Christ Fellowship



Christ Fellowship is a Were a multicultural community where everyone is welcome and our desire is to be people of grace knowing there are no perfect people. No matter where you find yourself, we want to help you take your next step.


  • The Table | Ep. 5 Remain in the Vine and You Will Bear Much Fruit

    25/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    Imagine knowing that you only have a matter of hours left with your closest loved ones before everything in life is about to change. What would you want to make sure they know? What emotions would be pulsing through your heart? In John 13-16, we see some of the most intimate moments Jesus ever experienced with his disciples. On the same night as Judas’ betrayal, they enjoy their final meal together in the upper room of a Jerusalem home. With a heavy heart, he imparts final words of wisdom and encouragement. The scene is tender, reassuring, and challenging. Even as his disciples fail to fully grasp the spiritual weight of the next 72 hours, Jesus goes out of his way to express his love for them, his confidence in them, and the promise of victory on the other side of the cross. This special scene offers a crystal-clear view into the burdens and love Jesus carries for his followers. It demonstrates strength under control, genuine humility, and sacrificial love beyond imagination. Join us as we come to Jesus’

  • The Table| Ep. 4 Love that Obeys Jesus Recieves Rich Divine benefit

    18/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    Imagine knowing that you only have a matter of hours left with your closest loved ones before everything in life is about to change. What would you want to make sure they know? What emotions would be pulsing through your heart? In John 13-16, we see some of the most intimate moments Jesus ever experienced with his disciples. On the same night as Judas’ betrayal, they enjoy their final meal together in the upper room of a Jerusalem home. With a heavy heart, he imparts final words of wisdom and encouragement. The scene is tender, reassuring, and challenging. Even as his disciples fail to fully grasp the spiritual weight of the next 72 hours, Jesus goes out of his way to express his love for them, his confidence in them, and the promise of victory on the other side of the cross. This special scene offers a crystal-clear view into the burdens and love Jesus carries for his followers. It demonstrates strength under control, genuine humility, and sacrificial love beyond imagination. Join us as we come to Jesus’

  • The Table| Ep. 3 believe in Jesus and be at Peace

    15/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    Imagine knowing that you only have a matter of hours left with your closest loved ones before everything in life is about to change. What would you want to make sure they know? What emotions would be pulsing through your heart? In John 13-16, we see some of the most intimate moments Jesus ever experienced with his disciples. On the same night as Judas’ betrayal, they enjoy their final meal together in the upper room of a Jerusalem home. With a heavy heart, he imparts final words of wisdom and encouragement. The scene is tender, reassuring, and challenging. Even as his disciples fail to fully grasp the spiritual weight of the next 72 hours, Jesus goes out of his way to express his love for them, his confidence in them, and the promise of victory on the other side of the cross. This special scene offers a crystal-clear view into the burdens and love Jesus carries for his followers. It demonstrates strength under control, genuine humility, and sacrificial love beyond imagination. Join us as we come to Jesus’

  • The Table| Ep. 2 Betrayal and Denial Overcome by Love

    04/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    Imagine knowing that you only have a matter of hours left with your closest loved ones before everything in life is about to change. What would you want to make sure they know? What emotions would be pulsing through your heart? In John 13-16, we see some of the most intimate moments Jesus ever experienced with his disciples. On the same night as Judas’ betrayal, they enjoy their final meal together in the upper room of a Jerusalem home. With a heavy heart, he imparts final words of wisdom and encouragement. The scene is tender, reassuring, and challenging. Even as his disciples fail to fully grasp the spiritual weight of the next 72 hours, Jesus goes out of his way to express his love for them, his confidence in them, and the promise of victory on the other side of the cross. This special scene offers a crystal-clear view into the burdens and love Jesus carries for his followers. It demonstrates strength under control, genuine humility, and sacrificial love beyond imagination. Join us as we come to Jesus’

