
137: Thises World Class (Sonny Boy)



Aniki is set adrift into the multiverse with the summer 2021 psychological mystery dark horse series: Sonny Boy. A group of middle-schoolers find themselves and their whole school building transported into a pitch-black void. To their surprise and amusement, they also discover that each of them has been given a superpower. With the clashing of their personalities, goals, immaturity, and powers, can they unite and find their way back home? Also featuring: Pokemon, Bakappuru, and Dune 2021. Haven't seen this show? Go watch Sonny Boy. Watch before you listen! Show Notes General0:15Anime Review6:55 General Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl Bakappuru Dune 2021 Sonny Boy Watch Now Lord of the Flies Quantum Leap Tatami Galaxy Folding Ideas: Annihilation Flip Flappers Next Time TBD Follow us on social media: | Facebook | Twitter