Grace Timonium



The weekly feed of weekend messages from Grace Fellowship Church, Timonium, MD


  • Insecurity


    Scripture: Isaiah 54:17, 1 John 4:4, Judges 6:11-16, Judges 7:22, 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, Judges 7:2, Why do we own labels that are bestowed on us by others? We carry them through life and begin to believe them about ourselves. They make us insecure. But God shows us that insecurity is nothing more than a paper tiger in today's message.

  • Worry


    Scripture: Matthew 6:25-29, 2 Timothy 1:7, James 4:14, Psalm 90:2, Worry is like feeding seagulls – If I feed them then they will go away… NOT true – you feed them and they will come back with all of their homeboys! If he said it, we can do it. Faith is taking God at his word. Faith = believing his promises. The worst thing out there – Terror, and have it show up at the worst possible time – Night. What is it about the dark that make it more scary? How can this be reconciled to what we just read in Psalm 91? One thought… Just because we don’t have to fear it, doesn’t mean that we won’t ever feel afraid. Protection is not the same as exemption. Protection is not the same as exemption – Protection is like an epic Tudor to help you through the test. In this world you will have trouble, but you don’t face trouble alone. Protection in it, not from it.

  • Devotion to Prayer and Worship


    Scripture: Psalm 149:5-9, Judges 20 21, Philippians 4:4-7, Acts 16:25-26 , This church understood the importance of prayer and worship.  The bible says they did it daily. It wasn’t something that they only resorted to in times of trials or when they wanted something from God. It was a part of their routine, a part of their life rhythm and it sustained the church. How do we live a life of daily prayer and worship? How do we cultivate it and sustain it?  What does this look like in our busy day?  

  • Devotion to Fellowship


    Scripture: Acts 2:42, 1 Corinthians 12:12 , Acts 2:46-47, Hebrews 13:2, Matthew 25: 35 - 40 , 1 John 4:19 , We live in an age where we are becoming increasingly non-social. We often text instead of making a phone call.  We Facebook instead of meeting in person. Even within our populated communities, we live isolated from our next door neighbors. We are growing distantly apart in our relationships with one another and yet God desires to use relationships to advance His work in our world. This church understood the importance of relationships as they lived in tight community as one. They fellowshipped together regularly and were intentional about living in community. 

  • Sacrificial Giving and Sharing


    Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 , Acts 2:44, Acts 4:32-36 , Matthew 6:31-33, The believers in this church were not materialistic as they freely shared their resources with one another. In fact, the bible says they shared with anyone who had a need. If one person had a skill that was needed, it was offered.  If one had a resource that was needed, it was offered. At times, they even sacrificed their own comforts for the benefit of someone else by selling their own belongings.  What does this kind of sacrificial giving look like in our world today? How can we come along side one another and help those in need?

  • Unified and Diversified


    Scripture: Acts 2:5-13, Acts 4: 32-33, Ephesians 4:4-7, Philippians 3:20, Ephesians 2:14-16, Galatians 3:28, The Church of Acts was very highly diverse as it says it was represented by believers from every nation under heaven. There were people from different backgrounds, cultures, classes and ethnic groups.  Yet, despite all these differences they were still completely united as one. They were one in their work and one in their identity. How did such a large group of people with such vast differences actually become one? How did different ethnic groups operate as one? In our world we see increased disunity, strife and division among people of all walks of life. Unity seems to be completely lost. Turn on the TV and you will see vitriol and division everywhere.  How can this unified Church from Acts be a guide in our world today?

  • Witness


    Scripture: Acts 1:8 - 11, 1 Timothy 4:12 , To witness is to testify to what you have seen, heard or experienced. A witness in a courtroom is not able to properly testify unless these factors are true. The word witness in the Greek is the same word for martyr. A martyr is one that dies for a cause or belief. The early church testified and witnessed to the power of Jesus Christ not only through the selfless way that they lived but through the way they died. They proclaimed His goodness, His grace and His love for all mankind, even unto death. We are His witnesses today.  How do we proclaim Him through our very lives, or even through death?

  • Safety


    Scripture: Luke 7:1-10, Mark 6:6, Hebrews 11:16, Romans 1:7b, Hebrews 11:1, So much of the time we do whatever we can to avoid danger. We hedge our lives in with protective measures that keep us from feeling vulnerable and unsafe. But vulnerability is exactly what is required if we are going to feel anything. Vulnerability comes from the Latin word that described a break or gap in someone’s armor, leaving them at risk to being hurt. So many of us have built armor around our lives in order to be safe and now we find ourselves isolated and alone. This mindset of safety at all costs actually robs us from the rich and satisfying life found in Jesus.

  • Approval


    Some of us have contracted the “disease to please”. People pleasers are miserable. Living our lives for the approval of others is a dead end street. Many times we are tempted to live in order to gain ‘likes’ and praise from people that we don’t even know. This empty exercise doesn’t fill or satisfy us and causes us to live hollow lives devoid of meaning. Becoming obsessed with what people think about you is the fastest way to forget what God thinks about you. God has wired you perfectly to live uniquely and boldly and his loving eye of approval is ALL you need!

