Phantom Galaxy

Phantom Galaxy Review: The Batman, Fresh, Sunshine, Studio 666, Strawberry Mansion and more



Welcome back to Phantom Galaxy!  This episode is another review episode, with Nathan and Bill covering several new releases including Scream 2022, Fresh, Studio 666, Shut-In, Chain Reaction (2006), Strawberry Mansion, Those Who Walk Away, The Clown Murders, and the new tv show From on Epix.  Nathan also reviews Matt Reeves The Batman with some help from Joel Robertson from Retro Movie Geek and Jay of the Dead's New Horror Movies. As  special treat, we have a long-time-coming review from Jay of the Dead himself, recorded last summer, discussing one of his favorite science fiction films, Danny Boyle's Sunshine from 2007. Check out the episode and then head over to the Phantom Galaxy Facebook group and share your favorites!  Other places to find Bill: Jason Pyles' other podcasts and places to contact: On Twitter: @ConsiderCinema Film Blog / Audio Podcast: HORROR-Only Content: