Double Deuce Podcast

367: How Many Little Italian Chefs



Still zooming cause football and other minor tragedies, and so this is the saddest episode ever! The Notes: We’re the guests, but we’re also the hosts! We find ourselves back at Timecop! What’s your favorite time travel story!? This American Doc Hollywood! Are these lizard people or are they Texans!? If Will lived in the Ikea! Ethiopian food was the right choice! Will almost doesn’t get to tell a story about Ollie (but don’t worry, he does)! How many refrigerator doors was it!? Will’s Ikea is an absurdist nightmare! Nelson’s already done his Ikea bit! The coins keep rolling in at Big Johnny’s Religion House! The Little Italian Chefs Making Spaghetti System of Rating Sadness! The saddest spaghetti! What do you see when you picture a little Italian chef? We’re talking about some Chef Boyardee-lookin’ motherfuckers! As usual, telemarketing is the saddest of all! Will remembers the plot of Newsies, and it was apparently not prolabor! Is Newsies a little bit like Philip Roth’s debut book Goodbye, Columbus!? Goodby