  • Perfectionism


    Scripture: Mark 7:1-7,20-23, Romans 12:2, Colossians 1:28, Philippians 3:12-13, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Hebrews 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 10:14, Perfectionism and good behavior are masks we wear in order to cover up – cover up our brokenness, our disfunction and our sin. Jesus invites us into a life of grace, not perfection. Grace sets us free and touches the real issues that lie beneath the masks. Grace leads us to Jesus who became perfection for us so that we can quit trying to be perfect and to start living fully in the gift of forgiveness that God offers in Christ!

  • Fame


    Scripture: 1 Chron 14:16-17, John 3:30, 2 Corin 5:20, 1 Thess 2:4, All of us have a built-in need to be loved and admired. This God-given need can quickly run off the rails and lead us into a place of destruction. Ultimately, fame belongs to Jesus and our lives should reflect His glory

  • Money and Comfort


    Scripture: Luke 12:15 , Luke 12:20 , Ecclesiastes 5:19 , 1 Timothy 6:17-19 , For many, money and comfort is the aim of life. The thought is that if we could just get a little bit “more” - more money, more vacations, more things – then we will finally be satisfied and happy. The problem is that none of this is true. In fact, for many, money only ascorbates problems and leads to destruction more quickly. Jesus had much to say about chasing this particular carrot. The life worth pursuing is found in Jesus alone, this life is true wealth and satisfaction!

  • Identity Thief


    Scripture: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 1:28, Genesis 2:15, Genesis 3:1-7, John 10:10, Genesis 3:8-13, Does how you see yourself agree with what God says about your identity, purpose and destiny or have you been listening to the Identity Thief?

  • The Mustard Seed


    Scripture: Matthew 13:31-33, Matthew 17:20, Matthew 31:32, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, John 12:24, The ways of God are often seen as mysterious, complex and hard to understand but as Jesus reached the world one of his desires was to make God’s truth very plain. As Jesus taught, He often told contextualized stories to help each listener unearth truth. To the Jews, he used history stories, to the farmer he told agricultural stories and each group moved closer to understanding profound truths about God’s Kingdom. Sometimes, people were not able to understand the deeper meaning in these stories, but those who did were never the same again.This weekend we close our series on the parables by looking at the parable of the mustard seed.

  • The Lamp


    The ways of God are often seen as mysterious, complex and hard to understand but as Jesus reached the world one of his desires was to make God’s truth very plain. As Jesus taught, He often told contextualized stories to help each listener unearth truth. To the Jews, he used history stories, to the farmer he told agricultural stories and each group moved closer to understanding profound truths about God’s Kingdom. Sometimes, people were not able to understand the deeper meaning in these stories, but those who did were never the same again. This week we take a look at the Parable of the Lamp. Luke will share the truth that we all can be the light of the world!

  • Prodigal Son II: Older Brother


    Scripture: Luke 15:25-32, Proverbs 27:4, Philippians 2:3-4, John 1:16 , The ways of God are often seen as mysterious, complex and hard to understand but as Jesus reached the world one of his desires was to make God’s truth very plain. As Jesus taught, He often told contextualized stories to help each listener unearth truth. To the Jews, he used history stories, to the farmer he told agricultural stories and each group moved closer to understanding profound truths about God’s Kingdom. Sometimes, people were not able to understand the deeper meaning in these stories, but those who did were never the same again. This week we take a look at second part of the Prodigal son Parable. Here we look at the brother and how Jealousy consumed him.

  • Prodigal Son: Younger Brother


    Scripture: Matthew 13:34, Luke 15:1-2; 11-24 , Proverbs 1:28-33, Revelation 19:6-8, The ways of God are often seen as mysterious, complex and hard to understand but as Jesus reached the world one of his desires was to make God’s truth very plain. As Jesus taught, He often told contextualized stories to help each listener unearth truth. To the Jews, he used history stories, to the farmer he told agricultural stories and each group moved closer to understanding profound truths about God’s Kingdom. Sometimes, people were not able to understand the deeper meaning in these stories, but those who did were never the same again. This week we take a look at the story of the Prodigal son.

  • Parable of the Buried Treasure


    Scripture: Matthew 13:44-46, Daniel 7:13-14, John 3:16, Romans 5:8, The ways of God are often seen as mysterious, complex and hard to understand but as Jesus reached the world, one of his desires was to make God’s truth very plain. As Jesus taught, He often told contextualized stories to help each listener unearth truth. To the Jews, He used history stories, to the farmer He told agricultural stories and each group moved closer to understanding profound truths about God’s Kingdom. Sometimes, people were not able to understand the deeper meaning in these stories, but those who did were never the same again. This week we are taking a look at the parable of the Buried Treasure.

  • The Pharisee and the Tax Collector


    Scripture: Luke 18: 9 - 14, 1 Samuel 16:7, Matthew 23:26, The ways of God are often seen as mysterious, complex and hard to understand but as Jesus reached the world one of his desires was to make God’s truth very plain. As Jesus taught, He often told contextualized stories to help each listener unearth truth. To the Jews, he used history stories, to the farmer he told agricultural stories and each group moved closer to understanding profound truths about God’s Kingdom. Sometimes, people were not able to understand the deeper meaning in these stories, but those who did were never the same again. This week we take a look at the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector and how the Lord met them right where they were at.

  • Living the Dream


    Does celebrating your birthday every day seem a little extreme? After all, Christians are supposed to be quiet, humble and solemn, right? Wrong. As we conclude the series Blueprints to a Comeback, learn about the joyful life God wants us all to be living...every day.

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