Double Deuce Podcast

359: The ‘ol Salty Pancake



We’re back in Nelson’s kitchen for a second episode of the day! The Notes: Will’s getting German up in here! Will has German friends! Germans call New Years Eve “Sylvester,” and spend it watching Finner for One, apparently! Will’s German friend would give Indiana Jones pause! Woodworking, Princess Diana, and DJing! Nelson spent time in a POW camp! Will did a bad parent thing! Ollie is a slow, naked eater! Will accidentally but justly gave Ollie the ‘ol salty pancake! Will’s sticky, minty beard! Unintentional prank war! Your favorite segment, Nerd TV Corner from the Future Past, is back! We’re talking about Rings of Power and House of the Dragon from a week plus ago, so any spoilers are older! More Rings of Power love! The Hobbits are Welsh! Wizard and Dark Lord ponderances! More House of the Dragon quibbles! Matt Smith in a wig = Gordon Ramsey! Will wants more shirtless Matt Smith! Less sexy uncle time, please! Slow down and enjoy the crabs! Contact Us! Follow Us! Love Us! Email: Twit