Republic City Dispatch

Republic City Dispatch #2: The Revelation



BE FOREWARNED - Discussion includes Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Promise (Part One) and Chapters 1&2 of The Legend of Korra. Good Morning Benders and Non-Benders alike and welcome back to the Republic City Dispatch, a radio programme covering Nickelodeon’s Legend of Korra series. This week, in episode three, the very bowels of Republic City were rocked by the Equalist movement’s “Revelation.” The “The Revelation” is the third Chapter from Book One: Air, which aired Saturday April 21st. Hosted by Devindra Hardawar of the /Filmcast and Da7e and Matt Patches of Operation Kino. Did you love the episode as much as we did? Is the “yellow” theory too freaking crazy? MORE PABU? Send us questions and comments through: Tumblr, E-mail, and Twitter. Make sure to subscribe to us on iTunes (and kick us a review if you like what you hear!) You can also subscribe through Soundcloud and our RSS there.