uncontrollable sexual compulsion. In this free podcast episode Roy walks Thomas through the process of stepping back from his resentment over his abusive childhood. Only by learning

  • Cause of Asthma | A Natural Cure for Asthma


    Are you or a loved one plagued with a history of asthma attacks? Are you tied down with asthma medication and nebulizers? Are you looking for a home remedy or natural asthma cure? Is there a cure?Believe it a not, there is a link between asthma, bronchitis, and allergy-based diseases. Whether you suffer from childhood or adult asthma, asthmatic symptoms all have a similar cause. Burt is wondering if his asthma is related to his emotions or is it merely a physical malady. In this free podcast episode, Roy Masters discusses not only prevention treatment, but a long-term asthma cure. Roy explains what situations cause asthma and how your body’s supply of adrenaline is affected. By dealing with the true cause of asthma, you can remedy all your asthmatic allergies and symptoms.(Clip from episode: K4487)This free podcast is brought to you by the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comQuotes regarding asthma and other emotion-driven diseases from Roy Masters’ books: “Asthma: a disease caused by the dra

  • Cause of Homosexuality: The Cure for Homosexual Feelings


    Roy Masters counters John Stossel’s arguments regarding homosexuality and explains that there is a real cure. John from Atlanta wants to know if having homosexual thoughts and feelings means he is a homosexual. Roy gives details regarding the cause of homosexuality and how anyone can find a way out.(Clips from episodes: K4211 and K4479)This podcast is brought to you by the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comQuotes from the book Understanding Sexuality by Roy Masters:“We see then, that the homosexual is a sexually exchanged male who may seek to maintain and justify ‘his’ existence the way ‘he’ is, or, if his ego cannot face the truth, engage in a perversion of the male-female game to support a false sense of security.”“The cure for the failing status of heterosexual and homosexual relationships is to recognize the ego need for true identity. But vain egos will not and cannot reach up for illumination because of pride's need to be "right" the way it finds itself. Until that proud ego is awaken

  • Anorexia & Bulimia: The Single Cause Explained


    (Clip from episode: K4485)Read and hear more at the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comThis is a follow-up call from Anna, a single mother who has been struggling with Anorexia nervosa. Despite traditional Anorexia treatments and help from professionals, Anna's condition is getting worse. She is not only concerned with the effect her eating disorder is having on her daughter. There is the looming threat that this dangerous behavior could ultimately prove fatal. In this segment we explore how all eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, share a common root. It’s important to understand the seductive role that food often plays in developing misplaced guilt and anger. Roy Masters explains how simply resolving guilt and anger is often the key to overcoming eating disorders such as Anorexia and Bulimia. Quotes from the book Eat No Evil by Roy Masters:“Wherever pride is involved, food and drink masquerade as our personal saviors, but the tiny part of awareness that manages to survive in the s

  • Sympathy for Saddam: Attraction Through Abuse


    Mike admits that as he watched the Saddam Hussein hanging, he imagined the rope around his own neck.(Clip from episode: K4497) Read and hear more at the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comQuotes regarding abuse and abusers from Roy Masters’ books:“Dictators "love" people and people "love" their "female" dictators. We see here a case of mutual abuse. Tyrants love the weakness of the people for the sake of the power it gives them, and the vast masses of people love the deception (hypnosis) that is practiced on them by those to whom they have given power. It follows that when people become thoroughly degenerate, they will dig up dictators out of Hell and bestow upon them the power to rule the world with their peculiar madness. How gladly do the utterly demoralized souls accept the exquisite tortures inflicted upon them by the damned of their own making and choosing. So it is with the ego of man; he brings tragedy down about his ears through the very woman he craves-and elects to power.” -Beyond

  • Pornography Addiction: A Dangerous Art of Corruption


    A call from Brian. (from episode K3965)To hear the entire radio episode visit www.fhu.comPodcast Here

  • Pornography Addiction II: Becoming a Whole Person


    Another call from Brian. (from episode K3982)To hear the entire radio episode visit www.fhu.comPodcast Here

  • Anxiety and Depression: Anger Turned Inward


    Brandy calls to discuss the symptom of depression with Roy. (Clip from episode: K4618)Read and hear more at the Foundation of Human Understanding: Quotes regarding anxiety and depression from Roy Masters’ books:“You must learn to trust what is given you to realize in the moment, without becoming upset over what is revealed to you; only then will your mind make you well and whole again. Opening your mind to doubt by the tiniest chink will result in your caving in to doubt forevermore. You will end up in a state of confusion, depression, and rage.”-Beyond the Known“Depression overtakes you because, being all things to all people, you give your all. Everyone runs you ragged and drains the life out of your body. You feel resentment against everyone for having to prove yourself, which pressure festers into gargantuan feats of kindness and devotion toward lesser gods than you in a desperate attempt to make them acknowledge you until you can't any more. Without the approval you need to assuage anx

  • Anxiety and Depression 2: Watching It Dissolve


    The continuation of Brandy’s depression call to Roy. (Clip from episode: K4618)Read and hear more at the Foundation of Human Understanding: http://www.fhu.comQuotes regarding anxiety and depression from Roy Masters’ books:“You cannot get away from the enemy because when someone else is not the enemy, the enemy is you. You are forever jumping from the frying pan into the fire, because any friend or authority who sympathizes with your troubles, anyone who distracts and consoles you, turns out to be the next enemy. Bad experience adds to bad experience, and personality adds to personality inside you. Trauma builds on trauma, guilt on guilt, fear on fear, and when you see the hopelessness of it all, you fall prey to morbid depression.”-Beyond the Known“The first phase of our lives involves earthy motivations, but the second part should involve discovering the original Divine motivation-grace. Not being able to find this state of consciousness is the underlying cause of drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, suic

  • Suicide: How to Stop Suicidal Thoughts


    Nick is wondering how to deal with his suicidal thoughts.(from episode: K4497)Quotes regarding suicide from Roy Masters’ books: “When you resent your own awareness of wrong, you see the Truth that could save you as the enemy that condemns you; and when you turn hostility inward on yourself in this fashion, you can dig yourself into such a deep hole of depression that you might see suicide as the only way to get any rest from pain.” –Secrets of a Parallel Universe "Children commit suicide by the hundreds of thousands-a million worldwide annually! They simply do not know how to rebel creatively. The only way they see open to them to kill the evil that they see in their parents is to turn their hate inward and kill themselves.” –Secrets of a Parallel Universe “People often prefer death to facing the truth about themselves, so they commit suicide before the agony of reality can catch up with them. Then there are the multitudes who kill themselves to end the agony of their compulsive obeisance to an evil god.” –Su

  • The Gift of Seeing the Truth: A Testimonial


    Steve is a seeker of truth living in his car. He talks with Roy about how Advice Line has confirmed what he has always recognized as the Truth.(Clip from episode: K4614)Read and hear more at the Foundation of Human Understanding: Quotes regarding Truth from Roy Masters’ books: “You realize that you believe what you want to believe, don't you? It follows then that if you want to believe the truth you are already graced with the ability to recognize it when you see it or hear it. This being the case, you will begin to see all your enervating habits in a completely different light.”-Secrets of a Parallel Universe “One plus one equals two, does it not? Now I ask you, ‘How do you know that is so?’ And you might reply, ‘My teacher told me.’ Surely that is not a good enough answer. Now if you ask me how I know that one plus one equals two, I shall reply, ‘Because I can see that it is so.’ The reason I can say this is because there is an inner testimony to the fact by the truth which made it a math