Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Using Integrative Medicine in Fertility Treatment



How can integrative medicine be used in fertility treatment? What alternative treatments work to increase your chance of success with infertility? What complimentary medicine techniques can help when trying to conceive? Our guest today to talk about integrative medicine in infertility treatment and IVF is Dr. Carmelo Sgarlata, a Reproductive Endocrinologist and the director of Integrative Medicine at the Reproductive Science Center of the Bay Area.acupuncture and infertility, acupressure and infertility, Chinese Medicine and infertility, Homeopathy and infertility, Chinese herbs and infertility, mind/body and infertility, massage and infertility. Blog summary of the show and highlights can be found here:  Blog summary of the show  Highlights   More Creating a Family resources on alternative and integrative medicine in fertility can be found here.Support the show (