

This week Ivan and Stephen eat blocks of cheese the size of car batteries and wear urban sombreros as they talk about the secondary characters from the final Season 8 episode in the podcast series, The Foundation. Topics covered include Blink One Eight/Eighty Two, Seinfeld cast members being in Aussie TV commercials, Jerry becoming the showrunner from this episode on, and carpooling with your friends and another parent; Seinfeldisms (from 4:00), Seinfeld News (from 7:33), episode trivia (from 13:31); secondary characters Mr and Mrs Ross (from 18:36), Delores AKA Mulva (from 26:17), Wyck Thayer (from 31:45), J Peterman in this episode (from 35:28), Joey and Mrs Zanfino (from 38:29), and Sensei (from 43:42). Where will the episode and/or any of the secondaries appear in our list of the greatest episodes and characters of all time? Listen and find out! — Sign up to our Patreon page for early access to BIDWBASC, exclusive access to bonus podcast 'Curbcast’, instant access to unaired episodes of ‘Season 11', a