  • The Table| Ep. 1 The Towel

    28/01/2018 Duración: 30min

    Imagine knowing that you only have a matter of hours left with your closest loved ones before everything in life is about to change. What would you want to make sure they know? What emotions would be pulsing through your heart? In John 13-16, we see some of the most intimate moments Jesus ever experienced with his disciples. On the same night as Judas’ betrayal, they enjoy their final meal together in the upper room of a Jerusalem home. With a heavy heart, he imparts final words of wisdom and encouragement. The scene is tender, reassuring, and challenging. Even as his disciples fail to fully grasp the spiritual weight of the next 72 hours, Jesus goes out of his way to express his love for them, his confidence in them, and the promise of victory on the other side of the cross. This special scene offers a crystal-clear view into the burdens and love Jesus carries for his followers. It demonstrates strength under control, genuine humility, and sacrificial love beyond imagination. Join us as we come to Jesus’

  • Restart | Ep. 4 Worship in a Gathering

    21/01/2018 Duración: 30min

    Read your Bible. Go to church. Pray before your meals. Be nice to others. In churches, we’re bombarded with spiritual rules and slogans, but how do we truly engage with God on a regular basis? How can we actually read the Bible, understand it, and apply it to our lives? What does it mean to be in relationship with him? And how does Christian community practically play out on a daily basis? As we bid farewell to 2017 and look towards the new year, this is your chance to restart – to experience God deeply, engage in authentic community, and impact others. Join us for Restart: Four Spiritual Practices, a practical look at the four key practices that will transform your relationship with Jesus and others.

  • Restart | Ep. 3 Impact Others

    14/01/2018 Duración: 30min

    Read your Bible. Go to church. Pray before your meals. Be nice to others. In churches, we’re bombarded with spiritual rules and slogans, but how do we truly engage with God on a regular basis? How can we actually read the Bible, understand it, and apply it to our lives? What does it mean to be in relationship with him? And how does Christian community practically play out on a daily basis? As we bid farewell to 2017 and look towards the new year, this is your chance to restart – to experience God deeply, engage in authentic community, and impact others. Join us for Restart: Four Spiritual Practices, a practical look at the four key practices that will transform your relationship with Jesus and others.

  • Restart | Ep. 2 Connect in a Group

    07/01/2018 Duración: 30min

    Read your Bible. Go to church. Pray before your meals. Be nice to others. In churches, we’re bombarded with spiritual rules and slogans, but how do we truly engage with God on a regular basis? How can we actually read the Bible, understand it, and apply it to our lives? What does it mean to be in relationship with him? And how does Christian community practically play out on a daily basis? As we bid farewell to 2017 and look towards the new year, this is your chance to restart – to experience God deeply, engage in authentic community, and impact others. Join us for Restart: Four Spiritual Practices, a practical look at the four key practices that will transform your relationship with Jesus and others.

  • Restart | Ep. 1 Engaging God Individually

    31/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    Read your Bible. Go to church. Pray before your meals. Be nice to others. In churches, we’re bombarded with spiritual rules and slogans, but how do we truly engage with God on a regular basis? How can we actually read the Bible, understand it, and apply it to our lives? What does it mean to be in relationship with him? And how does Christian community practically play out on a daily basis? As we bid farewell to 2017 and look towards the new year, this is your chance to restart – to experience God deeply, engage in authentic community, and impact others. Join us for Restart: Four Spiritual Practices, a practical look at the four key practices that will transform your relationship with Jesus and others.

  • Simply Christmas | Ep. 4 Jesus

    25/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but it's often not. Rates of depression, suicide, and substance abuse climb in December, all while we're being bombarded by cheery Christmas music in stores and commercials. The chaos, impossible expectations, and stress of the Christmas season are overwhelming. But chaotic as it may be, the reality of Christmas is remarkably simple - the invasion of Heaven into darkness in the form of a baby. It's the culmination of centuries of waiting as Jesus enters our broken world to rescue us from our sin. Simply Christmas, a special look into the simple message of Jesus' birth through the eyes of those who experienced it firsthand. ys.

  • Simply Christmas | Ep. 3 Wisemen

    17/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but it's often not. Rates of depression, suicide, and substance abuse climb in December, all while we're being bombarded by cheery Christmas music in stores and commercials. The chaos, impossible expectations, and stress of the Christmas season are overwhelming. But chaotic as it may be, the reality of Christmas is remarkably simple - the invasion of Heaven into darkness in the form of a baby. It's the culmination of centuries of waiting as Jesus enters our broken world to rescue us from our sin. Simply Christmas, a special look into the simple message of Jesus' birth through the eyes of those who experienced it firsthand. ys.

