

This week Ivan and Stephen move to Anytown USA and have ‘shiksa-peal’ as they talk about the secondary characters from the final Season 9 episode in the series, The Serenity Now. Topics covered include ‘repeat’ Seinfeldisms, a day in the life of Steve Koren, Psychologists vs Psychiatrists, and Sleepless In Seattle; Seinfeldisms (from 2:50), Seinfeld News (from 5:04), episode trivia (from 8:36); secondary characters Patty (from 16:53), Adam Lippman (from 30:46:), and Lloyd Braun and Frank Costanza in the context of this episode (from 38:29:). Where will the episode and/or any of the secondaries appear in our list of the greatest episodes and characters of all time? Listen and find out! — Sign up to our Patreon page for early access to BIDWBASC, exclusive access to bonus podcast 'Curbcast’, early access to future podcasts, as well as other bonus content! Head over to to sign up. You can also support us with a one-off donation on Paypal at Your donations will hel