Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast

Episode 76 - ...And a Bit of Punky Brewster



Companion Spin-offsThere are a variety of Doctor Who spin-off series, featuring characters from both classic and nuWho. Jessica and Phillip pitch their own ideas for new companion series featuring ... the Doctor's companions! Whether it is Ace in a prequel or sequel series or Rory and Amy solving mysteries in New York City, there are lots of opportunities for new Doctor-less adventures in time and space.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple visit the Sixth Doctor's final outing in "The Ultimate Foe" aka episodes 13 and 14 of "The Trial of a Time Lord." Did Colin Baker get the unknown sendoff he deserved? Did the series wrap up in a satisfying way? Which fate for Peri is preferred? Let us know your season 23 thoughts!