  • Simply Christmas | Ep. 2 Shepherds

    10/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but it's often not. Rates of depression, suicide, and substance abuse climb in December, all while we're being bombarded by cheery Christmas music in stores and commercials. The chaos, impossible expectations, and stress of the Christmas season are overwhelming. But chaotic as it may be, the reality of Christmas is remarkably simple - the invasion of Heaven into darkness in the form of a baby. It's the culmination of centuries of waiting as Jesus enters our broken world to rescue us from our sin. Simply Christmas, a special look into the simple message of Jesus' birth through the eyes of those who experienced it firsthand. ys.

  • Simply Christmas | Ep. 1 Prophets and Angels

    03/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, but it's often not. Rates of depression, suicide, and substance abuse climb in December, all while we're being bombarded by cheery Christmas music in stores and commercials. The chaos, impossible expectations, and stress of the Christmas season are overwhelming. But chaotic as it may be, the reality of Christmas is remarkably simple - the invasion of Heaven into darkness in the form of a baby. It's the culmination of centuries of waiting as Jesus enters our broken world to rescue us from our sin. Simply Christmas, a special look into the simple message of Jesus' birth through the eyes of those who experienced it firsthand. ys.

  • Social Justice

    26/11/2017 Duración: 30min

    Are we hurting or helping when we give aid to those "less fortunate"? Dive in to the topic of social justice with us and see how we are thinking differently about it these days.

  • Thanksgiving Share Service 2017

    19/11/2017 Duración: 30min

    This Sunday, we celebrate one of our favorite traditions at Christ Fellowship - the Thanksgiving Share Service. It's a service unlike any other we hold during the year, an opportunity we take to reflect, recognize, and thank God for all he’s doing among us. Throughout the service, members of the Christ Fellowship body share stories of God's work in their lives. Some have come through unthinkable tragedy. Others have seen him provide beyond imagination. We will hear from each other, celebrate, worship, and give thanks to our Father as one body.

  • Malachi | Ep. 5 God is Coming

    12/11/2017 Duración: 30min

    In the close to Malachi, God makes it vividly clear that the final day of the Lord will be a time of peace and victory for some, but terror and destruction for others. Ultimately, we all have to ask ourselves the same question - “which will it be for me?” The answer rests on one decision that determines our eternal destiny.

  • Malachi | Ep. 4 Generosity

    05/11/2017 Duración: 30min

    Money. It's a tool with as much potential for evil as good. It's also one of the most difficult topics in the Bible. God makes it clear in Malachi that his desire is to massively bless his people. But could our attitudes and behaviors towards money keep us from experiencing it?

  • Malachi | Ep. 3 Justice

    29/10/2017 Duración: 30min

    Have you ever watched evil people get ahead in life and wonder, "where is God in this?" The dishonest coworker gets the promotion. The jerk keeps winning. The corrupt politician escapes jail time. If God is just, why would he allow these things to happen? The Israelites in Malachi's day were asking these same questions while exiled in captivity. They're supposed to be God's people, so how could he tolerate so much evil done against them? In Malachi 3, God promises a time when they'll be made new again, when those who do blatant evil against others finally face judgement. His words serve both as an encouragement and a challenge to those who underestimate their own offenses against God.

  • Malachi | Ep. 2 Marriage

    22/10/2017 Duración: 30min

    Through day-to-day life, marriage is constantly highlighting and rubbing against our rough edges as we enter into deeper covenant with our spouses. Through its ups and downs, it becomes a living picture of the gospel - two people living in an unbreakable covenant with one another. In Malachi, God addresses the breakdown of marriage among the Israelites of that day, namely in their infidelity. He reminds the men, “do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.” In speaking of divorce, he even writes that the man who leaves his wife “does violence to the one he should protect.”

  • Biblical Community

    09/10/2017 Duración: 30min

    Biblical community is more than just a few people hanging out, reading some Bible verses, and praying for a few minutes. It's diverse, challenging, and Christ-centered. As you'd expect, it's not always comfortable either. But it's exactly what God calls us to embrace.

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