Maid Of Steel: A Supergirl Podcast

MOS 163 - The Last Words



The Legacy of Supergirl for me will always be friends.  The friends that I would not have found if I hadn’t entered the superhero world. I began as many did with Arrow. Having no comic knowledge. I sought out a podcast to help understand this new world. The adventures of Oliver Queen were always a little dark for this butterfly, but I kept watching. Not as much for the show itself but for the Arrow Squad and the people it was drawing into its ranks.  Green Butterfly was technically born on the Central City Underground which celebrated The Flash. The brighter, more humorous tone suited my personality better, but I was still waiting for my hero. I had never heard of Supergirl.   I had seen a few superhero movies when I was younger, but my memories were hazy.  Almost everything I knew was coming from these new CW shows.  Then I met the Scarlet Cougar and Miss Ice. They both helped me understand the multiverse that was beginning to unfold in front of me.   I knew from the very first episode that Supergirl was goi