Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Traveling with Newly Adopted Children



Traveling with kids is hard enough when you know them and they know you. How in the world do you travel with with a newly adopted child. How do you keep a child entertained during the plane, cab, car, bus rides that are inevitable? Join our guests Brooke Randolph, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and founding team member MLJ Adoptions, Inc., where she currently serves as the VP of Social Services. She is a single adoptive mother who has recently traveled with her newly adopted 6 year old son; and Susie Doig, an adoption social worker with Holt International Adoption Agency. adopt child, international adoption, overseas adoption, adopt from abroad, special needs adoption, addoption, foster care adoption, independent adoption, adopt from Ethiopia, Ethiopia adoption, Ukraine adoption, adopting from China, adopting from Korea, adopting from Russia, adopt from Colombia, adopt from Bulgaria, adopt from Poland, infant adoption, child adoption, kids adoption, toddler adoption, adoptable children, older child adopti