Phantom Galaxy

Illustrated Fan #9: Christmas Specials and Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio



Nathan and Dave return to the Illustrated Fan with a big episode celebrating animated Christmas specials, including classics like How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas and the madness of Rankin Bass! Joining them on this addled odyssey of yuletide delirium is Karen Wagner, from our X-Files Round Table.  We also open the episode with a full review (with a spoiler free and spoilers segment) of Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio.  Without further ado, check out the episode and see which specials Nathan, Dave and Karen chose as their favorites!----more---- Enjoy the episode and leave your comments here or on the Facebook page, or reach out to us on Twitter!  Dave's other places on the internet: Film blog: DVD On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation On Facebook: DVDinfatuation On Instagram: @dbjb6972 On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp YouTube Channel: Visit W3Schools Dave Becker's Podcasts: Horror Movie Podcast Land of the Creeps horror podcast DVD Infatuation @ Considering the Cinema: https://www.consi